900字范文 > 知识产权法定主义 The Nunerus Clausus Principle of Intellectual Property英语短句 例句大全

知识产权法定主义 The Nunerus Clausus Principle of Intellectual Property英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-04 20:30:24


知识产权法定主义 The Nunerus Clausus Principle of Intellectual Property英语短句 例句大全

知识产权法定主义,The Nunerus Clausus Principle of Intellectual Property

1)The Nunerus Clausus Principle of Intellectual Property知识产权法定主义


1.Judicial Activism,Judge-made Law and the Doctrine of Numerus of IPR;司法能动、法官造法和知识产权法定主义

2.The Numberus Clauses of Intellectual Property and Its Application;知识产权法定主义及其适用——兼与梁慧星、易继明教授商榷

3.The Defects of the Numberus Clauses of Intellectual Property and the Resolution Thereof知识产权法定主义的缺陷及其克服——以侵权构成的限定性和非限定性为中心

4.1.Definition of "intellectual property"1."知识产权"定义。

5.Historic Origin,Numberus Clause and Legal Characteristics of the Intellectual Property Rights知识产权的历史成因、法定主义及其法律特征

6.Globalization,Regionalization and Localization of Intellectual Property: Issues,Policy and Methodology;知识产权法全球化、区域一体化与本土化:问题、主义与方法

7.Propertism or instrumentialism:probe into A Philosophy of Intellectual Property;独占主义抑或工具主义——《知识产权哲学》探微

8.The developing of Intellectual Property Rright of RFID自主知识产权RFID标准系列报道(一) 自主知识产权RFID标准制定进展

9.National Intellectual Property Strategy under Global Protectionism of Intellectual Property知识产权全球保护主义环境下的国家知识产权战略

10.“The Standardization of Independent Intellectual Property”,A Scientific Term and Concept﹖;“自主知识产权的标准”的提法科学吗?

11.Regulation on the Abuse on Intellectual Property Rights--Analysis of the Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights in PRC Antitrust Law (draft);知识产权滥用的法律规制——浅析反垄断法草案对知识产权的规定

12.Discussion on Judicial Evaluation in Criminal Cases involving Intellectual Property Right;知识产权刑事司法鉴定若干问题研究

13.Identification and the application of law about the breach fee of contracts about intellectual properties;知识产权合同违约金认定及法律适用

14.Value orientation of the law for Intelligem Property Right--Innovation;试论知识产权法的价值定位——创新

15.TRIPs Agreements and Chinese Legal Protection of Intellectual Property;TRIPs协定与中国知识产权的法律保护

16.Problems of Intellectual Property Statutory Compensation and Countermeasures知识产权法定赔偿面临的问题及对策

17.Rights exhausted of intellectual property and its significance in law;知识产权的权利一次穷竭及其法律意义

18.Statutory Principles of Intellectual Property and Innovative System of Intellectual Property in China;论知识产权法定原则——兼论我国知识产权制度的创新


Capitalist IPR Law资本主义知识产权法

1.On basis of introducing the history evolution of IPR Law,the article analyzed the social characters of IPR Laws of different society,and emphasized on talking about the standing-root,social and development characters ofCapitalist IPR Law,and at last put some views about the essence and development solutions of Socialist IPR Law.知识产权法的产生、发展具有鲜明的历史性和社会性,本文在阐述知识产权法历史演进过程的基础上,对各社会形态下知识产权法的社会属性进行了辨析,并着重讨论了资本主义知识产权法的立法依据、社会属性及发展特征,最后,对社会主义知识产权法的本质属性及发展对策提出若干看法。

3)Socialist IPR Law社会主义知识产权法

1.On basis of introducing the history evolution of IPR Law,the article analyzed the social characters of IPR Laws of different society,and emphasized on talking about the standing-root,social and development characters of Capitalist IPR Law,and at last put some views about the essence and development solutions ofSocialist IPR Law.知识产权法的产生、发展具有鲜明的历史性和社会性,本文在阐述知识产权法历史演进过程的基础上,对各社会形态下知识产权法的社会属性进行了辨析,并着重讨论了资本主义知识产权法的立法依据、社会属性及发展特征,最后,对社会主义知识产权法的本质属性及发展对策提出若干看法。

4)intellectual property law知识产权法

1.On the Value of Good-faith Principle to Intellectual Property Law;诚信原则之于知识产权法的价值解读

2.The Influence of entry into WTO on Chinese Intellectual Property Law;入世对我国知识产权法的影响

5)Law of Intellectual Property Right知识产权法

1.On the Application of Situational Plays to the Teaching of theLaw of Intellectual Property Right;论情景剧在知识产权法教学中的运用

2.A core law in this era is the law of intellectual property right enforcement.然而,现行的知识产权法已显然不适应新时代的要求,它正面临着许多亟待解决的新问题。

6)Intellectual Property Rights Law知识产权法


