900字范文 > 财务舞弊 Financial fraud英语短句 例句大全

财务舞弊 Financial fraud英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-13 03:18:05


财务舞弊 Financial fraud英语短句 例句大全

财务舞弊,Financial fraud

1)Financial fraud财务舞弊

1.Influence of economic crisis on enterprise financial fraud经济危机对企业财务舞弊的影响

2.Based on a sample of 137 financial fraud listed companies and matched control no-fraud firms,this paper empirically tests the relationship between investors legal protection and the likelihood of firm financial fraud.本文以我国2002—受处理的137家上市公司及配对公司为研究对象,通过对投资者法律保护与财务舞弊之间关系的实证研究发现,投资者法律保护程度与上市公司财务舞弊负相关,投资者法律保护程度的改善能有效降低财务舞弊概率。


1.Corrupt governance:The Analysis based on the characteristics of financial fraud of listed companies舞弊治理:基于上市公司财务舞弊特征的分析

2.Positive Study on the Financial Fraud of Top Management Team of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司高管财务舞弊实证研究

3.An Empirical Analysis of the Relation Between Corporate Governance and Financial Statement Fraud;公司治理与财务舞弊关系的经验分析

4.Research on Chinese Financial Fraudulent Behavior Analysis and Control Model;我国财务舞弊行为分析及控制模式研究

5.Analysis of Financial Fraud by Listed Companies after Split-share Reform;股权分置改革后上市公司财务舞弊分析

6.How does Board of Directors Size Affect Corporate Financial Fraud? An Evidence Test;董事会规模影响财务舞弊的机理及其实证检验

7.A Study on the Financial Statements Fraud Identification of China s Listed Company;我国上市公司财务报表舞弊识别研究

8.Study on Detecting of Financial Report Frauds of Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司财务报告舞弊识别研究

9.Listed Company s Financial Report Fraud and It s Regulation in China;我国上市公司财务报告舞弊及其规制

10.The Research on the Financial Report Fraud of Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司财务报告舞弊问题研究

11.Empirical Research on Identifying the Possibility of Fraudulent Financial Statements;财务报告舞弊可能性识别的实证研究

12.A Study on the Structure of board of directors and Financial Reports Fraud;董事会构成与财务报告舞弊问题研究

13.The Research on Financial Reporting Fraud Based on the Perspective of Corporate Governance公司治理视角下的财务报告舞弊探析

14.Analysis on the Legal Responsibility of the Fraudulent Practices in American Listed Companies" Financial Reports对美国上市公司财务报告舞弊的法律责任分析

15.An Empirical Study on Fraudulent Financial Reporting of Listed Companies in China;中国上市公司财务报告舞弊特征的实证研究

16.Hypothesis of Four Factors for Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Its Empirical Test;财务报告舞弊四因子假说及其实证检验

17.The Factors of Fraudulent Financial Statements;上市公司舞弊性财务报告产生的因素分析

18.An Empirical Research on Financial Statement Fraud and Equity Financing Predicament;财务报告舞弊与股权融资困境的实证研究


fraudulent financial reporting财务报告舞弊

1.Hypothesis of Four Factors for Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Its Empirical Test;财务报告舞弊四因子假说及其实证检验

2.An Study on Fraudulent Financial Reporting of Listed Companies;上市公司财务报告舞弊研究

3.The paper finds that financial pressure faces by the listed companies is the direct incentives contributing to the fraudulent financial reports,while the ineffective corporate governance,poor CPA audit quality and insufficient punishment provide opportunity forfraudulent financial reporting.财务报告舞弊严重干扰了证券市场秩序,损害了投资人利益。

3)financial report defraud财务报告舞弊

1.The author indicated that it is just the first step to establish it,only should we improve the efficiency of it,we can govern thefinancial report defraud.本文以的上市公司为样本,对影响审计委员会设立的因素进行了实证分析、同时指出,审计委员会的设立只是第一步,只有提高其效率才能对财务报告舞弊起到治理作用。

2.The problem offinancial report defraud in listed companies can t be explained completely by internal controlling of man- agers,the several big shareholders have controlled the companies,thus they can get private interests,financial report defraud is only a means that can conceal their behaviors.经理人员对上市公司的内部控制已不能完全解释上市公司的财务报告舞弊问题,大股东控制了上市公司,通过对上市公司的利益侵占获取私人收益,财务报告舞弊是隐瞒大股东行为的手段。

4)fraud accounting cases财务舞弊事件

5)embezzlement of financial report舞弊财务报告

1.The dissimilation of incentive system of stock option and theembezzlement of financial report;论股票期权激励机制异化与舞弊财务报告

6)financial statements fraud财务报告舞弊

1.With the gradual development of Chinese stock market, accounting information disclosed by public companies has become an important source of information to investors when they are making their decisions, but because thefinancial statements frauds break out frequently in Chinese stock market.随着我国证券市场的日益发展,上市公司公开披露的会计信息越来越成为投资者进行决策的重要信息来源,但是由于我国证券市场上的财务报告舞弊事件频频发生,损害了广大报告使用者的利益,在很大程度上造成他们对证券市场的信心不足,破坏了我国证券市场的健康发展。


