900字范文 > 制度保障 system guarantee英语短句 例句大全

制度保障 system guarantee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-29 05:41:01


制度保障 system guarantee英语短句 例句大全

制度保障,system guarantee

1)system guarantee制度保障

1.Working focus of water-saving society establishment andsystem guarantee;节约型社会的工作重点和制度保障

2.Based on clarifying the content and meaning of social justice, we should combine the following two things in order to embody social justice in public:providing powerfulsystem guarantee and promoting citizen s participation in administration.政府一方面要提供有力的制度保障,另一方面要促进公民积极参与社会管理。

3.Therefore, from the certainty of the thought of moral norms, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of moral principles, intensify the credit and authority of moral norms, integrate self discipline with external discipline in the form of asystem guarantee, and finally turn the c.因此 ,必须从道义规范的思维必然性出发 ,强化伦理建设 ,强化道义规范的信用与权威 ,以制度保障的形式及信用度 ,把自律和他律统一起来 ,把理想的必然 ,转化为现实的必


1.Study on Secutity Effect of Minimun Living Security System;城市居民最低生活保障制度保障效果研究

2.How the Peasant Workers Realize the Change which from the land Guarantee to the System Guarantee;农民工如何实现从土地保障向制度保障转变

3.social security system of "three guarantees"社会保障"三条保障线"制度

4.Social Security: The social security system was pushed forward actively.社会保障:社会保障制度积极推进。

5.Deepening reforms of the medical support system and logistics outsourcing.深化医疗保障制度和社会化保障改革。

6.Setting Up a Labor Security Supervision System建立劳动保障监察制度

7.unsafeguarded nuclear facilities保障制度之外的核设施

8.material violation (of safeguard)(对保障制度)的实质违反

9.full fuel cycle safeguards全燃料循环保障制度

10.Swiss Federal Social Security System瑞士联邦社会保障制度(瑞社保制度)

11.Thinking of Essential drugs system and Medical Insurance System in China基本药物制度与医疗保障制度的思考

12.Taxation is Born to be a Capital Financing Method of Social Insurance System--On the Dispute of Social Security Tax;开征社会保障税:社会保障制度的本质要求

13.From"Fee"to"Tax":the Only way for the Reformation of Social Security System;社会保障“费”改“税”:社会保障制度改革的必由之路

munity Social Security--A New Way to Develop Social Security System;社区社会保障——社会保障制度发展的新途径

15.Focusing on the Severe Diseases: A New Medical Security System Framework;论构建以大病保障为核心的医疗保障制度

16.Solicit the Thought of the Perfect Social Security System and Tax of Social Security Open;开征社会保障税与完善社会保障制度的思考

17.Establishing the Housing Guarantee System and Rapidly Improving Social Guarantee System;建立住房保障制度 加快完善社会保障体系

18.Reflection on Land Security and Innovation of Rural Social Security System;土地保障与农村社会保障制度创新研究


system security制度保障

1.And it elaborates thesystem security which teaching reform needs to take measures, teaching infrastructure in teaching reform, and the need of the human environment and a good school spirit construction in teaching reform.并阐述了进行教学改革所必需的制度保障措施,教学改革中的教学基本建设内容以及教学改革所需要的人文环境和良好的校风建设。

2.The improving capacity of developing the socialist democracy politics is directly forms thesystem security of people s democracy.改革开放新时期,中国共产党驾驭社会主义经济能力的提高,最终促成了人民民主建设物质基础的初步奠定;发展社会主义民主政治能力的不断增强,直接推动了人民民主建设制度保障的有效确立;发展社会主义先进文化能力的提高,有力指导了人民民主建设所需文化基础的初步形成。

3.Expounds that the problems of the development of electronic government in China mainly concentrate on the establishment of construction goal,information resource management andsystem security system.阐述了我国电子政务发展中的问题主要集中在电子政务建设目标的设立、信息资源管理和制度保障体系三个层面。

3)Institutional guarantee制度保障

1.Corporate Governance, Accounting Information and the Institutional Guarantee of Creditors Interests;公司治理、会计信息与债权人利益的制度保障

2.This paper points out that growing spaces need to be reserved for private education and the investment in schooling needs institutional guarantee.本文提出要为民办教育预留成长空间和投资办学需要制度保障,建议通过条件达标、人才支持和专项资助等政策措施,建设几所高水平民办本科院校。

4)System safeguard制度保障

5)systematic guarantee制度保障

1.On thesystematic guarantee for the transformation of the police function from the type of administration to that of service;略论警察职能由管理型向服务型转变的制度保障

2.As a new economic development mode in the modern society,extensive circular economy must establish relevantsystematic guarantee in order to keep normal operation and development.作为现代社会一种全新的经济发展模式,广义循环经济要获得正常运行与发展就必须为自己构筑相应的制度保障体系,主要包括建立健全生态法则的理论指导体系、生态补偿的市场调节体系、政治生态化与生态政治化的政治保护体系、生态立法的法律制约体系、生态文明的文化支撑体系等五个方面的内容。

3.Asoud market order promotes the development of socialist market economy,while the transformation of governmental functions provides asystematic guarantee.我国目前市场秩序混乱的深层次原因是一些地方政府职能的“错位”与“缺失”并存 ,因此 ,只有调整与转换政府职能 ,才能为市场秩序的根本好转提供制度保障。

6)guarantee system制度保障

1.On the Guarantee System of Harmonious Relationship between Police and People试论警民和谐的制度保障

2.And the paper reviews the research results of the foreign fishing circular econo-my which focuses on the development of marine resources and the research area ofguarantee system.文章首先对循环经济的内涵及运行原则进行回顾,指出循环经济是一种实现生态效益和经济效益双赢的可持续经济;并对国外渔业循环经济的研究成果进行述评,其成果多集中在海洋资源开发和制度保障研究领域;然后对中国渔业循环经济研究特点进行分析,主要表现在注重对发达国家经验获取、渔业循环目标模式、渔业资源开发和渔业循环制度保障方面;最后,对当前研究给予简短评价。


