900字范文 > 政策性负担 policy burden英语短句 例句大全

政策性负担 policy burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 19:24:09


政策性负担 policy burden英语短句 例句大全

政策性负担,policy burden

1)policy burden政策性负担

1.Policy Burden,Moral Hazard and Soft Budget Constraint;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束

2.By introducingpolicy burden, a stochastic variable, into the Principal - Agent relationship, this paper clarifies the mechanism of SBC (Soft Budget Constraint) induced bypolicy burden.通过在标准的委托代理模型的生产技术中引入刻划政策性负担的随机变量,本文阐明了政策性负担引发软预算约束的机制;并阐明对委托人而言,采取把政策性负担从生产技术当中剥离,让代理人仅仅在市场不确定性下经营,而后委托人从代理人提供的资源当中划拨相应部分来消化政策性负担的方式,优于直接把政策性负担嵌入生产技术过程来消化的方式。

3.Since information asymmetry and incentive are incompatible,policy burdens will lead to the adverse selection of university presidents,and hence the excessive loans and low efficiency.高校所承担的政策性负担造成了高校软预算约束和超量贷款。


1.Policy Burden,Moral Hazard and Soft Budget Constraint;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束

2.Relative Study of Policy Burden and Incentive Scheme in SOB;政策性负担和国有银行激励机制的相关性研究

3.Policy burden,adverse selection and soft budget constraint of HEIs;政策性负担、逆向选择与高校软预算约束

4.Policy Burden,Soft Budget Constraints and Debt Governance:Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms;政策性负担、预算软约束与杠杆治理:基于中国上市公司的实证研究

5.State-Holding Share,Policy Burden and Performance:a Study on the Program of Strategic Investor Importing for State-Owned Banks;国有股权重、政策性负担与绩效——国有银行战略引资方案探析

6.The Effect of Policy Burden on Principal - Agent Relationship;政策性负担对委托代理合同及代理人行为的影响

7.Policy Burden and Enterprise s Soft Budgetary Binding: a Case Study from China;政策性负担与企业的预算软约束:来自中国的实证研究

8.Policy Burden,Strategic Investor Introduction and Corporate Governance of State-owned Commercial Bank政策性负担、战略引资与国有商业银行的公司治理

9.Secondly, I should like to discuss the policy relating to the financial burden.其次,说到我们的负担政策。

10.The present condition of taxation shoulder and the choice of taxation policy in our country;我国税收负担现状与税收政策的选择

11.Analyzing the Burdens and Requirements of Severe Mental Patients" Families and Policy Response on Them In View of Public Policy重性精神病人家属的负担、需求与政策回应——基于公共政策视角的分析

12.The adoption of this policy will relieve the union of a tremendous burden采纳这一政策将会减轻工会的沈重负担

13.As for the policy concerning burdens, we should really take the interests of the ordinary masses into account.在负担政策上,则应确实照顾基本群众的利益。

14.The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.采取这一政策会给他们解除一个巨大的负担。

15.We should conscientiously implement all policies and measures designed to lighten the burden on farmers.认真落实减轻农民负担的各项政策措施。

16.The adoption of this policy would relieve the unions of a tremendous burden.采纳这一政策将会减轻工会的沉重负担。

17.Analysis on China s Macro Tax Burden Trend and Policy Selection;我国宏观税收负担走势分析与政策选择

18.The Agrican Policy of Reducing People s Burden in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas of Jin - Cha - Ji Districts;晋察冀敌后抗日根据地减轻农村负担政策简析


Policy Burden政策负担

3)burden policy负担政策

4)agrican policy on people"s burden农村负担政策

5)farmer"s burden policy农民负担政策

6)policy guarantee政策性担保


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
