900字范文 > 信息披露质量 disclosure quality英语短句 例句大全

信息披露质量 disclosure quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 04:20:16


信息披露质量 disclosure quality英语短句 例句大全

信息披露质量,disclosure quality

1)disclosure quality信息披露质量

1.The Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Cost of Equity Capital of Listed Companies in China;信息披露质量与股权融资成本

2.An Empirical Research on Information Disclosure Quality and Systematic Risk of Stock Return for the Listed Firms;上市公司信息披露质量与股票收益系统性风险的实证研究

3.A Research in the Effect of the Listed Companies Disclosure Quality on the Cost of Equity Capital in China;中国上市公司信息披露质量对股权融资成本影响的研究


1.An Empirical Analysis on the Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure;我国上市公司会计信息披露质量研究

2.Empirical Study on the Relation between Information Disclosure Quality and the Company s Performance;信息披露质量与公司业绩的关系研究

3.Ownership Concentration,Investors Protection and Quality of Information Disclosure;股权集中、投资者保护与信息披露质量

4.Analysis of Controlling Shareholders’Choices of Accounting Disclosure Extent;大股东会计信息披露质量的选择分析

5.Research on Evaluation of Corporate Disclosure Quality上市公司会计信息披露质量评价研究

6.The Effect of Disclosure Quality on the Cost of Equity Capital信息披露质量对权益资本成本的影响

7.A Study on Non-profit Foundation Information Disclosure Appraisal and the Governance;非营利基金会信息披露质量评价及其治理研究

8.The Empirical Study on Factors Influencing the Quality of Listed Companies Information Disclosure;上市公司信息披露质量影响因素的实证研究

9.The Empirical Study on Disclosure Quality of Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司信息披露质量的实证分析

10.An Empirical Study on the Voluntary Disclosure of Listed Company;上市公司自愿性信息披露质量实证研究

11.The Study of the Effects of the Quality of Informative Disclosure on the Cost of Equity Capital;信息披露质量对权益资本成本的影响研究

12.Study on Quality of Financial Information Disclosure Based on Corporate Governance;基于公司治理的财务信息披露质量问题研究

13.The Information Announcing Quality Evaluation Method of Listed Company and Application Study;上市公司信息披露质量评价方法与应用研究

14.The Analysis about the Influence of Information Quality on the Cost of Equity;信息披露质量对股权融资成本的影响分析

15.Disclosure Quality of Accounting Information:an Empirical Research from Macro Aspect;会计信息披露质量:宏观视角的经验研究

16.On Measurement of the Information Disclosure Quality in Chinese Listed Companies Based on the Theory of Entropy;基于熵理论的上市公司信息披露质量测度

17.The Rules and Quality Standards of Information Disclosure of Commercial Banks;论商业银行信息披露原则和披露信息的质量标准

18.Accounting Information Disclosing in the Second Board;创业板市场会计信息披露的质量要求


information disclosure quality信息披露质量

1.On Measurement of the Information Disclosure Quality in Chinese Listed Companies Based on the Theory of Entropy;基于熵理论的上市公司信息披露质量测度

2.Empirical Study on the Relation between Information Disclosure Quality and the Company s Performance;信息披露质量与公司业绩的关系研究

3.Taking listed companies in Shenzhen Stock Exchange from 2001 to as samples,and disclosure evaluation of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as agency variable of disclosure quality,this paper analyzes how theinformation disclosure quality influences agency cost.文章以2001年到深圳证券交易所的上市公司作为研究样本,深圳证券交易所对上市公司信息披露考评作为信息披露质量的替代变量,应用多元回归与Heckman两阶段回归实证研究了信息披露质量对于代理成本的影响。

3)Quality of Information Disclosure信息披露质量

1.In this paper,we want to empirically examine whether this system can improve the quality of information disclosure of the listed companies in our country,and whose characteristics improve the quality of information disclosure.本文旨在检验这一制度是否提高了我国上市公司的信息披露质量,以及提高信息披露质量的审计委员会特征。

2.So the quality of information disclosure directly effects on the decision of the investors and whether the securities market can effectively operate or not.当代社会是一个信息的社会,上市公司对外披露的相关信息是连接上市公司和证券市场的桥梁和纽带,上市公司信息披露质量将直接影响信息使用者的决策以及证券市场能否正常、有效的运行和发展。

3.Using the ranking data of quality of information disclosure provided by SSE,it finds out that there is a positive relationship between institutional investors\" ownership and quality of listed companies\" information disclosure,which suggests that our institutional investors\" ownership can prominently improve the information quality in stock market.利用深交所提供的信息披露质量考评指标进行实证检验,发现我国机构投资者持股、持股规模和参与持股家数与信息披露质量正相关,表明我国机构投资者能促进资本市场信息质量提升。

4)The quality of information disclosure信息披露质量

1.On the one hand, the quality of information disclosure can reduce the degree of information asymmetry of the capital market, thus reduce transaction costs; On the other hand, it can improve the efficiency of capital markimprove the allocation of resources, and promote economic growth.随着我国市场经济的日益发展,信息披露质量对于投资者和上市公司具有积极的作用。

2.The quality of information disclosure of listed companies directly related to the effectiveness of securities markets, investor protection and other important issues.上市公司信息披露质量高低,直接关系到证券市场有效程度、投资者保护等重要问题。

5)information quality信息披露质量

1.Therefore this paper chooses A share listed companies Shenzhen Stock Exchange for samples based on both direct and indirect point of view, and studies disclosure ofinformation quality on the cost of equity capital.信息披露质量对权益资本成本的影响研究属于信息披露的经济后果研究的范畴,是国际资本市场研究的重点领域之一,随着我国证券市场的完善,披露机制的建立,信息披露的地位越来越重要。

6)Corporate Disclosure Quality公司信息披露质量


