900字范文 > 自发乳腺癌 Spontaneous breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

自发乳腺癌 Spontaneous breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-27 09:36:32


自发乳腺癌 Spontaneous breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

自发乳腺癌,Spontaneous breast cancer

1)Spontaneous breast cancer自发乳腺癌


1.The Research of Differential Protein Involved with the Spontaneous Breast Cancer in TAⅡ Mice;TAⅡ小鼠自发乳腺癌肿瘤相关差异蛋白研究

2.The Expression of FGF-1 in Breast and Its Effect on Genesis of Spontaneous Breast Cancer in TA2 MiceFGF-1在TA2小鼠乳腺中的表达变化及其对自发性乳腺癌发生的作用

3.A fifteen-year survivor of breast cancer,she had suffered two heart attacks when advanced cancer was found in her lung.自患乳腺癌以来,她已幸存了,发现晚期肺癌时还犯过两次心脏

4.The Related Mechanism of Clusterin Expression and TA2 Mouse Spontaneous Breast Cancer Development;Clusterin在TA2小鼠自发性乳腺癌发生过程中的作用及相关机制

5.The Preliminary Study of Serum Differential Protein Involving in the Occurrence of Spontaneous Breast Cancer in Mice;小鼠自发性乳腺癌发生相关的血清差异蛋白初步研究

6.The Effect of Estrogen and Progesterone in the Spontaneous Breast Cancer of TA2 Mice and the Related Mechanisms;雌孕激素在TA2小鼠自发性乳腺癌发生过程中作用及相关机制

7.Expression of RETmRNA in malignant breast tissues of patients with multiple primary carcinomas in breast and thyroid and the clinical significance乳腺、甲状腺多原发癌患者乳腺癌组织中RETmRNA的表达及意义

8.papillary adenocarcinoma乳头状腺癌, 息肉状腺癌

9.Study of the Relationship between the Gene Silence of Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene, BRCA1 and the Pathogeny of the Sporadic Breast Cancer;乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1沉默与散发性乳腺癌发病相关性的研究

10.The application of Orem"s self-care theory on fatigue of breast cancer patients during chemotherapy自理理论在乳腺癌化疗疲乏中的应用

11.Analysis of factors influencing cosmetic results of breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer乳腺癌保乳手术即刻自体整形美容效果分析

12.The Expression of BRCA1 Protein in Sporadic Breast Cancer and Its Clinical Significance;乳腺癌易感基因(Brca1)在散发性乳腺癌中的表达及临床意义

13.The Research of Hereditary Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes of Hunan Population in China with Familial Breast Cancer or Early-onset Breast Cancer中国湖南人群家庭性乳腺癌和早发性乳腺癌遗传易感基因的研究

14.Risk Factors Affecting The Contralateral Breast Cancer after Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer乳腺癌正规治疗后对侧乳腺癌发生的危险因素分析

15.Study for the clinical significance of local thickening of mammary gland in the early diagnosis of breast cancer乳腺腺体局限性增厚在乳腺癌早期发现中的临床意义分析

16.in breast cancer, 27 percent.对乳腺癌为27%。

17.Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α,Survivin and Breast CancerHIF-1α、Survivin与乳腺癌

18.Steroid Sulfatase Expression in Cancerous, and in Normal, Human Breast Tissues and Its Role in the Pathogenesis and Development of Breast CarcinomaSTS在乳腺癌和正常乳腺组织中的表达及其在乳腺癌发生发展中的意义


TA2 mouse spontaneous breast cancerTA2自发乳腺癌小鼠

3)Primary breast cancer乳腺原发癌

4)breast carcinogenesis乳腺癌发生

5)recurrent and metastatic breast cancer复发转移乳腺癌

1.Objective To explore the short-term effect and side-effect of vinorelbine combined with cisplatin in the treatment ofrecurrent and metastatic breast cancer.目的观察长春瑞滨联合顺铂治疗复发转移乳腺癌的效果和毒副作用。

6)Multiple primary breast carcinoma多原发乳腺癌


