900字范文 > 加味生化汤 Modified biochemical decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味生化汤 Modified biochemical decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-11 03:07:35


加味生化汤 Modified biochemical decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味生化汤,Modified biochemical decoction

1)Modified biochemical decoction加味生化汤

1.Objective :Modified biochemical decoction observation on the treatment of uterine bleeding after the Central Clinical.目的:观察加味生化汤治疗上环后子宫出血的临床疗效。

2)Shenghua Decoction生化汤加减

1.Influence ofShenghua Decoction Plus Feet Bath on Uterine Involution and Sleep Quality of Patients with Cesarean Section;生化汤加减足浴对剖宫产术后产妇子宫复旧和睡眠质量的影响

3)Modified Shenghua Decoction加减生化汤

1.Clinical Examination ofModified Shenghua Decoction in Treating 32 Cases of Hemorrhage after Abortion by Durgs;加减生化汤治疗药物流产后出血32例临床观察

4)Modified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction加味六味地黄汤

1.Objective:To observe the curative effect and safety ofModified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,and explore the mechanism and offer the sientific basis for the further improvement and clinic application ofModified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction.目的:观察加味六味地黄汤治疗2型糖尿病(肝肾阴虚,气阴两伤型)的临床疗效与安全性,进而探讨加味六味地黄汤的疗效机理,为进一步改善配方及推广加味六味地黄汤的应用打下基础。


1.The Clinic Research of the Treatment to Type 2 Diabetes by Added Liuwei Dihuang Decoction加味六味地黄汤治疗2型糖尿病的临床研究

2.Clinical Study of Liuweidihuang Decoction on Treating T2DM with Deficiency of Qi and Yin Stasis Syndrome加味六味地黄汤治疗2型糖尿病(气阴两虚型)的临床研究

3.Study on the protective effect of Jiawei Liuwei Dihuang recipe on the hepatic injury of the infancy rats induced by cyclophosphamide加味六味地黄汤对环磷酰胺致幼年大鼠肝损害的保护作用

4.Effect of Modified Liuwet Dihuang Decoction for the Treatment of Chloasma:An Observation of 51 Cases六味地黄汤加味治疗黄褐斑51例临床观察

5.The Clinical Observation of Therapy of Rehmanni ae Decoction of Six Ingredients Add or Subtract on Diabetic Nephropathy;“六味地黄汤”加减治疗糖尿病肾病的临床观察

6.The Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction on the Chondrocyte Apoptosis and Proliferation of Experiment Rabbit Osteoarthritis;六味地黄汤对兔软骨细胞凋亡与增殖

7.Protective effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction (六味地黄汤) on thrombosis in aged rats with blood stasis六味地黄汤对衰老加阴虚血瘀模型大鼠的保护作用

8.Effect of Rehmanniae Decoction of Six Ingredients on Renal Protein Kinase C Activity and Content of Transforming Growth Factorβ_1 in Serum of Diabetic Nephropathy Rats六味地黄汤加味对糖尿病肾病大鼠肾脏蛋白激酶C活性及血清转化生长因子β_1的影响

9.The Liuwei Dihuang Decoction Interferes the Research of the Function to the Apoptosis of the Lymphoid Cell;六味地黄汤对淋巴细胞凋亡干预作用的研究

10.The Quality Research of LW Decoction Metabolized by PSB;经光合细菌代谢的六味地黄汤质量研究

11.Apply Metabonomics Approach to Study the Kidney-deficiency Syndrome and the Intervention of Liu Wei Di Huang Tang肾虚证代谢组学及六味地黄汤的干预研究

12.Studies on Chemical Structure of Polysaccharides from Liuweidihuang六味地黄汤中三个多糖组分的化学结构研究

13.Bolus of Six Drugs Including Rehmannia六味地黄丸(中成药)

14.Clinical Research on the Effect of Liuweidihuang Decoction on Treating Chronic Glomerulonephritis;六味地黄汤治疗肾阴虚型慢性肾小球肾炎的临床研究

15.Preparation, Pharmacology and Fingerprint of Liuweidihuang Decoction Metabolized by PSB;六味地黄汤光合细菌代谢液的制备、药理及指纹图谱研究

16.The Optimization of Fermentation Technics and the Research on the Principal Components of LW Metabolized by PSB;光合细菌六味地黄汤发酵工艺的优化及其主要成分的研究

17.The Primary Study on Mechanism of Liuwei Dihuang Pill(LW) in Dementia Mice Model with Diabetes Mellitus;六味地黄汤对糖尿病复合痴呆模型小鼠干预机制的研究

18.Experimental Research on Effects of Liuwei Dihuang Tang on Causing Senility to Ovaria of Mice六味地黄汤对雌性致衰模型小鼠生殖器官影响的实验研究


Shenghua Decoction生化汤加减

1.Influence ofShenghua Decoction Plus Feet Bath on Uterine Involution and Sleep Quality of Patients with Cesarean Section;生化汤加减足浴对剖宫产术后产妇子宫复旧和睡眠质量的影响

3)Modified Shenghua Decoction加减生化汤

1.Clinical Examination ofModified Shenghua Decoction in Treating 32 Cases of Hemorrhage after Abortion by Durgs;加减生化汤治疗药物流产后出血32例临床观察

4)Modified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction加味六味地黄汤

1.Objective:To observe the curative effect and safety ofModified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,and explore the mechanism and offer the sientific basis for the further improvement and clinic application ofModified LiuWei DiHuang Decoction.目的:观察加味六味地黄汤治疗2型糖尿病(肝肾阴虚,气阴两伤型)的临床疗效与安全性,进而探讨加味六味地黄汤的疗效机理,为进一步改善配方及推广加味六味地黄汤的应用打下基础。

5)Rehmanniae Decoction of Six Ingredients六味地黄汤加味

1.Effect ofRehmanniae Decoction of Six Ingredients on Renal Protein Kinase C Activity and Content of Transforming Growth Factorβ_1 in Serum of Diabetic Nephropathy Rats六味地黄汤加味对糖尿病肾病大鼠肾脏蛋白激酶C活性及血清转化生长因子β_1的影响

6)Jiaweisan"ao Decoction加味三拗汤

1.Spasmolysis ofJiaweisan"ao Decoction on tracheal smooth muscle of guinea pig in vitro;加味三拗汤对离体豚鼠气管平滑肌的解痉作用

2.Experimental study on the antiasthmatic effect and impact on pulmonary function ofJiaweisan"ao Decoction加味三拗汤平喘作用及对肺功能影响的实验研究


五加生化胶囊药物名称:五加生化胶囊汉语拼音:Wujiashenghua Jiaonang主要成分:刺五加浸膏、当归、川芎等。性状:药理作用:经动物抗疲劳试验,结果见其可延长游泳时间,有抗疲劳的作用,另外对离体大鼠子宫平滑肌和家兔在体子宫均具有增强收缩频率和幅度的效应。功能与主治:益气养血,活血祛瘀。适用于人流术后气虚血瘀所致阴道流血,血色紫暗或有血块,小腹疼痛按之不减,腰背酸痛,自汗,心悸气短,舌淡,兼见瘀点,脉沉弱等。用法与用量:口服。一次6粒,一日2次。温开水送服,疗程3天,或遵医嘱。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项:非人流术后常规用药;人流术后发热、子宫出血过多者禁用。规格: 0.4g/粒贮藏:密封,置阴凉干燥处。有效期:暂定一年半。处方药:是
