900字范文 > 迟滞机理 Hysteresis characteristics英语短句 例句大全

迟滞机理 Hysteresis characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-06 15:44:00


迟滞机理 Hysteresis characteristics英语短句 例句大全

迟滞机理,Hysteresis characteristics

1)Hysteresis characteristics迟滞机理

2)lagging-behind of culture and ethics文化伦理迟滞


1.The Lagging-behind of Culture and Ethics during Modernization Process and Its Consequences;论现代化过程中的文化伦理迟滞及其后果

2.cultural [culture] lag文明迟滞(指精神文明落后于物质文明)

3.An ethical culture is the soul of business ethics.伦理文化是经济伦理的灵魂。

4.Describe an ethical culture.形容一种伦理文化。

5.A Contrastive Study on Pre-Qin Confucian Ethical Culture and Muslim Ethical Culture;先秦儒家伦理文化与伊斯兰伦理文化的比较

6.lagging feedback迟滞反馈,迟滞回授

7.An Exploratory Analysis of the Reasons for Initial Slow Growth of Civilization in Southern China;江南地区文明初期发展迟滞原因探析

8.Preisach modeling of hysteresis for fast tool servo system快速伺服刀架迟滞特性的Preisach建模(英文)

9.Mechanism analysis of sidegating effect hysteresis in GaAs MESFETsGaAs MESFET旁栅迟滞特性的机理分析

10.On the Impact of Ethics and Folk Culture on the Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai;伦理、民俗文化对青海审美文化的影响

11.The Ethical Path of Rule of Law Culture in the Context of Harmonious Culture;和谐文化语境下法治文化的伦理路径

12.The choice and fixed position of cultural ethics about network culture construction;网络文化建设的文化伦理选择和定位

13.Cultural globalization, global ethic and renovation of education philosophy;文化全球化、全球伦理与教育理念更新

14.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化

15.Emergence of Environmental Ethics: the Drastic Change in the History of Ethical Culture;环境伦理学的产生是伦理文化史上的深刻变革

16.The Psychological,Theoretical and Ethical Issues in Cultural Exchange;文化交流中的心理、学理与伦理问题

17.Chinese Traditional Culture and Ancient Ethic──An Culture Investigation of the Chinese Ancient Ethic;中国传统文化与古代伦理──中国古代伦理的文化考察

18.Turning Morality into Culture--Zhang Dongsun s Theory of Ethics;化道德为文化——张东荪的伦理思想


lagging-behind of culture and ethics文化伦理迟滞

3)sample skew processing采集迟滞处理

4)mechanical hysteresis effect机械迟滞作用


1.Adaptive Sliding Model Control for Hysteresis System Based on Prandtl-Ishlinskii Model;基于普艾模型的迟滞系统自适应滑模控制

2.An original single-ended inputhysteresis comparator;一种新的单端输入迟滞比较电路

3.Aadptive control with feedback linearization ofhysteresis nonlinear aeroelasticity;迟滞非线性气动弹性反馈线性化自适应控制

6)retentivity mechanism滞留机理


迟滞迟滞物理学术语。以视频方式显示的影像学装置中,视频摄像机的特性参数之一,也称时间响应。迟滞是视频摄像机对输入给它的亮度快速变化响应速度的测量参数。比如当以1/30s的间隔读出一个视频帧时,摄像机需一系列帧幅来达到平衡值。此现象称“建成迟滞”(buildup lag)。在另一种情况下,当亮度在摄像机“消隐”时到达摄像机,则无信号电流读出,但在靶上有电荷建成。亮度脉冲中止后摄像机增辉,开始正常的视频读出,因靶上有遗留的残余电荷,在第二、三帧时仍有可感知的信号水平。称“余辉迟滞”(decay lag)。摄像机若迟滞明显,则可限制成像系统的时间分辨力。
