900字范文 > 统计能量分析法 statistical energy analysis英语短句 例句大全

统计能量分析法 statistical energy analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-10 14:21:20


统计能量分析法 statistical energy analysis英语短句 例句大全

统计能量分析法,statistical energy analysis

1)statistical energy analysis统计能量分析法

1.It is demonstrated thatstatistical energy analysis and AutoSEA could be used in the ship noise predict.应用统计能量分析法(SEA)预测中高频段船舶噪声。

2.Based on thestatistical energy analysis(SEA),the geometrical model,the physical model and the mathematical model of the engine room are established.以统计能量分析法为基础,编制船艇机舱吸声仿真计算软件,为船艇机舱噪声预测分析和吸声降噪设计开发提供理论指导。


1.Statistical Energy Analysis on Interior Noise Control of Passenger Car;轿车车内噪声控制的统计能量分析法

2.Application of Statistical Energy Analysis Method in Noise Barriers Design and Research统计能量分析法在声屏障设计研究中的应用

3.A Summary of Ship Noise Prediction with Statistical Energy Analysis Method统计能量分析法在船舶噪声预测中的应用综述

4.Forecast of Internal Combustion Engine Based on the Statistical Energy Analysis;基于统计能量分析方法的内燃机噪声预示

5.A Survey of Statistical Energy Analysis Methods for Vehicle Middle-High Frequency Noise汽车中高频噪声统计能量分析方法的研究综述

6.The design of electric energy metering device running status analysis system电能计量装置运行状态分析系统设计

7.The Statistical Simulation Analysis of the Minimal Statistics Method Selecting the Distribution Function;最小统计量法选择分布函数的统计模拟分析

8.UPQC Energy Flow Analysis and Capacity Calculation based on Minimum Energy Method基于最小能量法UPQC能量流动分析及容量计算

9.Application of SEA in Aerodynamic Noise Research on the Vehicle Exterior Flow Field;统计能量分析方法在车外流场气动噪声研究中的应用

10.The Application of SEA Method in the Forecast of High Frequency Wheel/rail Noise;统计能量分析方法在轮轨高频振动噪声预测中的应用

11.Statistical Energy Analysis on Satellite High-frequency Vibration & Isolation基于统计能量法的卫星高频振动分析及隔振研究

12.Analysis on high frequency vibration isolation of coupled sound cavity-structure model based on statistical energy method基于统计能量法的声场-结构耦合模型高频振动隔振分析

13.Method for High-middle Frequency Vibration Prediction of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Statistical Energy Analysis基于统计能量分析的开关磁阻电机中高频振动预测方法

14.Simulation Study on Car Interior Noise Based on SEA基于统计能量分析方法的轿车车内噪声仿真研究

15.Design and Development of Power Quality On-line Analyzing System电能质量在线分析系统的设计与实现

16.Electrical Power System Overtone to Electrical Energy Measurement Impact Analysis电力系统谐波对电能计量的影响分析

17.Electric Power Consumption Statistics and Energy-saving Analysis for Public Buildings in University高校公共建筑耗电量统计及节能分析

18.Statistical Analysis and Forecasting Methods in Econometrics数量经济学中的统计分析与预测方法


Energy method/Statistical energy analysis能量法/统计能量分析

3)statistical energy analysis method统计能量分析方法

4)Statistical energy analysis统计能量分析

1.Prediction of cab noise of construction machinery by statistical energy analysis;统计能量分析用于工程机械驾驶室噪声预估

2.Prediction of metro vehicle noise based on statistical energy analysis;基于统计能量分析法的地铁车辆噪声预估

3.Relevancy among power flow theory,statistical energy analysis and energy finite element method;功率流理论、统计能量分析和能量有限元法之间的关联性

5)statistical energy analysis(SEA)统计能量分析

1.The structure vibration in high frequency and sound radiation of torpedo shell is studied by means of statistical energy analysis(SEA).针对鱼雷的高频振动和声辐射,应用统计能量分析建立了鱼雷结构的统计能量分析模型,探讨了模型的简化和统计能量分析参数的计算方法,给出了算例,结果表明,该方法能有效地应用在鱼雷结构振动传递分析上,具有较强的工程适用性和可操作性。

2.The sound pressure level,power flow and the different statistical energy analysis(SEA) models of the cylinder are used to discuss the relationship between subsystem modal number and low frequency limit of SEA.借助于AutoSEA软件和实验手段,对类似于飞机机身舱段的圆柱壳结构内部声压级进行数值计算和实验测量,并通过建立不同统计能量分析(SEA)模型和功率流分析,探讨复杂结构SEA分析中子系统模态数和下限分析频率的关系。

3.An acoustic model of certain type plane is established in this paper based on statistical energy analysis(SEA) theory.基于统计能量分析(SEA)原理,建立了某型号飞机试验平台SEA模型,通过分析舱内噪声的主要能量来源,对能量输入的主要板件(舱壁、窗户等)进行了降噪处理,结果表明客舱内的噪声强度得到了一定程度的降低,所用的降噪处理措施是可行的。


1.Pass-by Noise of Train Running on Viaduct Based onSEA;列车通过高架桥结构时的运行噪声统计能量分析(SEA)研究

2.Research of applyingSEA in vibration and sound radiation of submerged double cylindrical shell;基于灰色理论的水下双层壳体振动与声辐射统计能量分析

prehensive Method ofSEA Parameter Determination and Its Applications;统计能量分析参数的综合确定方法及应用


分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)fenbu he tezhengliang tongjj分布和特征量统计见统计分析。
