900字范文 > 电磁响应 electromagnetic response英语短句 例句大全

电磁响应 electromagnetic response英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 22:48:35


电磁响应 electromagnetic response英语短句 例句大全

电磁响应,electromagnetic response

1)electromagnetic response电磁响应

1.Hybrid FEM-BEM for simulation ofelectromagnetic response;有限元-边界元法计算电磁响应(英文)

2.Reciprocity ofelectromagnetic response and its application in sensitivity calculation.;电磁响应的互换原理及其在响应灵敏度计算中的应用

3.Laboratory research work on characteristics ofelectromagnetic response of outbursts prone coal was conducted by use of an experimental system composed of a ΔP instrument and an electromagnetic field generator.根据煤屑瓦斯放散理论 ,分析了实验现象的机理 ,应用突出煤体电磁响应特征 ,提出了关于突出机理和突出防治的新见解。


1.Calculation about electromagnetic response for frequency-domain AEM of vertical magnetic dipole垂直磁偶极源频率域航空电磁响应计算


3.Three-component TEM Response on Thin Plate Conductor导电薄板的三分量瞬变电磁响应规律研究

4.Transient Electromagnetic Response of Over Head Transmission Line Excited by an Electric Dipole架空传输线在电偶极子激励下的瞬态电磁响应

5.Research on the transient electromagnetic response in tunnel whole space and its application隧道全空间瞬变电磁响应的研究与应用

6.Surface Modification of Magnetic Metal Nanoparticles and Electromagnetic Response Property of Their Composite;磁性金属纳米粉的表面改性及其复合物的电磁响应特性

7.Effect of the Magnetoelectric Coupling on Thermodynamic Properties in Ferroelectromagnets;磁电耦合效应对铁电磁体热力学性质的影响

8.Effects on Armature Reaction of Permanent Magnet DC Motor by Unequal Thickness Poles不等厚磁极对永磁直流电动机电枢反应的影响

9.Horizontal Components Response and Its Application of Magnetic Sources Transient Electromagnetic Method磁性源瞬变电磁场水平分量响应特征及应用

10.The Acoustic Wave Propagation in Molecular Magnets via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency;电磁诱导透明效应对分子磁体中声波的影响

11.The Influence of Current Annealing on GMI Effect of Soft Magnetic Alloy FeZrBCu Films;电流退火对FEZRBCU软磁合金膜巨磁阻抗效应的影响

12.Accurate Determination of Response Frequencies of Direct-current On-off Solenoid Valve直流电磁开关阀响应频率的精确测定

13.Elimination of EMI on the fast pulse neutron快脉冲中子场响应中的电磁干扰研究

14.The Response of the Ionospheric TEC to Magnetic Storms over the Bay of Biscay比斯开湾上空电子总量对磁暴的响应

15.Influence of Superposing Electricity and Magnetic Field on the Solidification Structure of Metals电、磁复合效应对金属凝固组织的影响

16.Response Analysis of the Earth Electromagnetism Exceptionally in Earthquake Process地震过程中的大地电磁异常响应关系

17.Simimulation Analysis and Study on Transient Property of High Speed Switch Electromagnetic Valve高速开关电磁阀动态响应建模与仿真

18.Overall electro-acoustic frequency response for reproduction of magnetic stripe sound records on 70mm motion-picture release prints--Reproduction characteristicsGB/T14000-199270mm电影涂磁发行拷贝上磁性声迹还音电-声频率响应特性


magnetoelectric response磁电响应

1.The theoretical analysis of themagnetoelectric responses of magnetostrictive/ piezoelectric laminate composite vibrating in the longitudinal mode is presented.本文对沿长度方向振动的磁致伸缩/压电层状复合材料的磁电响应进行分析,其中磁致伸缩层沿长度方向磁化,压电层沿厚度方向极化。

3)electromagnetic wave response电磁波响应

4)EM coupling response电磁耦合响应

1.This method is used to delineaste oil and gas deposits according to the behavior of measured P parameter curves which shows the variation of the ratio of IP response toEM coupling response with frequency.对均匀大地和二层大地的频率域电场差分法理论曲线进行的计算和研究表明 ,电场差分法是一种以目标地质体和围岩在电阻率和极化率方面的差异为基础 ,根据测量到的能明显反映激电响应与电磁耦合响应的比值随频率变化的P参数曲线在性态上的差异来圈划油气藏的一种电法勘探方法 。

5)transient electromagnetic response瞬变电磁响应

1.Using triple integral equation based on scalar Green function for forward modelingtransient electromagnetic response to a 3 D anomalous body, a frequency response of electromagnetic field component has been evaluated first on frequency domain, then the evaluated results has been transformed into time domain by using fast numeric filtering algorithm.用基于张量格林函数的体积分方程对三维异常体进行瞬变电磁响应的正演模拟 ,首先在频率域内计算电磁场分量的频率域响应 ;然后利用快速数字滤波技术将计算结果转换到时间域。

2.in this paper, the author has investigated thetransient electromagnetic response of a spherical geologic body embedded in an uniform conducting medium.对被均匀导电介质包围的球形地质体的瞬变电磁响应作了解析研究。

3.The volume integral equation method based on tensor Green s function is used to modeling thetransient electromagnetic responses from a reservoir in a layered formation.用基于张量格林函数的体积分方程法对层状地层中一个油藏的动态变化过程进行了瞬变电磁响应的正演模拟。

6)EMP response电磁脉冲响应

1.FDTD-MTL method forEMP response of shielded MTL;屏蔽多导体强电磁脉冲响应的FDTD-MTL混合计算方法研究


冲激响应冲激响应impulse response下面介绍单位冲激函数与脉冲函数。脉冲函数P。(t)定义为,O
