900字范文 > 磁耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

磁耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-26 14:49:21


磁耦合 magnetic coupling英语短句 例句大全

磁耦合,magnetic coupling

1)magnetic coupling磁耦合

1.Discussion of the energy relation of a couple ofmagnetic coupling circuits;两个磁耦合回路能量关系的探讨

parative analysis of rotormagnetic coupling ability for doubly - fed brushless machine with different rotor structure;不同转子结构无刷双馈电机转子磁耦合作用的对比分析

3.In the present review the advance of theoretical studies on the spin frustration leaded from competingmagnetic coupling interactions is briefly summarized.简要地介绍多核配合物磁耦合竞争自旋阻挫的理论研究进展。


1.Magnetic Exchange Coupling of SmCo Thin FilmsSmCo磁记录薄膜中磁耦合作用的研究

2.Design and study in magnetic field distribution of electromagnetic coupling apparatus磁疗电磁耦合器设计及磁场空间分布研究

3.Experimental Study on Magneto-mechanical Coupling Behavior of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys Ni_2MnGa;铁磁形状记忆合金Ni_2MnGa的力—磁耦合行为实验研究

4.Modeling and Differential Geometry Flux Decoupled Control of Planar Integrating Magnetic VRM;平面磁集成电压调整模块建模方法及磁耦合微分几何解耦控制

5.Numerical Simulation Study of Coupling between Stress and Magnetism for Magnetic Memory Effect of the Welding Crack;焊接裂纹磁记忆效应力磁耦合的数值模拟研究

6.Analysis on Electromagnetic Coupling of Transient Electromagnetic Wave to Interconnect Cables of Electronic Systems瞬态电磁波对电子设备电缆的电磁耦合分析

7.Finite Element Analysis on Torque of Magnetic Coupling of Gear Pump磁传动齿轮泵磁耦合器扭矩有限元分析

8.electromagnetic coupled type double tuned amplifier电磁耦合式双调谐放大器

9.magnetic coupling mechanism and Schatzman mechanism磁耦合机制和沙兹曼机制

10.Theory of Interlayer Exchange Coupling in F/NM Multilayers Film;铁磁/非铁磁多层薄膜的层间耦合理论

11.Quantum Transport Through a Single-molecular Magnet Coupled to the Ferromagnetic Leads单分子磁体耦合铁磁电极的量子输运


13.Maxwell Electromagnetic Stress Tensor and Electromagnetic Solid Dynamics麦克斯韦电磁应力张量和电磁固体耦合动力学

14.Effect of the Magnetoelectric Coupling on Thermodynamic Properties in Ferroelectromagnets;磁电耦合效应对铁电磁体热力学性质的影响

15.The Study on Coupling Mechanism and the Magnetoelectric Properties in the Ferroelectromagnetic System;铁电磁系统的耦合机制及磁电性质研究

16.Magnetoelectric coupling and magnetoresistance in oxygen-deficient YBCO ceramics缺氧YBCO多晶陶瓷的磁电耦合与磁电阻效应

17.Electromagnetic-structural Coupling Analysis of the Pulse Superconducting Magnet Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的脉冲超导磁体电磁结构耦合分析

18.Dynamic Characteristics of Electro-Magneto-Mechanical Coupling for Magnetostrictive Actuators磁致伸缩作动器的电-磁-机耦合动力特性


electromagnetic coupling电磁耦合

1.Investigation on Electromagnetic Coupling & Interference of Electric System;电子系统的电磁耦合干扰研究

2.Study on wireless multi-channel data transmission system based onelectromagnetic coupling基于电磁耦合的无线多路数据传输系统

3)ferromagnetic coupling铁磁耦合

1.Influence of Cu interlayer thickness onferromagnetic coupling of Co/Cu/Co nano-multilayers;Co/Cu/Co纳米多层膜的铁磁耦合效应

2.It is proved that there are topological rules in magnetic coupling between radicals of conjugated systems: radical sites through the even number of carbons are conjugated, low spin state is stable ground state, the molecules correspond to antiferromagnetic coupling; while those through odd carbon atoms are conjugated, h.针对以吡啶为耦合单元,以·CH2、·NH2+、HNO·和·NH 4种自由基为自旋单元的5种体系,采用密度泛函方法进行计算,得到了双自由基之间磁性耦合的拓扑规则,即共轭体系中,两个自由基之间以偶数个碳(或氮)原子耦合,体系具有低自旋基态,表现为反铁磁耦合;两个自由基之间以奇数个碳(或氮)原子耦合,体系具有高自旋基态,表现为铁磁耦合。

3.Weakferromagnetic coupling between intra-chain Cu(Ⅱ) ions is confirmed by SQUID measurement.磁性表征显示链内邻近的Cu2+之间存在弱的铁磁耦合作用。

4)coupling of heat andmagnetism热磁耦合

5)magnetic coupling磁力耦合

1.A new detecting method of fiber optical sensing technique for continuous observing Concrete and Rockfill Dams andmagnetic coupling technology is present, by which a new displacement sensor is developed.提出采用新的位移测量方法和磁力耦合技术 ,进行混凝土结构和堆石坝连续观测的检测原理和方法 ,并研制了一种新型传感器。

2.According to the principle of planemagnetic coupling in axial direction,designed a test-bed of axial direction magnetic drive mechanism,which can be used to test the rotor speed 、torque 、the gap of magnetic field and other dynamic performance parameters in different magnetic fields.根据轴向平面磁力耦合原理设计了轴向磁力驱动机构的测试平台,能测试其在不同磁场条件下,主、被动转子的转速、扭矩、磁场间隙等动态性能参数。

6)magnetic fluid coupling磁流耦合


