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阴极保护检测 cathodic protection inspection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-11 20:57:14


阴极保护检测 cathodic protection inspection英语短句 例句大全

阴极保护检测,cathodic protection inspection

1)cathodic protection inspection阴极保护检测

2)cathodic protection(CP) coupon阴极保护检查片

3)Cathodic Protection Monitoring阴极保护监测


1.Study on Cathodic Protection Monitor Probe and the Evaluation of Pipeline Coating Quality of Pipeline in Soil;埋地管道阴极保护监测探头及防护层质量评价的研究

2.Study on Real-time Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Cathodic Protection Status of Offshore Platform;海洋平台阴极保护实时监测与评估系统研究

3.Inspection Techniques and Cathodic Protection for Crude Oil Tank Bottom Plates原油储罐底板的检测技术及阴极保护

4.Evaluation of Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection of Steel Pipe Piles of a Wharf in Zhoushan舟山某码头钢管桩牺牲阳极阴极保护系统检测

5.Study on the Cathodic Protection Power Supply Intellectualized Monitor System Based on LabVIEW;基于LabVIEW的阴极保护电源智能测控系统研究

6.Corrosion Reason of Underground Steel Pipelines and Cathodic Protection Measurements某埋地管道阴极保护测量与腐蚀原因分析

7.Study on testing probe for cathodic protection of PCCP of Mid-route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线工程PCCP阴极保护测试探头研究

8.cathodic protection parasites妨碍阴极保护的物质

9.ambient light filter(阴极射线管) 保护滤光器

10.solar-powered cathodic protection太阳能阴极保护系统

11.silicon-iron anode for cathodic protectio用于阴极保护的硅铁阳极

12.Application and Progress of Cathodlc Protection Technology for Deep Wells Anodes深井阳极阴极保护的应用及相关技术

13.An Investigation of Cathodic Protection Potential and Potential Measuring of Pipe in Soils;埋地管道阴极保护电位参数及电位测试技术研究

14.Research of Defect Detection & Evaluation Method for Protective Coating of Buried Steel Pipeline Based on Cathodic Protection;基于阴极保护的埋地钢质管道外覆盖层缺陷检测与评价方法研究

15.Determination of Cathodic Protection Parameters of Grounding Grid接地网阴极保护中最佳保护电位的研究

16.Impressed current cathodic protection system for ship hullGB/T3108-1982船体外加电流阴极保护系统

17.The electrical isolation of cathodic protected pipelines阴极保护管道的电绝缘标准

18.Technical standard for external surface cathodic protection of bottom of steel storage tanks钢制储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准


cathodic protection(CP) coupon阴极保护检查片

3)Cathodic Protection Monitoring阴极保护监测

4)cathodic protection阴极保护

1.Study on numerical calculation method in thecathodic protection of the corrosion field;数值计算在腐蚀领域阴极保护设计中的应用

2.The problem and solutions of initial polarization of marine steel structures in the application ofcathodic protection;海洋钢结构阴极保护初始极化问题及解决途径

3.The application of 2-D finite element method in calculatingcathodic protection fields of steel in marine environment;海水中A3钢样阴极保护电化学场的二维有限元计算

5)cathode protection阴极保护

1.Measurement on thecathode protection potential of under-ground pipe;地下管道阴极保护电位测量

2.The application ofcathode protection method in steel water supply pipe;阴极保护技术在给水钢管上的应用

3.Application ofcathode protection technology to anti-corrosion treatment for buried natural gas pipelines of gas-fired power plants阴极保护技术应用于燃气电厂输气地埋管道的防腐处理

6)catholic protection阴极保护

1.Thecatholic protection (CP) effectiveness of metal pipe with sleeve was experimentally investigated.以简化电路模型为依据 ,用实验方法对加外套管的管道阴极保护效果进行了分析。

2.The entire scheme of the pipelinecatholic protection system wireless supervisory system based on the GPRS technology,various functions,the system characteristic are described.分析了多种无线通信方式的优劣,论述了采用GPRS用于远程数据传输的优点,给出了基于GPRS技术的长输管道阴极保护系统的无线监控系统的整体方案、各功能的实现、系统的特点,并简单介绍了GPRS技术在东黄输油管道阴极保护无线数据采集系统的成功应用。


