900字范文 > 坝踵防裂防渗 crack and seepage control at dam heel英语短句 例句大全

坝踵防裂防渗 crack and seepage control at dam heel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-18 08:16:29


坝踵防裂防渗 crack and seepage control at dam heel英语短句 例句大全

坝踵防裂防渗,crack and seepage control at dam heel

1)crack and seepage control at dam heel坝踵防裂防渗

1.After many studies and researches, some key technologies, such as the shape optimization of arch dam,crack and seepage control at dam heel, the seismic fortification measures, the flood discharging and energy dissipation measures, dam foundation treatment and the abutment foundation treatment, have been solved progressively.通过可行性研究、初步设计以及国家"九五"科技攻关等一系列研究,逐步解决了小湾拱坝体形优化、坝踵防裂防渗、抗震、泄洪消能、坝基基础处理和坝肩抗力体地质缺陷处理等关键技术。

2)anti-cracking and anti-seepage防裂防渗

3)Infiltration-protection of dams of reservoirs库坝防渗

4)seepage prevention of dam foundation坝基防渗

1.Using the definition of clogging in the other field,this paper concludes the concept and definition of clogging aboutseepage prevention of dam foundation,and seepage clogging equipment is self-designed and made.文章借鉴其它领域对淤堵作用的定义,归纳了水库坝基防渗方面淤堵作用的相关概念和定义,并自行设计研制了渗透淤堵仪,进行了一系列试验,在试验的基础上,分析了淤堵作用的存在和降低土体渗透性的作用过程,从而论证了淤堵作用对坝基防渗或减渗的意义。


1.Influence of Impervious Body of Dam Foundation on Saturation Line and Seepage土坝坝基防渗体对浸润线和渗流量的影响分析

2.Study on Reservoir Leakage and Antiseepage Measurement of Dam Foundation in Karst Region;岩溶地区水库渗漏问题及坝基防渗措施研究

3.Data analysis on impervious wall under construction of Renzonghai hydropower station仁宗海水库大坝坝基防渗墙在坝体填筑期间的监测资料分析

4.Seepage and Seepage Stability Analysis of Dam Foundation Cut-off Wall and Grout Curtain under Cut-off Wall坝基防渗墙及墙下灌浆帷幕渗流及渗透稳定性分析

5.Optimization Research for Anti-Seepage Curtain of Dam Foundation with the Thoery of Coupled Seepage and Stress Fields;基于水—岩耦合理论的坝基防渗帷幕优化研究

6.Study on Clay-soildified slurry in Antu-filtration Dam Base Design of Acidic Effuent Reservoir粘土固化浆在酸性污水库坝基防渗设计的研究

7.Jet Grouting Technology in Dam Base Processing;高压喷射灌浆技术在坝基防渗处理中应用研究

8.Application of gunite pile construction technology in dam foundation anti-seepage project at Baihe rubber dam喷浆桩施工技术在白河橡胶坝坝基防渗抗冲中的应用

9.Study on Contact Leakage Control Tests Between Cut-off Wall and Core of the Xlaolangdi Dam Foundation小浪底水库坝基防渗墙与心墙接触渗流控制试验研究

10.Optimization Research for Anti-Seepage Drainage System of Dam Foundation by the Improved Genetic Algorithm and the Finite Element Method;基于改进遗传算法和有限元法的坝基防渗排水优化研究

11.Seepage Control Technique of Split Grouting forEarth Dam Body and Levee Foundation土坝坝体与堤坝地基劈裂灌浆防渗技术

12.The Seepage Calculation Methods Study of the Vertical Seepage Control Wall on the Earth-rock Dam, Which Based on the Infinite Deep Pervious Foundation;无限深透水地基上的土石坝坝基垂直防渗体的渗流计算研究

13.Effects of cracking of anti-seepage concrete wall on seepage stability of dam foundation混凝土防渗墙开裂对坝基渗透稳定性的影响

14.Simulation of random damage of grouting curtain and its influence on seepage flows in dam foundation防渗帷幕随机缺损的模拟及对坝基渗流的影响

15.Stress-strain Analysis for a High Earth-rockfill Dam and Its Foundation Cutoff高土石坝与基础防渗墙的应力应变分析

16.Study on Optimization of Anti-seepage System for Rockfill Dam on Deep Overburden Layer;深厚覆盖层基础上堆石坝防渗系统优化研究

17.Study on the Dam Foundation Guards Against Infiltrates of the High-pressure Spray Grouting;水库坝基砂卵石层高压喷射灌浆防渗技术研究

18.Selection of key technical indexes for concrete cut-off wall for foundation of rock-earth fill dam土石坝基础混凝土防渗墙关键技术指标选择


anti-cracking and anti-seepage防裂防渗

3)Infiltration-protection of dams of reservoirs库坝防渗

4)seepage prevention of dam foundation坝基防渗

1.Using the definition of clogging in the other field,this paper concludes the concept and definition of clogging aboutseepage prevention of dam foundation,and seepage clogging equipment is self-designed and made.文章借鉴其它领域对淤堵作用的定义,归纳了水库坝基防渗方面淤堵作用的相关概念和定义,并自行设计研制了渗透淤堵仪,进行了一系列试验,在试验的基础上,分析了淤堵作用的存在和降低土体渗透性的作用过程,从而论证了淤堵作用对坝基防渗或减渗的意义。

5)dam face anti-seepage坝前防渗

1.The application,construction method and attention matters of compound geomembrane "two fabrics and one membrane" were introduced with its application todam face anti-seepage in Qinggangxia Hydroelectric Station.以复合土工膜中的"两布一膜"在青岗峡水电站坝前防渗中的使用情况,介绍了其应用、施工方法及注意事项。

6)anti-seepage of earth dam土坝防渗


