900字范文 > 杨树品系 poplar strain英语短句 例句大全

杨树品系 poplar strain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-14 22:32:45


杨树品系 poplar strain英语短句 例句大全

杨树品系,poplar strain

1)poplar strain杨树品系

1.Studies on photosynthesis of differentpoplar strains不同杨树品系光合作用的研究


1.Populus Cultivation-clones in Different Cultivated Area and Its Diseases in China中国不同栽培区杨树品系及其病害种类

2.Screening of Candidate Plants for Phytoremediation of Pentachlorophenol-contaminated Soil杨树品系在五氯酚污染土壤上的生长适宜性试验

3.The correlation between the reducing sugar content in phloem and xylem and the ratio of damaged trees was not close.不同杨树品系韧皮部和木质部的还原糖含量与被害株率没有相关性。

4.The Contrast Investigation on Seedling Survial Rate of Different Species and Different Factions of Poplar杨树不同派系不同品种育苗成活率对比研究

5.Relationship between moisture contents of cuttings and survival rates for different poplar varieties杨树不同品种插穗自身含水量与扦插成活的关系

6.A Fractal Approach to Crown Structure and Rooting Characteristics of Poplar and the Strategies of Poplar Breeding;杨树冠型、根系的分形特征及杨树改良策略

7.The Studies on Irradiation Effects of ~(60)Co-γ Ray on Four Poplar Cultivars of Sect. Aigeiros黑杨派4个杨树品种~(60)Co-γ辐射效应研究

8.A New Poplar Variety ‘Lulin-3’ for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林3号杨’

9.A New Poplar Variety "Lulin-2" for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林2号杨’

10.A New Poplar Variety "Lulin-1" for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林1号杨’

11.RAPD Analysis on Resistant Genes to the Canker of Poplar Cultivators;杨树品种抗烂皮病相关基因的PAPD分析

12.Determination on Moisture Content of Different Poplar Varieties at Overwintering Stage不同杨树品种越冬时期含水率的测定

13.Study on Resistance Variation of Populus Deltoides Clones in the Seedling Stage to Tetra Lobulifera (Keifer)杨树无性系苗期对螨害抗性变异研究

parative Analysis of Microbial Floras of Poplar Plantations in Beijing北京杨树人工林微生物区系比较分析

15.Relationship among Species of Sect.Populus Using RAPD Markers白杨派树种亲缘关系的RAPD分析

16.Research on the Relation between Active Iron in Leaves and Yellow-leaf Disease in Poplar Tree叶片活性铁与杨树黄叶病的关系研究

17.Establishment and Optimization of SRAP-PCR Reaction System of Populus杨树基因组SRAP扩增体系的建立与优化

18.Genetic Diversity Evaluation and Cultivars Identification with Fingerprinting Based on AFLP in Five Sections of the Genus Populus;杨属AFLP遗传多样性研究和杨树品种分子指纹图谱构建


poplars clones杨树无性系品种

3)Poplar variety杨树品种

1.In the light of the serious damages of Anoplophora nobilis to artificial Poplar forest and comparative selection of 46 introduced varieties, the study eventually selected 6 anti Anoplophora nobilis Poplar varieties, and conducted afforestation test, which provided reliable reference on renewal ofPoplar variety in Anoplophora nobilis damaged district of Northwest China.针对黄斑星天牛对杨树人工林造成的严重危害 ,通过引进 46个品 (系 )的对比筛选 ,最终选择出了陕林 3号等 6个抗天牛杨树品种 ,并在平凉市泾河川区进行了造林示范。

4)Poplar varieties杨树品种

1.An attificial cross breeding test was conducted that taking several superior poplar varieties and P.本研究为适应湖北省杨树产业发展的需要,大量引进杨树品种并通过苗期选择和造林试验对其性状进行了分析:在此基础上利用其中的优良品种与湖北省乡土杨树种小叶杨进行杂交试验,以图选育出具有自主知识产权的杨树新品种,得到如下结果:(1)自1997年起,先后引进杨树品种105个并予以保存,其中用于造林试验的30多个品种已经开花结实,为开展杨树杂交育种工作积累了比较丰富的种质资源。

2.Cuttings of the three poplar varieties were put in the shade for natural dehydration of 24 h,48 h,and 72 h.以中黑防、晚花杨、小黑杨14号3个杨树品种为试验材料,设计自然失水24 h、48 h7、2 h三个梯度(处理)研究插穗自身含水量与扦插成活的关系。

3.We observed the drought resistance and physiological reaction of six poplar varieties by using cuttage seedling.本文利用扦插苗对6个杨树品种进行抗旱指标与生理反应研究,确定了各品种的土壤含水率范围,对各树种抗旱性进行了定量评价,为杨树新品种推广利用提供科学依据。

5)fine cultivar of poplar杨树新品种

6)poplar clones杨树无性系

1.Studies on drought-resistance of fivepoplar clones;5个杨树无性系抗旱性研究

2.The transpiration rate with their influencing factors was studied based on the observation and research of the samples selected from 7 varieties ofpoplar clones induced in Gaomi city in Shandong province.对山东省高密市栽植的7个杨树无性系的蒸腾速率及其影响因子进行了研究,结果表明:7个杨树无性系的气孔导度与蒸腾速率变化趋势基本一致,白天变化趋势均成单峰型,7个杨树无性系的最大蒸腾速率大小顺序为:I-107>NL95>L35>L323>中林46>中天杨>NL895,白天测定时段的平均蒸腾速率大小顺序为:I-107>L35>NL95>L323>中林46>中天杨>NL895,蒸腾速率与气孔导度的相关性最显著,气孔导度和蒸腾速率与各影响因子呈很好的多元线性函数关系,7个杨树无性系的蒸腾速率与树高、胸径和单株材积呈正相关关系。


茶树无性系品种茶树无性系品种clonal variety of tea plant茶树无性系品种(elonal variety of teaplant)采用无性繁殖方法育成的茶树品种,称为茶树无沮三系品种或无性繁殖系品种。这种茶树选种方法在中国约于17一18世纪就已开始应用。无性系品种是从同一个茶树母体中取其一部分营养体(茎、叶、根等)进行扦插、压条繁殖新个体,不通过两性细胞结合后染色体的重新组合过程,故能保持繁殖个体的性状特性相对一致性和稳定性。通常无性系品种茶树的生长整齐,发芽一致,采茶省工,也可提高茶叶品质。其缺点是存在遗传基因的狭窄性.必须多品种搭配种植或以种子繁殖的方式加以克服。茶树无性系品种按照使用的性质又分为单无性系、双无性系和多元无性系。单无性系是以一个独立的无性系为单位,进行无性繁殖方式繁殖茶苗在生产上应用,但有个别单无性系也可用产生的种子供生产上应用。若以两个不同特点的无性系,按照一定比例同时种植在一个茶园中产生的杂交种子叫做双无性系。多元无性系是指三个或三个以上不同特点的茶树无性系种植在同一采种园中产生的杂交种子。无性系的种子繁殖后代,品种纯度有所降低,故在生产中应对苗木择优使用。(陈炳环)
