900字范文 > 就业需求量 Employment Demand英语短句 例句大全

就业需求量 Employment Demand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-23 06:02:21


就业需求量 Employment Demand英语短句 例句大全

就业需求量,Employment Demand

1)Employment Demand就业需求量

1.A Combination Forecasting Model of theEmployment Demand Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的就业需求量组合预测模型


1.A Combination Forecasting Model of the Employment Demand Based on Genetic Algorithm基于遗传算法的就业需求量组合预测模型

2.The Econometrics Model of Estimated Urban Employment Demand城镇劳动就业需求预测计量经济模型

3.Discussion on the Quality Requirements and Talent Demands of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence论企业竞争情报的质量需求及人才需求

4.Employment,demand and industrialization:a new analysis framework;就业需求与工业化:一个新的分析框架

5.Rapid economic growth shall be maintained, domestic demands shall be expanded, and new employment opportunities created to the full, so as to increase total employment.继续保持经济较快增长,扩大国内需求,最大限度地创造新的就业机会,增加就业总量。

6.Soon there was a large demand for kerosene.不久就产生了对煤油的大量需求。

7.On the Economy Teaching Conformed to the Requirement of Employment Market;浅谈财经教学如何适应就业市场需求

8.Demand under the Level of Full Employment:Causes and Countermeasures;需求低于充分就业水平的原因及对策

9.On Market Demand and Quality Assurance of Vocational Education;试论职业教育的市场需求与质量保障

10.Analysis of the variables of firm demand of carbon emission right and its influence;企业碳排放权需求变量及其影响分析

11.The Calculation of Demands for Qualified Scientists and Technicians of State-Owned Institutions and Enterorises;国有企事业单位科技人才需求量预测

12.Energy Conversion-Demanding Challenges for Power Semiconductor Industry能量转换——功率半导体产业的需求挑战

13.A Report for the Survey of Employment Demand of Computer Graduates;计算机专业毕业生就业需求的调查报告

14.Demand for software industry talented persons and the employment of software specialized university students;软件产业人才需求与软件专业大学生就业

15.Analyzing the Difference of the Employability between the University Graduates" Self-Recognition and the Enterprises" Requirement大学毕业生就业能力与企业需求之比较分析

16.On the employment of college graduates in view of talent demands in the service industry从服务业人才需求谈高校毕业生就业问题

panies needed to raise billions of dollars by issuing shares and bonds; somebody had to underwrite them.各大企业需求大量美金来发放股票和债务;那就要一些人为其担保承诺。

18.An Analysis of Total Demand and Actual Capacity ofEmployment in Three Gorges Dam Area--Taking Wanzhou Relocation Development Zone for example;三峡库区移民就业总需求与现实容量分析——以原万州移民开发区为例


employment demand就业需求

1.The basic countermeasure for the government to promote the mongovernment investment and meet theemployment demand, is to grant the private investors the national treatment and the propor support in the policies.激活民间投资、扩大就业需求的根本办法是政府给予民间投资的国民待遇和适当的政策扶持。

2.Based on the introduction of the nature of geography and its role in regional development,this paper points out the four chief domains of students of geography speciality,and evaluates theemployment demand of geography,urban and rural planning & resource management,and geographical information system in Hebei Province.最后,对高校地理类专业就业需求、课程设置与学生期望的错位展开分析,并指出了新升本科院校的6项应对策略。

3)employment demand view就业需求观

1.There exist two different views as to the relationship between economic development and higher vocational education development, which areemployment demand view and talent supply view.经济发展与高职教育发展的关系,有两种有分歧的观点,即就业需求观和人才供应观。

4)labour market needs就业市场需求

1.This study is an economic analysis of the relationship between the ratio of specialised versus foundational courses in undergraduate curricular andlabour market needs.本文探讨了专业课程比率与就业市场需求之间的相关性问题。

5)employment demand of medical graduate医学生就业需求

6)employment and demand hypothesis就业与需求假说

1.In this paper, a industrializationemployment and demand hypothesis is put forward, a dual economic theoretical framework is set up, the changes in employment demand and indus.因此 ,本文提出工业化就业与需求假说 ,构建二元经济理论模型 ,并实证分析改革以来我国就业需求与工业化变动 ,说明非农就业等需求因素对工业化的影响 ,为二元经济下的工业化过程提供了新的分析框架。


