900字范文 > 固体物料 Solid material英语短句 例句大全

固体物料 Solid material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 17:43:35


固体物料 Solid material英语短句 例句大全

固体物料,Solid material

1)Solid material固体物料

1.Firstly,the superiority of impact flow-meter had been discussed compared with to other(weighting) instrument used for solid material measuring in worse measure condition.论述了在测量条件比较差的工业现场,冲板流量计与其它固体称重仪表相比测量固体物料的优势,以及影响冲板流量计应用的其本身存在的缺点。


1.Design regulations for loading and unloading system of chemical solid materials化工固体物料装卸系统设计规定

2.The design specification of the ground and storehouse for chemical solid materia化工固体物料堆场及仓库设计规定

3.Solid state component: Electronic components which use solid materials for current manipulation.e.g. Transistors.固化元件:用固体物料操纵电流的电子元件,例如:晶体管。

4.Product solids are discharged continuously.固体产物连续出料。

5.Study of Anode Materials in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell;固体氧化物燃料电池阳极材料的研究

6.The Modeling and Simulation for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell;固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)的建模与仿真

7.Research on Fabrication Process of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell;中温固体氧化物燃料电池的制备工艺

8.Investigation on the Stacks of Single Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells;单气室固体氧化物燃料电池组的研究

9.Performance Investigation of H_2S/air Solid Oxide Fuel CellH_2S/air固体氧化物燃料电池的性能研究

10.The application of the PLC control on the packaging line of solid bulkmaterial固体散状物料包装线PLC控制的探索

11.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of solid oxide fuel cell固体氧化物燃料电池的三维数值模拟

12.The research process of anti-slagging for biomass pellet fuel生物质固体成型燃料抗结渣研究进展

13.Research and development of ceria-based electrolyte on intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cellsCeO_2基固体氧化物燃料电池电解质研究

14.Using Plant Materials as Immobilized Carriers of White-rot Fungus植物材料作为白腐菌固定载体的应用

15.band theory of solid【固物】固体能带论

16.Preparation and Characterization on the Materials of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell;中温固体氧化物燃料电池材料制备及性能研究

17.Study of Compositely Doped-Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell(SOFC);固体氧化物燃料电池复合掺杂阴极材料的研究

18.Research on the Intermediate-Iemperature SOFC(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)"s Electrolyte;中温固体氧化物燃料电池电解质材料的研究


Solid flux controller固体物料控制器

3)solid materials in bulk散装固体物料

4)solid biofuel固体生物质燃料

1.Status ofsolid biofuel standards of EU;欧盟固体生物质燃料标准技术进展

2.Research on sample treatment of chlorine content insolid biofuel固体生物质燃料氯含量测定中样品处理方法研究

5)solid circulating rate 固体物料循环率

6)biological solid fuel生物质固体燃料


