900字范文 > 相对弯曲半径 relative bending radius英语短句 例句大全

相对弯曲半径 relative bending radius英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-10 04:57:48


相对弯曲半径 relative bending radius英语短句 例句大全

相对弯曲半径,relative bending radius

1)relative bending radius相对弯曲半径

1.The effect of major parameters such as side pressure P, andrelative bending radius R/H on curvature springback ΔR is studied, the law of interaction between P, R/H, ΔR and distribution and changing of tangential strain in deformation area is obtained, and thus, a scientific base is provided for design and modification of die and selection of technological parameters.通过绕弯试验和应变分析,研究了绕弯工艺的主要参数侧压P和相对弯曲半径R/H对曲率弹复ΔR的影响。

2.The influence parameters such asrelative bending radius and internal pressure had been researched.75mm的低碳钢薄壁管的充液压弯进行了有限元模拟,分别研究了不同相对弯曲半径、不同充液压力等参数对管材的壁厚分布、横截面尺寸等的影响。

3.The effects of different internal pressure,relative bending radius on the tube cross-sectional size and changes of wall thickness in typical points were studied respectively.针对5A02铝合金与ST12低碳钢两种材料管材进行了不同参数的充液压弯工艺实验,分别研究了不同充液压力、相对弯曲半径对管材横截面尺寸,典型点壁厚变化的影响。

2)minimum relative bending radius最小相对弯曲半径

1.According to that above mentioned,the calculating formula ofminimum relative bending radius limited by tube extending rate and extending intensity is deduced.通过实验,分析了管材弯曲外侧的切向和管壁厚方向的应力应变状态,建立了相应的平均应变计算公式,进一步推导出由管材延伸率和拉伸强度所约束的最小相对弯曲半径计算公式。

2.A few methods,which approximately calculateminimum relative bending radius,are put forward by analyzing the stress and strain as plate bending deformation in this paper.板料弯曲时的极限变形程度可用最小相对弯曲半径来描述。

3)bending radius弯曲半径

1.The design of the Decorative Stainless-Steel Elbow, the calculation of the thinnest thickness of the elbow wall, and the calculation of the smallest relativebending radius of the elbow, the forming die for the elbow and the attention items in the design of the die were introduced.介绍了不锈钢装饰弯头的设计、弯头最小壁厚的计算、弯头最小相对弯曲半径的计算 ,并介绍了弯头成形模以及模具设计中应注意的问题。

2.The strained lattice parameters, misorientation,bending radius and stress of ZnO films were estimated.高温直接生长的样品弯曲半径小而应力更大;实验测量的应力值和理论计算的热应力值之间存在差异,原因主要是晶格失配应力的存在。


1.The bending radius should not less than25 times of cable diameter.电缆弯曲半径:不小于电缆外径的25倍。

2.Mathematic calculation approach of minimum bending radius of mandrel based on Matlab基于Matlab的芯轴最小弯曲半径计算

3.Excellent pliability,flexibility and elasticity and suitable for special occasions requiring small bending radius.本产品具有极好的弯曲、柔软性和弹性,可用于弯曲半径较小的场合。

4.Experimental Research on NC Bending with Small Bending Radius of Aluminum Alloy Thin-Walled Tube;铝合金薄壁管小弯曲半径数控弯曲成形的实验研究

5.The formulae for calculating the bend radius of neutral plane and the decrement of bend angle after springback were derived by considering the deformation after unloading.依据卸载变形的分析计算,推导出回弹后中性层弯曲半径及弯曲角变化量的计算公式。

6.The beam bends to a circular profile of radius R.梁弯曲成半径为R的园形形状。

7.This opens up the radius of the turn for you so the turn is less tight.这会加大你过弯的半径,相对减小弯道的曲度。

8.Residual Collapsing Strength Analysis of Bending Part Casing in Medium/Short Radius Horizontal Wells中短半径水平井弯曲段套管剩余抗挤强度分析

9.The pouring construction technology of small radius flat curve continuous steel bridge cantilever小半径平弯曲线连续刚构桥悬臂浇筑施工技术

10.The winding trail caused them to lose their orientation.弯弯曲曲的小径使他们迷失方向。

11.A path weaved through the valleys.一条小径弯弯曲曲通过山谷。


13.Research on the Making of Semi-Solid Billet of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy by Direct Extrusion-ECAP;正挤压—等径道弯曲制备AZ91D镁合金半固态坯料研究

14.The curve experiment has obtained curve radius of inertia advance curve and static curve;转弯试验测得了机器鱼惯性前进转弯和静止转弯时的转弯半径;

15.caliber radius head弹头蛋形部曲率半径

16.medium-radius lateral drilling中曲率半径侧向钻井

17."R.Radius, represents curve dimension."半径,表示曲线尺寸

18.The reciprocal of the radius of a circle.曲率一个圆半径的倒数


minimum relative bending radius最小相对弯曲半径

1.According to that above mentioned,the calculating formula ofminimum relative bending radius limited by tube extending rate and extending intensity is deduced.通过实验,分析了管材弯曲外侧的切向和管壁厚方向的应力应变状态,建立了相应的平均应变计算公式,进一步推导出由管材延伸率和拉伸强度所约束的最小相对弯曲半径计算公式。

2.A few methods,which approximately calculateminimum relative bending radius,are put forward by analyzing the stress and strain as plate bending deformation in this paper.板料弯曲时的极限变形程度可用最小相对弯曲半径来描述。

3)bending radius弯曲半径

1.The design of the Decorative Stainless-Steel Elbow, the calculation of the thinnest thickness of the elbow wall, and the calculation of the smallest relativebending radius of the elbow, the forming die for the elbow and the attention items in the design of the die were introduced.介绍了不锈钢装饰弯头的设计、弯头最小壁厚的计算、弯头最小相对弯曲半径的计算 ,并介绍了弯头成形模以及模具设计中应注意的问题。

2.The strained lattice parameters, misorientation,bending radius and stress of ZnO films were estimated.高温直接生长的样品弯曲半径小而应力更大;实验测量的应力值和理论计算的热应力值之间存在差异,原因主要是晶格失配应力的存在。

4)bend radius弯曲半径

1.Experiments of single mode fiber bend loss with the change ofbend radius from 1 to 9 mm are made at 90° and 180°respectively.系统对单模光纤弯曲损耗随弯曲半径(1~9 mm)进行90°和180°的弯曲实验,结果显示,光纤弯曲损耗随弯曲半径的增加呈下降趋势,光纤弯曲对不同波长的光损耗不同,且出现弯曲损耗的振荡,并进行了数值仿真和实验数据的比较。

2.Based on field data of the river bend in middle and lower Hanjiang River and in Jingjiang River,the relation between the variation ofbend radius of flow dynamic axis and bend bypassing and shoal cutting is expounded.在分析汉江中下游以及荆江河湾实测资料的基础上,阐述了河湾水流动力轴线弯曲半径变化与切滩撇弯之间的关系,大量相关实测资料说明当河湾的来水条件和河湾形态发生变化时,会造成河势与水流动力轴线走向发生变化,从而引起切滩撇弯的发生。

5)curve radius弯曲半径

1.Through analyzing and arranging the actual data measured of mountain area rivers in southwest of China,we summarize:The ideal channel flow route should have sine derivative curve flow route,harmonized flow direction,good flow route corner and biggercurve radius.通过对西南地区山区河流实测资料进行分析整理 ,总结出 :正弦派生曲线水流线路、协调的水流方向、良好的水流转向角及较大的弯曲半径为理想的航道水流流路 ,并提出了该规律在工程设计中的应

6)relative radius of curvature相对曲率半径


