900字范文 > 处治措施 treatment measure英语短句 例句大全

处治措施 treatment measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 22:09:57


处治措施 treatment measure英语短句 例句大全

处治措施,treatment measure

1)treatment measure处治措施

1.Causes of the segregation of cement stabilized macadam mixture andtreatment measures;水泥碎石混合料离析的成因及处治措施

2.Connecting with the actual examples of bridge maintenance of Houyun Section in Yuncheng Superhighway,this paper analyzes the cause of common disease on box girder,and expounds thetreatment measures of bridge in superhighway.结合运城高速公路侯运段桥梁养护的实例,分析了箱梁常见病害的成因,阐述了高速公路桥梁常见病害的处治措施。

3.S342, the article finds that the cracking of the semi-rigid base asphalt pavement is the main reason, analyzes the reasons of causing the transverse crack, longitudinal crack and irregular crack of pavement, and separately puts forward the relativetreatment measures and the maintenance methods.该文通过对省道S342济宁段的K234+900~K239+100段的路面病害调查,发现半刚性基层沥青路面的开裂是主要病害,分析了路面产生横裂、纵裂和不规则裂缝的原因,并分别提出了相应的处治措施和维修方法。


1.Analysis and Prevention Method of Landslide Stability at Tunnel Middle Segment隧道洞身滑坡稳定性分析及处治措施

2.The characteristics and treating measure of the compound road surface interface layer复合式路面界面层的特点及处治措施

3.The causation analysis and countermeasures of towards string-hole phenomenon during bored pile construction process钻孔桩施工中串孔现象的原因分析及处治措施

4.The pre-stressed tong steel pipe driven in as piling construction frequently asked questions and punishment measure预应力砼管桩施工常见问题及处治措施

5.Study of Mechanism and Treatment of ZhuQuedong Landslide in the Western Hunan;湘西朱雀洞大滑坡机理分析与处治措施研究

6.Discusses the Highway Tunnel Soil Slip Lifesaving Plan and the Punishment Measure探讨高速公路隧道坍方救生方案及处治措施

7.On causes and treatment measures of earthwork subgrade project quality论土方路基工程质量的成因及处治措施

8.The Cause Analysis and Countermeasure of Nanyou Highway Roadbed Cracking南友公路路基开裂成因分析及处治措施

9.Transports the Highway Tunnel Adjacent Formation Change and the Punishment Measure Greatly大运公路夏门隧道围岩变化及处治措施

10.Cause Analysis and Treatment for the Pier Cracks in Guijiang Bridge桂江大桥墩身裂缝原因分析及处治措施

11.Brief analysis of comprehensive handling engineering measures for big landslide in No.2 Long-Dong highway浅析龙东二级公路某特大滑坡综合处治措施

12.Talking about the Harmfulness of the Soft Ground of Superhighway and Treatment Measures浅谈高速公路软土地基的危害及处治措施

13.The Practice & Treatment Measures of Smooth Blasting Technique光面爆破技术的成功实施及针对泥岩、砂岩平互层的处治措施

14.Study on Suitability for Soil Cavity Inside the Subgrade in Karst Area for Its Reconnaissance and Measures;岩溶地区路基土洞勘察方法及处治措施适宜性研究

15.Study on the Settlement Rules and Treatment Methods of Soft Soil Embankment on Ningxia Alluvial-Lacustrine Plain宁夏冲湖积软弱土路基沉降规律及处治措施研究

16.Study on Treatment Measures and Formation Mechanism of the Collapse Disaster in Mayakou Tunnel马垭口隧道塌方灾害发生机理及处治措施的研究

17.Highway Tunnel Geological Disaster Prediction and the Development of Treatment Measures Database Management System公路隧道地质灾害预测及其处治措施数据库管理系统开发

18.Numerical Analysis and Countermeasures for Air Cross Pollution at the Outlets of Closely-spaced Tunnels小净距隧道洞口通风交叉污染的数值分析及工程处治措施


treatment measures处治措施

1.On quality questions of roadbed engineering andtreatment measures;路基工程质量的成因及处治措施

2.From roadbed settlement,construction method and the structural system,reasons of bump of vehicles at bridgehead are analyzed and thetreatment measures are approached to.文章从路基沉降、施工方法和结构体系上对桥头跳车病害产生原因进行分析,探讨提出减少病害的处治措施。

3)disposal measures处治措施

1.On this basis this paper analyzes the primary water-induced distress of freeway asphalt pavement and puts for- ward relevantdisposal measures.针对高速公路最主要的水损害进行了深入分析,并提出了相应的处治措施。

2.The advices of control measures(for height and quantity) anddisposal measures for high slope are put forward in this article.结合沪蓉西高速公路勘察设计及施工,对高边坡存在的危害及开挖后出现的病害进行了总结、分类,并提出控制高边坡(高度和数量)的防止措施及高边坡的处治措施。


1.Reasons andcountermeasures of concrete road diseases;水泥混凝土路面病害的原因分析及处治措施

2.The causation analysis andcountermeasures of towards string-hole phenomenon during bored pile construction process钻孔桩施工中串孔现象的原因分析及处治措施

5)treating measures处治措施

1.Thetreating measures are put forward about the embankment fill.针对合六高速公路沿线膨胀土分布广泛的现状,通过大量的现场调查和室内试验,获得了膨胀土的基本物性指标和工程特征参数,结合国家技术规范对膨胀土路堤边坡稳定性进行了分析和计算,得到了不同坡比条件下边坡的稳定系数,提出了路堤边坡的处治措施,为护坡设计提供了依据。

6)measures of strengthing and treatment加固处治措施

1.Themeasures of strengthing and treatment are presented.针对我国西部公路建设复杂的地形、地质等不利环境,通过对国内外相关资料的查阅和对典型路段的实地考察,并在依托工程实例的基础上对常见边坡的破坏类型和加固处治措施进行了分类,探究了其破坏的原因,提出了加固处治措施。


不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actionsbul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。
