900字范文 > 强度形成机理 mechanism of strength英语短句 例句大全

强度形成机理 mechanism of strength英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-06 23:44:04


强度形成机理 mechanism of strength英语短句 例句大全

强度形成机理,mechanism of strength

1)mechanism of strength强度形成机理

1.According to the research on fiber enhanced bituminous mixtures,this paper analyzed its marshall stability,high temperature stability,cracking resistance at low temperature and fatigue resistance,and studied itsmechanism of strength.通过对沥青混合料掺加纤维的研究 ,系统分析了纤维增强沥青混合料的马歇尔稳定度、水稳定性、高温稳定性、低温抗裂性及耐疲劳性能 ,探讨了纤维增强沥青混合料的强度形成机理 。

2.The composition structure andmechanism of strength of SMA mixture are analyzed as compared with asphalt concrete.并通过与沥青砼的比较 ,分析了SMA混合料的组成结构与强度形成机

3.In this paper according to the current situation of research on SMA worldwide, and based on research results on SMA with modified bitumen in Tang-Harbour Expressway in Province Hebei, the composition structure, characteristics,mechanism of strength and influencing factors of properties on SMA are systematically analysed.结合国内外SMA研究现状,并根据河北省唐港高速公路改性沥青SMA研究结果,对SMA混合料的组成结构、特点、强度形成机理以及性能影响因素进行了系统分析研究。


1.Analysis on the composition structure and intensity formation mechanism of cement stabilized macadam水泥稳定碎石组成结构及强度形成机理分析

2.Studies on Mechanism for the Fiber Strength Forming of Cotton in Xinjiang;新疆棉区棉纤维比强度形成机理的研究

3.Study on the bridge surface damp-proof course material type based on strength formation mechanism基于强度形成机理的桥面防水层材料类型研究

4.Research on mechanism of chip formation in orthogonal turn-milling high strength steel正交车铣高强度钢切屑形成机理的研究

5.Forming Principle of and Countermeasures to Blowhole in Cylinder Head of High Strength and Thin Wall高强度薄壁灰铸铁气缸盖气孔形成机理与对策

6.Physiological Mechanisms of Variation in Temperature-Sensitivity of Cotton Fiber Strength Formation Between Two Cotton Cultivars不同棉花品种纤维比强度形成的温度敏感性差异机理研究

7.Theory Research on Forming Characteristic of High Strength Hot Rolled Sheet Metal高强度热轧钢板成形特性的理论研究

8.Study on the Mechanism Through Which Post-exercise Proteinuria is Produced by the Rats Doing Intensive Exercise;大强度运动大鼠运动性蛋白尿形成机制的研究

9.The effects of the tumble on the formation of stratified mixture structure in a liquid phase LPG injection engine滚流强度对LPG发动机混合气形成的影响

10.Design optimization for warm forming process of engine shell of high strength steel高强度钢发动机壳体温挤压成形工艺优化设计

11.Overreaction in Native Stock Market and Its Endogenous Mechanism;我国股市的过度反应现象及形成机理

12.Psychological Mechanism of Teacher Satisfaction;教师工作满意度形成的心理机制研究

13.Analysis on Psychological System in Formation of Political Attitude of Undergraduates大学生政治态度形成的心理机制探析

14.The Formation Mechanism of Macro-property Rights system in Chinese Transition form Period转型期中国宏观产权制度的形成机理


16.Formation of Main Regions of Strong Earthquakes: Mechanism and Numerical Simulation;强震活动主体地区形成机理的数值模拟研究

17.Study on the Formation Mechanism and Preparation Technology of High Strength High Modulus Uhmwpe Fiber;高强高模聚乙烯纤维成形机理与工艺研究

18.Over-investment Behavior,Degree and Mechanism of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司过度投资行为、程度与形成机理


strength mechanism强度形成机理

1.Study on geogrid reinforcementstrength mechanism;土工格栅加筋土体强度形成机理研究

2.All these characters includingstrength mechanism, high and low temperature stabih ties, anti - fatigue capacity and water stability are studied and contested with normal asphalt concrete.通过对沥青混合料中加入福塔纤维的研究,系统分析了福塔纤维改善沥青混合料的高温稳定性、低温抗裂性、抗疲劳性能及水稳定性,探讨了强度形成机理以及纤维改善路面使用性能的因素,并与普通沥青混凝土进行了对比分析。

3.All these characters includingstrength mechanism, high and low temperature stabilities, anti-fatigue capacity and water stability are studied and contested with normal asphalt concrete.通过对沥青混合料中加入聚丙烯纤维的研究 ,系统分析了聚丙烯纤维改善沥青混合料的高温稳定性、低温抗裂性等 ,提出了强度形成机理以及纤维改善路面使用性能的因素 ,并与普通沥青混凝土进行了对

3)strength formation mechanism强度形成机理

1.Study on the bridge surface damp-proof course material type based onstrength formation mechanism基于强度形成机理的桥面防水层材料类型研究

4)mechanism of hydration and strength formation水化及强度形成机理

5)intensity forming principle强度形成原理

1.Through research of the performance of flexible base、intensity forming principle、Choose the pavement structure layer andintensity forming principle of asphalt chip seal and adaptability after rubblization, Point out the package which the asphalt chip seal applicability and typical pavement structure in rural concrete pavement reconstruction.通过对碎石化后柔性基层的性能、强度形成原理、路面结构层选择以及沥青碎石封层强度形成原理与适应性的研究,提出在农村水泥路面改造中采用沥青碎石封层技术的适用性和典型路面结构的组合方案。

6)strength forming强度形成

1.The influence of humidity condition on thestrength forming of the base mixture were quantitatively analyzed by the strength test simulating the possible humidity condition of the underlay below the base in permafrost area,and the cause of this phenomena was discussed.在定性分析的基础上,通过模拟多年冻土地区基层下垫层的可能湿度状况养生的强度试验,定量分析了湿度对水泥稳定砂砾强度形成的影响,探讨了“夹层”现象产生的原因。


表光合强度(见光合强度)表光合强度(见光合强度)forecast of sowing or transplanting timeb iaoguanghe qiangdu表光合强度见光合强度
