900字范文 > 教育与经济 Education and Economy英语短句 例句大全

教育与经济 Education and Economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-02 10:52:42


教育与经济 Education and Economy英语短句 例句大全

教育与经济,Education and Economy

1)Education and Economy教育与经济

1.The relationship between education and economy is the basic theoretical issue of educational economics.本文以温州经济与民办教育发展“互动模式”为案例,对教育与经济之间的复杂关系作了实证性分析,展示其生动而有深度的具象特征,为区域教育现代化尤其是民办教育发展提供了一种战略性视角。


1.Higher Education Should Meet the Demand of Economical Development--Discussion on the Dependent Relation between Education and Economy;高等教育必须适应经济发展的需要——教育与经济依存关系探讨

2.Research on Relation Between Regional Education and Economic Growth --A Comparison of educational effect on economics in Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces;区域教育与经济增长关系研究——粤、苏、浙教育经济效益比较

3.A Study on Developing Rural Education Based on the Interreaction of Education and Economy;从教育与经济的互动影响看农村教育发展

4.The Generalization of Higher Education and the Relationship between Higher Education and Economy;试从高等教育大众化析高等教育与经济的关系

5.shaping and development of educational economics教育经济学形成与发展

6.Reciprocal Relationships among Knowledge Economy,Innovation Education and Modern Education Technology;互动的知识经济、创新教育与教育技术

7.Quality Education and Educational Convictionin the Era of Knowledge Economy;知识经济时代的素质教育与教育信念

8.The Society of Knowledge Economy: Quality Education and Education Quality;知识经济社会:素质教育与教育素质

9.Knowledge Economy, Modern Educational Technology and Teaching Reform;知识经济、现代教育技术与教学改革

10.Economic Growth, the Transformation of the Way for Economic Growth and Higher Vocational Education;经济增长、经济增长方式的转变与高等职业教育

11.Economic Situation and Policy Education for Contemporary College Students;论当代大学生经济形势与经济政策教育

12.The policy choice of scale economy and scope economy in higher education;高等教育规模经济与范围经济的政策抉择

13.Literature Review of Thoughts and Theories of Knowledge-based Economy and Higher Education;“知识经济与高等教育”思想与理论述评

14.Educational economy and management is a multi-interdisciplinary subject intersected by education, economy and management.教育经济与管理是教育学、经济学和管理学多学科交叉的学科。

15.On the Integrating Development of Economy and Education;经济与教育的一体化发展——重温列宁关于教育经济思想的启示

16.On the Reform of Educational Resources Deployment and the Economization of Educational Administration;论教育资源配置改革与教育管理经济化

17.Seek and Analysis the Relations between the Science and Technology Education with the Moral Education during the Knowledge Economy Era;知识经济时代科技教育与道德教育的关系探析

18.On the development and reform of life-long education,knowledge economy and education;知识经济与终身教育、职业教育的改革和发展


Journal of Education and Economy教育与经济

1.Statistics and Analysis of Citation in the "Journal of Education and Economy" During 1998 and ;《教育与经济》1998-论文引文统计与分析

2.Bibliometric Analysis of Sources and Citations in "Journal of Education and Economy" During Recent Five Years;《教育与经济》近5年学术论文及引文的计量分析

3)economy and education经济与教育

1.The rapid development of economy in Taiwan is due to the synchronic development ofeconomy and education.台湾经济的快速崛起得益于经济与教育的同步发展。

4)educational economy and management教育经济与管理

1.Abstraction of some frontier topics on the discipline ofeducational economy and management;教育经济与管理学科的若干前沿问题的梳理

2.On the professional research from the master s dissertation oneducational economy and management;从教育经济与管理硕士学位论文看专业研究

3.On the basis of the explication of the aim of cultivating postgraduates ineducational economy and management,the pa-per expounds the issues on the cultivation.在明确教育经济与管理硕士研究生培养目标的基础上,阐述教育经济与管理硕士生培养存在的若干问题,分析原因,进一步提出优化培养方案的建议。

5)education and economy in Korea韩国教育与经济

6)Education and Economic Growth教育与经济增长


