900字范文 > 企业基础信息 enterprise fundamental information英语短句 例句大全

企业基础信息 enterprise fundamental information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-09 11:03:36


企业基础信息 enterprise fundamental information英语短句 例句大全

企业基础信息,enterprise fundamental information

1)enterprise fundamental information企业基础信息


1.The Design and Implementation of the Enterprise Basis Information to Share and Apply System;企业基础信息共享与应用系统的设计与实现

2.Research on the Model of Mechanical Enterprise Fundamental Information Management and Application机械制造企业基础信息的管理与应用模式研究

3.Enterprise informatization is a basic unit of national economyinformatization.企业信息化是国民经济信息化的基础。

4.Manufacturing Enterprise Informationization Foundation Analysis and Evaluation Research;制造企业信息化基础分析与评价研究

5.Methodology of Analysis and Evaluation Studies on Enterprise Informationization Management Foundation;企业信息化管理基础分析与评价研究

6.Some Considerations of Strengthening the Enterprise s Basic Management Informationization Construction;加强企业基础管理信息化建设的构想

7.Theoretical Basis of Enterprises Providing Financial Information Forecast;论企业提供预测财务信息的理论基础

8.Information standardization is the foundation of informationalization construction in prospecting and design enterprises;信息标准化是勘察设计企业信息化建设的基础

9.Enterprise Informative Process is the Basis for Enterprise to Develop Electronic Commerce;企业信息化是企业开展电子商务的基础

10.Discuss the Relationship of Enterprise and Media on Information;试论建立在信息基础上的传媒与企业关系

11.The basic conditions for coal enterprises taking information technique;浅议煤炭企业引入信息技术的基础条件

12.On evolution of accounting information processing basis andoffering business accounting information;论会计处理基础的演化与企业会计信息的提供

13.On the Theoretical Foundation and Implementation Strategies in the Construction of Enterprise Information Ecosystem企业信息生态系统构建的理论基础与实施策略

14.On the integration of IS and IT in management of enterprise论企业管理的信息系统与信息技术的整合——兼论企业管理的信息基础与效率制约

15.A Study on Information Science Principles for tbe Building of DSS Information Bases企业决策支持系统信息基础建设的情报学原理探讨

16.Dynamic Enterprise Modeling Technology to Build Flexible Management Information System;动态企业建模(DEM)技术——柔性管理信息系统的构建基础

17.Research on Information Environment Strategy Based on Enterprise Informatization;基于企业信息化的信息环境战略研究

18.On Building Information Basic Structure in Tires Firms;试析轮胎企业信息化基础架构建设——以贵州轮胎远程集中监控和信息系统建设为例


exchange integrated information system企业基础信息交换

3)enterprise basic information flast企业基础信息平台

4)enterprise basic spatial information resources企业基础空间信息资源

5)enterprise information infrastructure企业信息基础设施

6)the basic information industry基础信息产业


