900字范文 > 快速集成系统 rapid integrated system英语短句 例句大全

快速集成系统 rapid integrated system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 07:56:45


快速集成系统 rapid integrated system英语短句 例句大全

快速集成系统,rapid integrated system

1)rapid integrated system快速集成系统

2)rapid system integration快速系统集成

3)RP/RT Integrated Manufacture System快速成型/快速制模集成制造系统

1.The Accuracy Control of theRP/RT Integrated Manufacture System;快速成型/快速制模集成制造系统的精度控制


1.The Accuracy Control of the RP/RT Integrated Manufacture System;快速成型/快速制模集成制造系统的精度控制

2.Research on the Rapid Prototype Integrated Manufacturing System of Prosthetic Socket;假肢接受腔快速原型集成制造系统的研究

3.Rapid Tooling Based on Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering;基于快速成型与逆向工程技术的快速模具制造

4.The Technology of Rapid Tooling Based on Rapid Prototyping;基于快速成型技术的快速模具制造技术

5.Rp Based Rapid Mould Manufacturing Techniques Using Plaster Casting;基于快速成形技术的石膏型快速模具制造技术

6.The Study on the Open RPM Control Platform;开放式快速成型制造系统控制平台研究

7.Study on the Part Accuracy of Rapid Prototyping System Based on Reverse Engineering;基于反求工程的快速成型系统制造精度的研究

8.Internet-Based Rapid Prototyping Services Systems of Manufacture and Design基于Internet的快速成型制造及设计服务系统

9.The Integrational Research of Numerical Simulation, Rapid Prototyping and Mould Manufacturing;数值模拟、快速成形及模具制造集成化的研究

10.Integrated Research of Numerical Simulation, Rapid Prototyping and Mould Manufacturing;数值模拟快速成形及模具制造集成化的研究

11.Electron Beam Rapid Prototyping Temperature Adaptive Fuzzy PID Control System电子束快速成型温度自适应模糊PID控制系统

12.Research on the Forming Mechanism and Process of 3D-Printing三维打印快速成型机控制系统的研发

13.The Innovation Design of Product Based on the R.P&M;基于快速成型和快速制造的产品创新设计

14.Construction of Integrated Experimental System of Re-Engineering and Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing反求及快速制造集成实验平台的构建

15.3D-model data source integrating frame based on fast-rending principle基于快速绘制原则的三维模型数据源集成框架

16.The Mental Mould Manufacture of Electromotor Shell Based on Rapid Prototyping Technology;基于快速成型技术的电机壳体金属模具制造

17.Application of Rapid Prototyping in Manufacturing of Electrode for Glass Mould快速成型技术在玻璃模具电极制造中的应用

18.Research on the Slicing Technology in Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing;快速成型制造中分层处理技术的研究


rapid system integration快速系统集成

3)RP/RT Integrated Manufacture System快速成型/快速制模集成制造系统

1.The Accuracy Control of theRP/RT Integrated Manufacture System;快速成型/快速制模集成制造系统的精度控制

4)rapid prototyping(RP) systems快速成型系统

1.The existing slicing rule of rapid prototyping(RP) systems cannot ensure unilateral tolerances on the whole prototype,and this shortcoming affects the sintering precision of the part in the RP systems.现有快速成型系统的切片规则不能保证整个原型件的单侧公差,从而影响了快速成型系统的成型精度。

5)fleetness integrated快速集成

6)high-speed microsystem integration高速微系统集成


快速速度快的;迅速:~照相机ㄧ~炼钢ㄧ~行军 ㄧ~育肥。
