900字范文 > 环境法教学 environmental law education英语短句 例句大全

环境法教学 environmental law education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-28 19:42:25


环境法教学 environmental law education英语短句 例句大全

环境法教学,environmental law education

1)environmental law education环境法教学

2)teaching environment教学环境

1.Furtheringteaching environment study for improving teaching quality;深化教学环境研究 提高学校教育质量

2.A Research on the Effectiveness of Perfecting Rhythmic Gymnastics Teaching Environment on Skill Learning;优化艺术体操教学环境对技能学习效果影响的实验研究


1.A Study of Project-based Learning in CALL Environment;机辅语言教学环境中的项目教学研究

2.An Elementary Introduction of Teaching Strategies of Large Class English Education;浅谈大班英语教学环境下的教学策略

3.Furthering teaching environment study for improving teaching quality;深化教学环境研究 提高学校教育质量

4.On the Relations between Teaching Environment and Physical Teaching System;试论教学环境与体育教学系统的关系

5.Optimizing Teaching Environment For a High-quality Teaching of PE;优化教学环境 提高体育课教学质量

6.The Differences between University Environmental Education and Society Environmental Education;学校环境教育与社会环境教育的区别

7.VI. Environmental Science and Technology, and Environmental Publicity and Education六、环境科学技术和环境宣传教育

8.The Network Teaching on the Internet;Internet环境下的网络教学

9.The instruction and learning based on Internet environment;基于Internet环境的教与学

10.The Teaching Strategies for Creating a Learning Scene in Network Environment;网络环境下“创设学习情境”的教学策略

11.Research to the Environmental Education in Middle School s Chemistry Teaching;中学化学教学中开展环境教育的研究

12.International Centre for Training and Education in Environmental Sciences国际环境科学训练教育中心(环境训教中心)

13.Discussion of Environmental Education of Non-environment Specialty in Normal Colleges;高等师范院校非环境专业环境教育教学探讨

14.Thought of Environment Teaching for Non-environment Specialty Students;非环境类专业大学生“环境保护”课程教学思考

15.The Necessity and Approaches of Environment Education in Vocational School;中专化学教学开展环境教育的方法论

16.Studies on Environmental Education in Chemstry Teaching of Middle School;高中化学教学中渗透环境教育的研究

17.Lay Greater Stress on Environmental Protection in Biological Education;在生物学教学中应强化环境保护教育

18.The Tentative Plan and Practice for Offering Environmental Science Education;《环境科学教育》课程的教学设想与实践


teaching environment教学环境

1.Furtheringteaching environment study for improving teaching quality;深化教学环境研究 提高学校教育质量

2.A Research on the Effectiveness of Perfecting Rhythmic Gymnastics Teaching Environment on Skill Learning;优化艺术体操教学环境对技能学习效果影响的实验研究

3)environment teaching环境教学

4)teaching circumstances教学环境

1.The school PE teaching activities will be mostly influenced byteaching circumstances, which is the synthesis of various objective conditions the teaching activities require.学校体育教学活动在很大程度上受教学环境影响 ,体育教学环境是学校体育教学活动所需的多种客观条件的综合 。

2.Through analyzing the necessity of establishing open synthetical laboratory in engineering technique institute, the circumstances of experimental teaching and the current system situation, this paper suggests that under the current situation we promote the laboratory system reforms and create experimentalteaching circumstances that focuses on cultivating the students innovational ability.本文通过分析工程技术院校建立开放性综合实验室的必然性及实验教学环境、体制的现状,指出了在当前形势下,应促进实验室体制改革,努力构建注重学生创新能力培养的实验教学环境。

5)instructional environment教学环境

1.Analysis on Research Status and Trends of Virtual Experiment Instructional Environment虚拟实验教学环境研究现状及趋势探悉

2.The application of educational technology stimulates change of instructional conceptions, providing theory guidance and technology support for the universitie management model and setting upinstructional environment of information for the sake of instruction and learning.现代教育技术的应用促进高师教学观念的改变,为高效、节能的校园管理模式提供理论指导和技术支撑,为教师的教和学生的学创设信息化的教学环境。

3.The abundant content ofinstructional environment has been affecting all kinds of instructional actions.教学环境以其极其丰富的内容对教学活动的方方面面产生了影响。

6)teaching and learning environment教学环境


