900字范文 > 社会中间层 middle-level stratum of society英语短句 例句大全

社会中间层 middle-level stratum of society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-14 05:39:16


社会中间层 middle-level stratum of society英语短句 例句大全

社会中间层,middle-level stratum of society

1)middle-level stratum of society社会中间层

1.The Distinction ofmiddle-level stratum of society and the third sector from the Theory of Economic Law;社会中间层与第三部门的经济法学辨析


1.The Role of The Middle Class Nowadays;现阶段社会中间层在社会发展中的作用

2.On the Social Intermediary and the Role in Economic Law论社会中间层及其在经济法中的角色定位

3.Research on Legal Status of the Social Intermediate Organization in the Corporate Social Responsibility Campaign;论企业社会责任运动中社会中间层组织的法律地位

4.Social Intermediary Organs--The new approach of research in the economic law theory;社会中间层——经济法理论研究的崭新进路

5.The Distinction of middle-level stratum of society and the third sector from the Theory of Economic Law;社会中间层与第三部门的经济法学辨析

6.Social Stratification Theory and the Analogous Middle Class in China s Cities;社会分层理论与中国城市的类中间阶层

7.Gentrification:An Urban Socio-spatial Restructuring Process;中产阶层化——城市社会空间重构进程

8.The Relation between Intermediate Strata and Social Development in Beijing Rural Area;京郊农村社会分层中中间阶层与社会发展的关系

9.The Research on the Catalysis on the Middle Class in the Society from China s Joining the WTO;中国入世对社会中间阶层的催化作用及其探讨

10.Characteristics Study on the Composition of the New-middle-stratum in Contemporary China;现阶段中国社会新中间阶层构成特征研究

11.and was not expos"d to so many Vicissitudes as the higher or lower Part of Mankind;中间阶层的生活,不会像上层社会和下层社会的人那样盛衰荣辱,瞬息万变。

12.Development of Social Diversity and Cultivation of the Middle Class in Society--Premise and Foundation of Constructing the Harmonious Socialist Society社会多元化发展与社会中间阶层的培育——论构建社会主义和谐社会的前提和基础

13.Orderly Political Participation of the Middle Class On in Socialist Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会下中间阶层的有序政治参与

14.On the Unity of Constructing Harmonious Society and Expanding Middle Class;构建和谐社会与扩大中间阶层的统一性

15.Sociological Analysis of Features of Shanghai Middle Stratum s Sports Recreations;上海中间阶层群体体育休闲特征的社会学分析

16.Enlarging middle stratum is the necessary requirement for constructing socialism harmonious society;扩大中间阶层是构建和谐社会的必要条件

17.Development of middle stratum during society transition period in our country;试析我国社会转型期中间阶层的发展问题

18.Achievements and Developing Strategy of the Intermediate Stratum of Society in China;试论我国中间阶层的社会功效与发展战略


the intermediate organization社会中间层组织

1.We should consummate the legislation concerning that as to optimize the performance ofthe intermediate organizations to the best possible vantage.社会中间层组织是一种特殊的经济法主体,以其特殊的劳动参加着我国社会主义社会财富的创造,应该受经济法调整,享有经济法权利。

3)the middle class in society社会中间阶层

1.Only by persisting in developing society and different ways,by constantly making society better-organized,by taking efforts to developthe middle class in society and to form the modern social structure,can the task finally be accomplished and the objective achieved.而只有坚持社会发展的多元化道路,不断提高社会的组织化程度和水平,着力培育和壮大社会中间阶层,努力形成一个现代社会中间阶层的结构,才能构建起社会主义和谐社会的前提和基础,最终实现建设社会主义和谐社会的目标。

4)the main social middle layer社会中间层主体

5)middle and lower classes中下层社会

6)China"s social stratum中国社会阶层


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
