900字范文 > 工业发展 industrial development英语短句 例句大全

工业发展 industrial development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-05 17:03:34


工业发展 industrial development英语短句 例句大全

工业发展,industrial development

1)industrial development工业发展

1.Based on the characteristics of industial growth in developing countries,the theory on disposition analysis inindustrial development is studied and a new theoretical model,which accords with the disposition analysis inindustrial development of regional industrial characteristics,is put forward.根据发展中国家工业增长的特点 ,主要研究了工业发展要素分析的理论 ,提出了符合区域工业特点的工业发展要素分析的理论模型。

2.Based on research of the relation between technology activities andindustrial development of our country s big and medium enterprises, evaluation index system ofindustrial development is established from the visual angle of technological devotion.研究我国大中型企业科技活动与工业发展之间的关系,构建基于科技投入视角的工业发展评价指标体系。

3.Using SPSS data analysis toolkits,an analysis is made on the change of spatial disparities forindustrial development in Guangdong Province between 1991 and .以地级市为基本空间单元,选取15项工业发展指标,利用SPSS统计分析软件对1991和广东省工业经济发展进行主成份分析和层次聚类分析。


1.Center for the and Development of Nuclear Industry核工业发展研究中心

2.Latin American Association for the Development of Fertilizer Industry拉美肥料工业发展协会

3.Senior Industrial Development Field Adviser工业发展高级现场顾问

4.Secretariat of the Industrial Development Board工业发展理事会秘书处

5.Tin Industry Development and Research Centre锡工业发展和研究中心

6.Bulletin of the Industrial Development Decade for Africa非洲工业发展十年简讯

7.Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, Ltd.南非工业发展有限公司

8.Malaysian Industrial Development Authority马来西亚工业发展局

9.JEIDA (Japan Electronic Industry Development Association)日本电子工业发展协会

10.Low prices discourage industry.低物价妨碍工业发展。

11.Regional Symposia on Industrial Development区域工业发展座谈会

12.land ripe for industrial development适于工业发展的土地

13.The central authorities want to develop industry, and so do the local authorities.中央要发展工业,地方也要发展工业。

14.Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture.工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。

15.The development of the food industry depends on that of agriculture.食品工业的发展有赖于农业的发展 。

16.Developing Wood Industry to Contribute to Sustainable Development of Forest Industry;发展木材工业 促进林业可持续发展

17.The Relationship between the Wood Industry and SustainableForestry Development in China;发展木材工业,促进林业可持续发展

18.Business Development Branch [Electrical and Mechanical Services Department]业务发展科〔机电工程署〕


industry development工业发展

1.Chongqing Jiulongpo District Industry Development Strategy Research;重庆九龙坡区工业发展战略研究

2.Analyzed the realistic situation and the causation of environmental resources restriction which chinaindustry development is facing to.分析了中国工业发展将面临的资源与环境瓶颈约束,从资源环境经济学角度阐明了产生资源环境瓶颈约束的原因,并指出:资源环境在使用过程中所表现出的外部性特征和资源环境实际成本与资源环境价格中所包含成本的不一致性导致了目前资源环境利用的低效率;对资源环境的低效利用产生了环境污染、加速了资源耗竭;工业发展本身存在着促进环境质量需求提高的机制,这种机制的作用也是产生资源环境瓶颈约束的最根本原因。

3.This paper intends to take the advantage of factor analysis to study the state ofindustry development in ,and divide 31 provinces,cities and autonomous regions into 3 groups according to the score of economic efficiency.以统计分析的方法对全国31个省、市、自治区的国有及规模以上工业企业的发展状况进行了分析,按照经济效益的综合得分将其分为3类,并依据各个地区工业发展的优势与不足提出了建议,以期为"十一五"规划更好的实施提供参考。

3)development of industry工业发展

1.From the positive analysis on Beijing s economic structure, we find that the growth of Beijing s economy is primarily pulled by the industry, because thedevelopment of industry will enlarge the size of production and improve the output efficiency of capital.因此政府在主导工业发展并以此促进经济增长的同时 ,还必须辅之以适当的收入分配方式。

4)aluminum industry development发展铝工业

5)agriculture and industry development工农业发展

6)industrialization development工业化发展

1.In order to spread up development of green food estate, we should work out strategy, implement plans, build good circumstances and perfect market system, lay stress on changes from management toindustrialization development.加速我市绿色食品事业健康快速发展应该做到 ,制定好战略 ,落实好规划 ,营造良好的生态环境、社会环境和健全市场体制 ,并把重点放在产业化经营向工业化发展的转变上


