900字范文 > 秦岭山区 Qinling mountain area英语短句 例句大全

秦岭山区 Qinling mountain area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-26 22:57:10


秦岭山区 Qinling mountain area英语短句 例句大全

秦岭山区,Qinling mountain area

1)Qinling mountain area秦岭山区

1.The feature of soil enzyme activity and quantity of microorganism under artificial forests and their relationships with soil nutrient in Qinling Mountain Area;秦岭山区典型人工林土壤酶活性、微生物及其与土壤养分的关系

2.On the basis of amount work inQinling mountain area of our institute about 30 years,the problems of environmental engineering geology were discussed ofQinling mountain area by geological structure,rock stratum,weather conditions and human behavior,and the distribution regularity,characteristic and harness measure of various geological calamity were raised.根据我院30多年来在秦岭山区进行的大量工作,从地质构造背景、地层岩性、气候条件及人类活动等方面,对秦岭山区的环境工程地质问题进行了初步探讨,提出了各种地质灾害的分布规律、特点和治理措施,以及实际工程中应注意的一些问题。

3.maximowiczii,Begonia sinensis,Delphinium giraldii,Campanula punctata,Aconitum carmichaelii) which,grown inQinling mountain area are of higher ornamental values were chosen.以园林观赏为目的,结合资料查阅和野外调查,从秦岭山区分布的野生植物中选取了唐棣、紫斑牡丹、陕西荚、流苏、山梅花、山丹花、中华秋海棠、秦岭翠雀花、紫斑风铃和乌头草等10种观赏价值较高的野生植物,介绍了其分布、生态要求和观赏价值,为进一步开展引种驯化和品种选育奠定了基础。


1.Biology and Biogeography of Panorpidae in Qinling Mountains(Mecoptera);秦岭山区蝎蛉科昆虫生物学及生物地理学研究

2.Reform of Collective Forest under the Condition of Forbidden Cutting--Investigation of three villages in Qinling Mountains;禁伐条件下的集体林改革——秦岭山区三村调查

3.Lightning Protection Study on 750kV Transmission Line Built in Qin Ling Mountainous Region穿越秦岭山区的750kV输电线路防雷技术研究

4.Characteristic of Soil Microorganisms in the Artificial Pure Forests秦岭山区人工纯林土壤微生物群落特征研究

5.The Qinling Mountains have become a significant tourism development area on both north slope and south slope.在北山坡和南山坡,秦岭山区已经成为一个重要的旅游开发区。

6.Superfical Discussion of Population Problems and Sustainable Development in Qinling Mountain--Take Qinling Mountain As An Example;试论山区人口问题与可持续发展——以秦岭山区为例

7.Study on the Lichen Family Physciaceae from Region of Mt.Taibai in Qinling;秦岭太白山地区蜈蚣衣科地衣的研究

8.Tonrist Resource Assesraent, and Regional Division Study in Northern Slope of Qinling Mountains--An Example of Southern Wutai Mountain of Qinling Mountains秦岭北坡旅游资源评价与区划研究——以秦岭南五台山为例

9.Natural Regeneration of Armand Pine Forest in Qinling Mountain Forest Region秦岭林区华山松林天然更新的初步研究

10.Distribution and Damage of Armand Pine Blister Rust (Cronartum sp.) in Shaanxi Province陕西秦岭林区华山松疱锈病分布及危害研究

11.The Mineralization and Metallogenic Process of Orogenic Gold Deposits, Western Qinling Region;西秦岭地区造山型金矿床成矿作用和成矿过程

12.Studies on the Lichen Genera Cladonia and Ramalina from Region of Mt. Taibai in Qinling;秦岭太白山地区石蕊属和树花属地衣的研究

13.The Longshan Group and Comparison with Qinling Group in GanSu Tianshui Area;甘肃天水地区的陇山(岩)群与秦岭(岩)群的对比

14.Economic Exploration and Ecological Protection of Shan-Zhen-Zha Region of South Qinling Mountains;秦岭南麓山镇柞区域经济开发与生态保护

15.The Agricultural Development and Ecological Changes in Qinling and Daba Mountainous Areas in the Qing Dynasty;清代秦岭、大巴山区的农业开发与生态变迁

16.Study on Integration Design of Form of Mountain Community Concerned Natural Surroundings of the Southern Qinling Slope秦岭南麓山水环境与住区形态整合设计研究


18.Arsenic geochemical field feature of Zhenshanzha and adjacent region in Nanqingling and its significance南秦岭镇—山—柞及邻区砷地球化学场特征及意义


Qinling Mountains秦岭山区

1.Assessment on the Ornamental Characteristics of Wild Arbor after Domestication fromQinling Mountains;秦岭山区野生乔木引种驯化后的观赏性评价

2.Insecticidal Activity of 204 Plants to Mythimna separata in theQinling Mountains;秦岭山区204种植物对粘虫生物活性测定

3)Qinling Mountain秦岭山区

1.Superfical Discussion of Population Problems and Sustainable Development inQinling Mountain——TakeQinling Mountain As An Example;试论山区人口问题与可持续发展——以秦岭山区为例

2.Causes of a Roadbed Subsidence inQinling Mountain Area and the Strategy秦岭山区某路基沉陷成因及对策

3.This paper describes two new species of Sphegina fromQinling Mountain, Shaanxi Province; namely Sphegina quadrisetae sp.记述了采自陕西秦岭山区的棒腹蚜蝇属2新种:四鬃棒腹蚜蝇Sphegina quadrisetaesp 。

4)medium mountain areas of the Qinling mountains秦岭中山区

1.Using the RS and GIS, the landscape pattern changes and driving force of Chang an river basin inmedium mountain areas of the Qinling mountains were quantified by interpreting Landsat images from 1994 ,1999 and .以期得到秦岭中山区长安河流域近10a间景观格局变化及驱动力因素。

5)Qinling and Dabashan area秦岭-大巴山地区

6)Xiaoqinling-Tongbaishan areas小秦岭-桐柏山区


