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调补气血 tonify qi and blood英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 16:43:17


调补气血 tonify qi and blood英语短句 例句大全

调补气血,tonify qi and blood

1)tonify qi and blood调补气血

2)Tiao Bu Qi Xue acupuncture principle调补气血针法

1.Objective :to explore the effects ofTiao Bu Qi Xue acupuncture principle on the changes of central neurotransmitter in the brain.目的 :旨在揭示调补气血针法治疗痴呆的中枢作用机制。

3)Tiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction调气活血补肾汤

1.Effect ofTiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction on experimental renal injury in rats;调气活血补肾汤对慢性肾功能不全大鼠的影响

2.Effect ofTiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction on NO and NOS in renal tissue in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction;调气活血补肾汤对单侧输尿管结扎后大鼠肾组织匀浆NO、NOS的影响

4)Invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation补气活血


1.Experimental Research on Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Invigorating Vital Energy and Promoting Blood Flow Therapy at the Acute Stage;补气活血法治疗脑出血急性期的实验研究

2.Experimental Study of the Antiatherogentic Effect of Buqihuoxuehuatan Decotion in Rabbits;补气活血化痰汤抗动脉粥样硬化的实验研究

3.Clinical Study of Unstable Angina on Inrigorating Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation Decoction;补气活血汤治疗不稳定型心绞痛的临床研究

4.The Clinical Observation of Decoction for Invigorating Qi and Promoting Blood Flow on Angina of Coronary Artery Disease,A Report of 52 Cases补气活血汤治疗冠心病心绞痛52例疗效观察

5.Treating 36 Cases of Coronary Artery Disease and Angina in the Capsule for Invigorate Vital Energy and Promoting Blood Flow to Promotion of Blood Circulation补气活血通脉胶囊治疗冠心病心绞痛36例

6.Mechanism of Invigorating Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation on Cytokine Expression of Aged Rats with ALI;补气活血法对衰老性ALI大鼠炎症细胞因子的作用机理研究

7.Clinical Study on YiQiBuShenHuoXue Decoction in the Treatment of Children Bronchial Asthma;益气补肾活血法治疗儿童哮喘的疗效观察

8.Clinical Study on YiQi BuShen HuoXue Fang in the Treatment of Childhood Bronchial Asthma;益气补肾活血方治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效观察

putational Simulation of Benefiting Qi and Activating Blood Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine中药补气与活血分子作用机理的计算机模拟

10.Experimental study of Bushengyiqihuoxue Capsule on aged and hyperlipidemic rats补肾益气活血胶囊对衰老和高脂血症大鼠的实验研究

11.Experimental Research on the Nerve Protective Effect of Preventing Cerebral Ischemia by Tonifying Kidney, Purging Phlegm, Restoring Qi and Activating Blood;“补肾化痰益气活血”法预防脑缺血神经保护作用的实验研究

12.Clinical Research on the Effect of Benefit Qi Complement the Kidney and Activity the Blood Decoction in Treating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Blood System Impairment益气补肾活血方对系统性红斑狼疮血液系统损害的疗效观察

13.The Effect of Buqitongyang Granule on the Release of Cardial and Vasoactive Substances in Rats with Myocardial Ischemia补气通阳颗粒对心肌缺血大鼠心血管活性物质释放的影响

14.Research of the Treatment for CNP with Promoting Blood Flow Invigorate the Kidney Benefiting Vital Energy Dehygrosis;活血补肾、益气祛湿法(花粉芪奴汤)治疗Ⅲa型前列腺炎的研究

15.Experimental Studies on Preventing and Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis in Rabbit Models by Supplementing Qi, Tonifying Kidney and Promoting Blood Movement;益气补肾活血法防治家兔膝骨性关节炎的实验研究

16.Clinical Study on Preventing and Treatment of Osteoporosis of Postmenopausal Women with "Suppot Kidvey Fortify Qi and Invigorate the Circulation of Blood Stasis Dredge Collaterals";“补肾益气活血通络”法防治绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的临床研究

17.The Therapeutic Effective and Mechanism of Zi Zu Huo Xue Bu Qi Fang on Intrauterine Growth Retardation;自组活血补气方防治胎儿宫内发育迟缓的疗效和机制

18.The Effect of Tonifying Kidney and Qi and Activating Blood Therapy on Quality of Life of Knee OA;补肾益气活血法对膝骨关节炎患者生存质量的研究


Tiao Bu Qi Xue acupuncture principle调补气血针法

1.Objective :to explore the effects ofTiao Bu Qi Xue acupuncture principle on the changes of central neurotransmitter in the brain.目的 :旨在揭示调补气血针法治疗痴呆的中枢作用机制。

3)Tiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction调气活血补肾汤

1.Effect ofTiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction on experimental renal injury in rats;调气活血补肾汤对慢性肾功能不全大鼠的影响

2.Effect ofTiaoqi Huoxue Bushen decoction on NO and NOS in renal tissue in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction;调气活血补肾汤对单侧输尿管结扎后大鼠肾组织匀浆NO、NOS的影响

4)Invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation补气活血

5)Qi-Blood Reinforcing气血双补

6)Tonefy qi to controt blood补气摄血


