900字范文 > 空巢老人 empty nest elderly英语短句 例句大全

空巢老人 empty nest elderly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-18 12:44:17


空巢老人 empty nest elderly英语短句 例句大全

空巢老人,empty nest elderly

1)empty nest elderly空巢老人

1.Study on Quality of Life and Psychological health of Empty Nest Elderly;空巢老人生活质量与心理健康的相关研究

2.Objective To study the difference in quality of life and psychological status ofempty nest elderly and their influencing factors.目的探讨空巢老人生活质量与心理状况是否存在差异以及相关影响因素。

3.Object: (1) To get a general idea of the health behavior status and its influencing factors of theempty nest elderly live in communities of Hefei city; (2)to understand the chronic diseases prevalence of this population and analysis the influencing factors; (3) to understand community health service demand and its influencing factors among this population.目的:了解合肥市社区空巢老人健康行为状况以及影响其健康行为的因素;了解合肥市社区空巢老人慢性病患病情况,并对其影响因素进行分析;了解合肥市社区空巢老人社区卫生服务需求状况及其影响因素,以便针对性开展相关干预措施,为社区卫生服务和社区卫生资源的投入以及制定卫生政策、提高空巢老年人的生存质量提供科学依据。


parison of life and psychological status of the elderly between families with children absent and families with children;城市空巢与非空巢老人生活和心理状况的比较

2.Consideration of Old-age Security of Solitary Elders in Countryside under Aging Trend老龄化趋势下农村空巢老人的养老保障思考

3.Influencing Factors for Quality of Life of the Elderly in the Empty Nest and Coontmeasures;空巢老人生活质量的影响因素及对策

4.The Impact of Physical Exercise on the Empty Nest Elderly Mental Health体育锻炼对空巢老人心理健康的影响

5.Research on Social Security for Empty-nest Aged in Chinese Rural Area on Transitional Background;转型条件下中国农村空巢老人的养老保障研究

6.Brief analysis countryside spatial nest old person s retirement mechanism: Social work angle of view;浅析农村空巢老人的养老机制:社会工作的视角

7.Values-shifts and the Empty Nest Family in an Aging Society老龄化社会中城市空巢老人价值观探析

8.The Forming of "Empty Nest" Elderly in Rural Areas and the Rational Choice of the Old-age Provision Model农村空巢老人的形成及养老模式的理性选择

parison of living and psychological status between the empty-nest elderlies and non-empty-nest elderlies in community上海市黄浦区空巢与非空巢老人心理健康及主观幸福感比较

10.The impoverished local countryside spatial nest old person communitycares for the aged the discussion - Take the Zaoyang city spatial nest old person living conditioninvestigation as the example;贫困地区农村空巢老人社区养老探讨——以枣阳市空巢老人生活状况调查为例

11.The Preliminary Study on Physical Lifestyle of Empty Nest Elderly in WuHan;武汉市空巢老人体育生活方式的初步研究

12.Study on Quality of Life and Psychological Status of Empty Nest Elderly;空巢老人生活质量与心理状况的相关性

13.Study on the Depression of the Empty-nest Elderly in City and Countmeasures;城镇“空巢”家庭老年人抑郁状况及对策

14.Analysis on correlation between SF-36 scale and LES scale of elder with empty nest in Guiyang;生活事件对空巢老年人生活质量影响

15.The Analyze of Social Supporting Factors for the City Empty Nest Old People;城市空巢老年人的社会支持因素分析

16.On the Social Care of the lonely Aged People in Zhoushan City;谈舟山“空巢孤寡老人”家庭的社会关爱

17.An Investigation on the Health State of Empty-nested Elderly People in the Community of Fuzhou;福州市社区空巢老年人健康状况调查



Empty-Nest Elderly空巢老人

1.An Analysis of Health Problems ofEmpty-Nest Elderly and relevant Countermeasures;空巢老人的健康问题及对策思考

2.The investigation of anxiety, depression and the influencing factors of the empty-nest elderly inpatients;住院空巢老人焦虑和抑郁情况及其影响因素的调查分析

3.This study based on the field research analyzes survival status of the empty-nest elderly family in rural areas through the economic situation, daily life conditions, mental state and health care and so forth, believing that model of support for the aged随着人口老龄化程度的不断提高,我国老年人口数量日益增多,农村空巢家庭的大量出现,空巢家庭中,空巢老人生存状况与养老问题面临诸多困境,老年人生存质量和养老问题日益突出,已成为一个值得全社会更多关注的社会现象。

3)empty nest aged people空巢老人

1.Probe into health problems ofempty nest aged people in city community and its strategies;城市社区空巢老人健康问题及对策探讨

4)empty-nested elderly people空巢老年人

1.Objective To make clear the health status ofempty-nested elderly people in Fuzhou and influential factors,and to provide scientific foundation for the work for elderly people.目的了解空巢老年人的健康现状及其影响因素,为老龄工作提供科学依据。

5)lonely aged peole空巢孤寡老人

6)Empty nest older people北京市空巢老人


老人葵老人葵介绍 老人葵 (Washingtonia filifera)科属: 棕榈科 华盛顿科属别名: 华盛顿葵形态特征: 常绿椰子树。主干通直,叶稍不易脱落分布与习性:原产印度、马来西亚等地。生长速度中至慢。耐热、耐寒、耐湿、耐旱、耐瘠、抗污染、易移植。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:树形壮大,成长快,适作行道树、添景树。台湾各地低海拔各式庭园均可单植、列植、群植利用。尤其列植为行道树或绿地添景树,景观优美。图片:
