900字范文 > 颈部疼痛 cervical pain英语短句 例句大全

颈部疼痛 cervical pain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-29 14:22:15


颈部疼痛 cervical pain英语短句 例句大全

颈部疼痛,cervical pain

1)cervical pain颈部疼痛

1.Effect ofcervical pain on cervical vertigo颈部疼痛在颈性眩晕的发病机制中的作用


1.Effect of cervical pain on cervical vertigo颈部疼痛在颈性眩晕的发病机制中的作用

2.2 years ago, the boy fallen down from a ladder with head downward. After that, the boy felt pain in the neck. The pain decreased after resting in bed.2年前患儿玩耍时不慎从滑梯上摔下,头部着地, 当时觉颈部疼痛, 经休息后颈部疼痛减轻

3.Massaging neck, it can respite the pain on neck and shoulder.⊙按摩颈部,可缓解颈部肩部的酸胀及疼痛。

4.Headache: Pain in the upper portion of the head头痛: 头颅上部的疼痛。

5.Something hit the back of his neck an agonizingly painful blow.不知什么东西在他后颈部打了一下,他感到疼痛不堪。

6.The pain went down my arm and also into my neck. After that I broke into a cold sweat and felt light-headed and nauseated.疼痛向手臂、颈部放射。随后我出冷汗,感到头晕和恶心。

7."Excruciating pains Begin in the throat and radiate to the ears or down the neck, with or without a trigger (e.g., sneezing, yawning, chewing)."剧痛起于咽喉,放射到耳,或沿颈部下行。疼痛可自然或经诱发(例如喷嚏、呵欠或咀嚼)而产生。

8.His hands bleed; his back aches.他双手淌血,背部疼痛,

9.Father is complaining of a pain in his chest.父亲诉苦说胸部疼痛。

10.The pain of pancreatitis is epigastric in location.胰腺的疼痛位于上腹部。

11.the facial expression of sudden pain.突然疼痛的面部表情。

12."Pain is increased by coughing, sneezing, or Bending the neck forward."咳嗽、喷嚏、向前屈颈时疼痛加剧。

13.a painful muscle spasm especially in the neck or back (`rick" and `wrick" are British).特别是在颈项或背的疼痛的肌肉痉挛。

14.Localized pain in the region of the heart.心痛心脏部位的局部疼痛

15."Flulike symptoms with diarrhea may progress to Back and limb pain, muscle tenderness, and stiff neck."类似流行性感冒的症状,带有腹泻,可能进展为背部和四肢疼痛,肌肉敏感,颈部僵硬。

16.The aching symptom would then prevade to the neck and chest and end up in dry coughs. The patients would die 2 weeks after catching the disease if not treated.疼痛的症状随后会漫延到颈部、胸部并导致干咳,除非经过治疗,不然患者将在发病后两周死亡。

17.Clinical main symptoms is the stiffness and pain of the lumbar, sacro, ack, cervical spine and hip, even affect to the hypochondria and anterior part of thorax.临床主要表现为腰、骶、背、颈、脊柱和髋部僵硬疼痛,甚至影响到胁肋及胸前部。

18.A painful condition of the lower back, as one resulting from muscle strain or a slipped disk.腰痛背部下部的疼痛状态,就象由于肌肉紧张或脱臼引起的疼痛


pain in neck muscle颈肌疼痛

3)local pain局部疼痛

1.A observation of the effects of nursing interventions on relievinglocal pain caused by infusion of FDP in AMI patients;5种护理干预减轻AMI静滴FDP局部疼痛的效果观察

2.Relationship between injection site andlocal pain during contrast medium delivering into veins with an automated power injector;不同部位高压静脉注射造影剂致局部疼痛比较

3.Probe into alleviatinglocal pain reaction induced by intramuscular injection of HCG;减轻注射绒毛膜促性腺激素局部疼痛反应的探讨

4)Pain location疼痛部位

5)Facial pain面部疼痛

6)chest pain胸部疼痛


病理性疼痛病理性疼痛pathological pain若第二疼痛不消失并有所发展时,即成为病理性疼痛,一般可分为4种类型:即表浅痛、深部痛、神经性疼痛及心理性疼痛。
