900字范文 > 水资源管理体制 water resources management system英语短句 例句大全

水资源管理体制 water resources management system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-11 21:05:23


水资源管理体制 water resources management system英语短句 例句大全

水资源管理体制,water resources management system

1)water resources management system水资源管理体制

1.water resources management system is the general terms of system and institutions on the institution setting and limits of authority distribution.水资源管理体制是水资源管理的机构设置和权限划分等方面的体系和制度的总称。


1.Study on Water Resources Management System of Huaihe Basin in Shandong Province;山东省淮河流域水资源管理体制研究

2.Research on Establishing System of Water Resource Management with Priority of River-basin Management;建立流域为主的水资源管理体制研究

3.Discussion on water resources management system for southern four lakes on east route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调东线南四湖水资源管理体制探讨

4.Make Reflection on Improving the Water Resources Management System of the Shiyanghe River Basin关于完善石羊河流域水资源管理体制的思考

5.The Evolution of the Water Resource Management System and Inspiration from "Drainage Basin Management"我国水资源管理体制的演变及对流域管理的启示

6.Study of Water Resources Management System in Middle-Small Irrigation District--Theory and Practice of Self-financing Irrigation and Drainage District;中小型灌区水资源管理体制探索——经济自立排灌区(SIDD)的理论与实践

parison between Chinese and British water resources and financial management systems;中英水资源管理和财务管理体制比较

8.Discussions on the Organizational System and the Management Mechanism of Water Resources Management;论我国水资源管理的组织体系和管理体制

9.Study on Water Resources Management Form under the Market Economic System;市场经济体制下水资源管理形式探讨

10.Study on the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources Property Management Mechanism;基于可持续利用的水资源资产化管理体制研究

11.On the Comprehensive River Basin Administration Mechanism of Water Environment and Water Resource;水环境与水资源流域综合管理体制研究

12.Thinking About Water Resource Manegement System from Water Rights;从水的相关权属构想我国水资源的管理体制

13.Water trade restriction and water resources management under free trade system;自由贸易体系下的水贸易限制与水资源管理

14.Research on the Combination Policy of Local Administrative Management and River Basin Management of Water Resources in China我国水资源流域管理与区域管理相结合体制研究

15.Study on Foreign Right to Water and the Mode of Water Resource Management System;国外水权及水资源管理制度模式研究

16.Perfect the Distribution System of Water Rights, Reinforce the Administration of Water Resources;完善水权配置制度,加强水资源管理

17.Integrate Social Management Resource and Blaze Social Management System New Trails;整合社会管理资源 创新社会管理体制

18.The Characteristic of Water Resource and Enlightenment on Establishing Chinese Water Rights Administration System;水资源的特点及其对构建我国水权管理体制的启示


management system of water resources水资源管理体系

3)system of capitalization management of water resources水资源资产化管理体系

4)water resource management水资源管理

1.The water cycling characteristics of Zhalong wetland and itswater resource management;扎龙湿地水循环要素变化特征与水资源管理

2.And on the consideration of current situation ofwater resource management in China,this paper also makes an exportation of its inspiration to Chinese water management.本文通过回顾西方水资源与水环境管理模式的演进历程,在联系西方水资源与水环境管理理论与实践背景的基础上,对其管理模式、管理政策与技术方法的科学性和有效性进行了评析,研究和总结了西方国家水资源管理的经验教训,并考虑到我国水资源管理现状,分析了西方水资源管理模式与方法对我国未来水资源管理的借鉴意义。

3.By means of a review of the evolution ofwater resource management model in overseas,the analysis and evaluation are carried out on the scientificity and effectiveness of management models,policies,and methods according to the management theory and practice of water resource in overseas.通过回顾国外流域水资源管理模式的演进历程,联系国外水资源管理理论与实践背景,对其管理模式、管理政策与管理方法的科学性和有效性进行了评析。

5)water resources management水资源管理

1.Accelerating the development of on-line water quality monitoring system to provide the equipment basis forwater resources management;加快水质在线监测系统研制 为水资源管理提供装备支撑

2.Summarization of climate changing effect onwater resources management;全球气候变化对水资源管理影响的研究综述

3.The study on the affection of water rights theory and water price system forwater resources management;水权、水价对水资源管理的影响研究

6)management of water resources水资源管理

1.Management of Water Resources and Its Planning of the Information Systems in Dandong;丹东市水资源管理及其信息系统的规划设计

2.This paper presents a general statement on the response of regional hydrology and water resources to the climatic changes from the aspects of precipitation, evaporation, runoff of hydrology system, water content in earth, water supply and water demand of water resource system, as well as themanagement of water resources, and the author"s point of view is included.从水文系统的降水、蒸发、径流和土壤水分及水资源系统供水、需水和水资源管理等方面综述了区域水文水资源对气候变化的响应,提出了作者的看法。

3.According to the situation of the water resources at home and abroad, some problems existed in the use andmanagement of water resources in China were analyzed.从当前国内外水资源状况的角度入手,分析了我国水资源利用管理上存在的主要问题,通过水资源和可持续发展的关系阐述了可持续水资源管理的概念和基本对策,并对未来可持续水资源管理提出了几点设想与建议。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
