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种皮颜色 Seed coat color英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 20:13:10


种皮颜色 Seed coat color英语短句 例句大全

种皮颜色,Seed coat color

1)Seed coat color种皮颜色

1.Seed coat color is not only a morphological indicator but also association with dormancy and quality of seed in Braasica.油菜种皮颜色既是一个形态指示性状,又与种子休眠和品质有关。


1.Molecular Biological Studies of Seed Coat Color in Oilseed Mustard (Brassica Juncea);芥菜型油菜种皮颜色的分子生物学研究

2.Effects of Seed Size and Seed Coat Colour on Seed Quality and Yield of Flower Stalks from Palnts in Brassica Campestris. L. var. Purpurea Bailey红菜苔种子大小和种皮颜色对种子质量及苔产量的影响

3.A Study on the Quality Properties of Colored Rice and Molecular Genetics of the Pericarp Color Character in Rice (Oryza sativa L.);有色米的品质特性与种皮颜色性状的分子遗传学研究

4.Molecular Genetic Map Construction and QTL Mapping of Seed Coat Color in Brassica Napus L.;甘蓝型油菜遗传连锁图的构建及种皮颜色QTL初步定位

5.of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration.浅颜色皮肤人种的或者属于浅颜色皮肤人种。

6.A variety of apple having fruit with dark red skin.晚熟苹果一种皮的颜色为暗红色的苹果

7.Vitiligo is a skin disease causeing the loss of pigmentation in which patients develop white spot in the skin.白癫风是一种皮肤病,其患者皮肤失去天然颜色,产生白色斑点。

8.of the color of buff leather.指浅黄色皮革的颜色。

9.an oxford with a saddle of contrasting color.鞋面有颜色对比鲜明的镶皮脊的一种便鞋。

10.Having two colors or two shades of a single color.有两种颜色或同一颜色的二个色调的

11.Each pod contains one to three oblong seeds with whitish to dark-purple seed coats.每一豆荚包含1~3粒长椭圆形种子,外覆浅灰到深紫颜色的种皮。

12.One color could supposedly be changed to another.按推测,某一种颜色可变为另一种颜色。

13.One colour melted into another.一种颜色渐渐变成另一种颜色。

14.In the rainbow one color melts into another在虹中一种颜色逐渐混入另一种颜色。

15.A pigment or dye having this hue.黄色颜料,黄色染料具有这种颜色的颜料或染料

16.Having many colors.多色的有许多种颜色的

17.Let one colour dominates.让一种颜色为主色。

18.The color of their fur changes from lighter in the winter to a more reddish-yellow in the summer.其皮毛颜色依季节而变化,夏天颜色较深,呈黄红色,冬天颜色变浅。



3)genetics of seed coat color种皮颜色遗传

4)skin color皮肤颜色

1.Investigation of The Skin Color on Face and Forearm in Healthy Women;健康女性面部前臂皮肤颜色调查

2.Physical measurement and evaluation for theskin color of normal and UV-irradiated skin——Comparing study of Chromameter CM 2500d and Maxmeter MX18;客观测量正常皮肤和紫外线照射后皮肤颜色的变化——比较Chromameter CM2500d和Maxmeter MX18的异同

3.Theskin color can reflect the integrality of dermal barrier and the sensitivity of skin.皮肤颜色能够反映皮肤屏障的完整性,皮肤的敏感性,有助于判断祛斑美白化妆品的功效,色素性皮肤病诊断和疗效,因此对皮肤颜色进行客观的无创价评在皮肤科学及医学美容中具有重要的作用。

5)epidermis color表皮颜色

6)seed color种子颜色

1.Seed color detection by computer technology in rapeseed;计算机图像识别鉴定油菜种子颜色

2.In order to evaluate rapeseed color objectively and conveniently,a method for evaluating rapeseed color by digital image analysis was explored.为了客观方便地评价油菜种子颜色,研究探索了数字图像分析评价方法。

3.In order to advance the application of digital image analysis(DIA) in rapeseed color evaluation,a software "Rape Seed Color Analysis"(RSCA) has been developed,which is based on Delphi 7.为促进数字图像分析法在油菜种子颜色评价中的应用,研究开发了全自动分析软件RSCA(rape seed coloranalysis)。



种皮是种子外面的保护结构,其性质、厚度随植物种类而异。有些植物种皮厚且坚硬,如松籽和瓜类植物的种子。也有些植物种皮较薄,由坚韧的果皮保护着种子,如花生、桃等的种子。有些植物的种子成熟后果皮与种皮愈合在一起,共同起着保护作用,如小麦、玉米、水稻的种子。组成种皮的几层细胞,常在种子成熟时就已死亡,这些细胞大多会有加厚的细胞壁,并有栓质化或角质化的变化。种皮的厚度与硬度可以起到增加不透水性和防止病虫害的侵入。但这也能使种子在萌发前产生吸水困难,因此有些种子在播种前必须加以处理,才能促进种子的萌发。 成熟种子的种皮上常常可以见到种脐,它是种子脱离果实时留下的痕迹(就是种子和珠柄相脱离的地方)。种孔是原来胚珠的珠孔留下的痕迹。观察时,可先将种子浸水吸胀,当用手挤压时,能见到有水自种孔处冒出。有的种皮上可以明显曲子到种脊,种阜,如蓖麻。棉籽的种皮上还有棉纤维。 有些植物种子的种皮含有色素,因此使成熟的种子具有不同颜色,如豆类作物的种子,就有红、黑、绿、黄、白等各种颜色。
