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分数 fraction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-11 00:25:46


分数 fraction英语短句 例句大全



1.Correcting the measuring symbols of concentration andfraction and so on according to GB3102.893;按照国家标准来规正“浓度”与“分数”的量符号及其他

2.Some Exact Travelling Wave Solutions Of The Generalized Seventi eth Order KdV Equation By The Fractionary Deforming Method;用分数形变法计算7阶KdV方程的某些行波精确解

3.Examples are given to differentiate quantity ratio and massfraction,mol ratio and molfraction,cuba.例析了比率相关量如质量比与质量分数、摩尔比与摩尔分数、体积比与体积分数的区别。


1.vulgar fraction普通分数, 简分数

2.fractional differentiation分数微分(法),分数次微分

mon fractionph.1. 【数】普通分数常分数

4.The exponent is a fraction or negative number.指数是一个分数或负数。

5.an integer or a fraction.正整数负整数正分数负分数和零。

6.simple fractionph.1. 简分数

mon fraction:a fraction having an integer as a numerator and an integer as a denominator.分数:一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数.

plex fractionph.1. 繁分数

9.a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator.分子或分母有分数的分数。

10.Score – Calculate your honesty levels分数—测量你的诚实指数

11.observed number right scores观测到的答对数分数

12.a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator.分子小于分母的分数。

13.a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator.分子大于分母的分数。

14.Fractional BDF Method for Multi-order Fractional Differential Equations多阶分数微分方程的分数BDF方法

15.fluxional calculus【数】流数术(微积分)

16.distributive law【数】分配律, 分布律

17.the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2.对数表示法的整数部分(正数或负数)。

18.Bayesian Estimation for the Parameters of Exponential Distribution with Grouped Data;分组数据下指数分布参数的Bayes估计


score[英][sk?:][美][sk?r, skor]分数

1.The computer programming of the matriculation standard determining according to the single coursescore;确定单科录取分数线的程序设计

2.A simple and reliable method of conversion for Normalization and standardization ofscores;一种简单、可靠的分数正态化及标准化换算方法

3.The ways of analysing studentsscore are graphic-arts technique,the item analysed method and the entirety analysed method.对学生考试分数的分析方法有图形分析法、项目分析法和整体分析法。


1.Symmetry Single-lens Fractional Fourier Transform Bologram;对称式单透镜分数傅里叶变换全息图


1.When themark controls the student,it becomes the measure of identifying whether the student is good or not.当分数控制学生的学习时,分数成了“鉴定”学生好坏的标尺,因而它也是对学生的社会压力的工具。


1.Nowadays, the improper use ofmarks leads to a very serious and widespread problem which prevents negatively students from studying and well developing.目前,由于不恰当使用分数而出现的妨害学生学习和健康发展的消极现象已成为一个十分严重而普遍的问题。

2.At present, doing away with blind faith to exammarks has become an important issue of emancipating minds, being practical, realistic, and deepening the reform of education.考试和分数有一定的意义和作用 ,但任何考试都有片面性 ,不应把分数作为衡量学生的惟一标准 ,更不要凭分数把人看死。


1.Amonashivili argues strongly against usingscores to assess students.阿莫那什维利极力反对学校设立分数作为评价学生的手段。


