900字范文 > 限制乞讨 forbidding begging英语短句 例句大全

限制乞讨 forbidding begging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 08:00:16


限制乞讨 forbidding begging英语短句 例句大全

限制乞讨,forbidding begging

1)forbidding begging限制乞讨


1.Study on the Crime of Organizing the Handicapped and Children toBegging;组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪研究

2.An Analysis of Strategic Communication inBegging Activities;乞讨行为的策略传播透析


1.To beg or get by begging.行乞乞求或通过乞讨获取

2.To obtain or try to obtain by begging;cadge.讨取通过行乞获得或设法通过行乞获得;乞讨

3.To approach and beg from(a stranger).向…乞讨接近并向(陌生人)乞讨

4.Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places.乞丐不得在公共场所乞讨。

5.The beggar goes from door to door for a meal and a glass of beer.这乞丐挨门挨户乞讨饭和啤酒。

6.The beggar begged from the rich but they refused.那个乞丐向富人们乞讨, 但遭到了拒绝。

7.Beggars must not be choosers.乞讨者不该挑肥拣瘦。

8.He was so poor that he descended to begging for his food他穷得只好乞讨度日。

9.He begged money from people passing by.他向过路的人乞讨钱。

10.He wouldn"t stoop to begging and stealing.他不会屈尊乞讨和偷盗。

11.He taught the dog to sit up and beg.他训练狗站立乞讨。

12.Begging is not allowed in the station.不允许在车站乞讨。

13.He begged food from passers-by他向过路人乞讨食物。

14.The hungry refugees were begging for food饥饿的难民在乞讨食物。

15.The tramp begged food.那流浪汉乞讨食物。

16.She made a living by begging from the rich.她靠向有钱人乞讨过活。

17.He didn"t feel ashamed to beg from his neighbours.他并不羞于向邻居乞讨。

18.he asked this man boldly."他大胆地向这个人乞讨。



1.Study on the Crime of Organizing the Handicapped and Children toBegging;组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪研究

2.An Analysis of Strategic Communication inBegging Activities;乞讨行为的策略传播透析


1.Based on the unknown state from the verybeginning, we can also have an unknown future.国家权力的职责是为不幸的流浪乞讨群体提供生存的机会,致力于消除流浪乞讨的社会原因,而不是一味地禁止流浪和乞讨的行为本身。

2.Based on making an investigation of thebegging group and paying a visit to the departments concerned, this thesis, which is through sorting out the document materials, analyzes the status of our country sbegging phenomenon, developing tendency, public attitudes towards thebegging group at present.在对乞讨群体进行调查、走访有关部门的基础上,通过整合文献资料,分析了当前我国社会乞讨现象的现状、发展趋势及社会大众对乞讨群体所持态度,探讨了乞讨现象产生、存在和发展的原因及其带来的危害和影响,从不同角度提出了解决问题的思路、对策和建议,同时,对乞讨现象进行了更深层次的思考。

3.The right tobeg has been prohibited in some cities.乞讨现象在一些大中城市出现并逐年增多,这其中有的强行讨要、有的组织他人——主要是未成年人和残疾人进行乞讨,给社会带来了较严重的危害。

4)The Research on the Law Limit of Beg论乞讨的法律规制

5)The right to beg乞讨权

1.The right to beg has been prohibited in the subway,tourism area and urban in some cities.部分城市颁布的在"地铁、旅游区、繁华街区"禁止乞讨的地方性法规引发了学界和媒体关于"乞讨权"是否成立以及"禁乞令"是否合理的争论。

2.The paper try to discuss the right to beg is the type of the right or the type of freedom; what type of the right it is ;and also discuss the act of begging and the restraint and the salvage of the right to beg.因“孙志刚事件”的发生在全国引发了一次对乞讨权问题的大讨论。

6)begging problem乞讨问题


