900字范文 > 女性劳动力供给理论 female labor supply英语短句 例句大全

女性劳动力供给理论 female labor supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 18:53:42


女性劳动力供给理论 female labor supply英语短句 例句大全

女性劳动力供给理论,female labor supply

1)female labor supply女性劳动力供给理论

1.This article mainly based on the book to discuss thefemale labor supply and wage differences,as a link between the actual situation of women in our country and the theories to make practical significances.本文主要以此书为基础,着重于讨论女性劳动力供给理论和工资差别理论,最后联系我国女性劳动力的实际情况,提出该理论的现实意义。

2)supply of labor劳动力供给

1.This nonequilibrium is expressed by surplus ofsupply of labor and total effective labor.新世纪初(2001-),安徽省劳动力市场将主要表现为一种不均衡的状态,即安徽省自身劳动力供给与有效劳动力供给过剩,同时,劳动力供给结构与劳动力需求结构存在差异。

2.On the base of predicting the suitable age of labor, the number of students, extra-labor, population of migration and elder labor, the writer predictssupply of labor of Shanghai in the first 10 years of the 21st century, and suggests adjusting policy ofsupply of labor.21世纪前,上海市劳动力市场将主要表现为一种不均衡的状态,这种不均衡状态主要表现为上海自身劳动力供给不足与总的有效劳动力供给过剩,同时,劳动力供给结构与劳动力需求结构存在差异。


1.Weakening of Advantage of Labor Supply and Optimization of Labor Transfer in China我国劳动力供给优势减弱与劳动力转移的优化

2.Analysis on Labor Force Participation Rate and Labor Supply in the Future in China;中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析

3.A Study of the Effects of the Implementation of the New Labor Contract Law on Labor Supply新《劳动合同法》的实施对劳动力供给的影响研究

4.To Predict the Quantity of Rural Surplus-labor Supply in Gansu Province in -;甘肃省农村剩余劳动力供给形势分析

5.Analysis on Current Situation and Trend of Labor Force Supply in the Provinces of Northeast China;东北三省劳动力供给现状及趋势分析

6.Review on the Research of Pension Impact on Labor Supply;养老金对劳动力供给的影响研究综述

7.Marginal Cost:A New Explanation of Labor Force Supply Curve;边际成本:劳动力供给曲线的重新解释

8.The Supply Deflection Analysis of Chinese Structural Unemployment结构性失业:我国劳动力供给偏差分析

9.An Economic Analysis of Individual Labor Supply of Migrant Workers农民工劳动力供给行为的经济学分析

10.A Demonstrational Analysis of the Supply and the Demand Status of Qinghai Province Laborer;青海省劳动力供给与需求现状的实证分析

11.The Prediction and Analysis of Labor Supply of Beijing in the Future;北京市未来劳动力供给趋势的预测与分析

12.Bad Influences on the Motion of Macro-economy by Supply Inflation of Labor Force;论劳动力供给膨胀对宏观经济运行的不良影响

13.Bad Influences on the Distribution of Social Welfare by Supply Inflation of Labor Force;论劳动力供给膨胀对社会财富分配的不良影响

14.Market Failure Caused by Supply Inflation of Labor Force and Policy of Government;劳动力供给膨胀所导致的市场失灵与政府政策

15.A Study of Rural Labor Supply Mechanisms in the Times of Japanese High Economic Growth;日本经济起飞时期农村劳动力供给机制研究

16.Deep Thought over the Sectional Shortage of Workforce Supply in China;对当前中国劳动力供给局部短缺的深层思考

17.The Influence of Population Aging Tendency to The Labor Supply;我国人口老龄化趋势对劳动力供给的影响

18.Market Failure Caused by Supply Inflation of Labor Force and Its Rectification;劳动力供给膨胀所导致的市场失灵及其纠正


supply of labor劳动力供给

1.This nonequilibrium is expressed by surplus ofsupply of labor and total effective labor.新世纪初(2001-),安徽省劳动力市场将主要表现为一种不均衡的状态,即安徽省自身劳动力供给与有效劳动力供给过剩,同时,劳动力供给结构与劳动力需求结构存在差异。

2.On the base of predicting the suitable age of labor, the number of students, extra-labor, population of migration and elder labor, the writer predictssupply of labor of Shanghai in the first 10 years of the 21st century, and suggests adjusting policy ofsupply of labor.21世纪前,上海市劳动力市场将主要表现为一种不均衡的状态,这种不均衡状态主要表现为上海自身劳动力供给不足与总的有效劳动力供给过剩,同时,劳动力供给结构与劳动力需求结构存在差异。

3)labor supply劳动力供给

1.Based on questionnaire, the paper, employing Logit regression empirical method, makes an empirical analysis on the current situation oflabor supply elasticity in China to expound the overall state of the taxation of individual income tax and sociological incidence in China in order to offer references to the making of relevant polices.文章在调查问卷的基础上,通过Logit统计回归方法,从不同的社会学变量角度对我国劳动力供给弹性现状进行了实证分析,从而对个人所得税税负的总体以及社会学归宿状况加以阐述,以期为相应政策的制定提供重要参考。

2.Based on the DEA approach,we apply the C2R model to evaluate thelabor supply efficiency of 21 cities in Guangdong.在DEA的C2R模型基础上,建立一种评价劳动力供给效率DEA模型,并将其应用于广东省21个地级市的劳动力供给效率评价中,给出相应的技术效率、规模报酬、决策单元在生产前沿面上的"投影"和排名等。

3.Thelabor supply is mainly determined by three factors: population scale,age-structure of population,and labor participation ratio.本文在系统分析了北京市劳动力供给以及三个主要决定因素历史变动的基础上,采用因子分解方法,定量计算了20世纪90年代以来上述三个因素在北京市劳动力供给量变动上影响的重要程度。

4)Supply Labor Force供给劳动力

5)elasticity of supply for urban and rural labors城乡劳动力供给弹性

6)endogenous labor supply内生劳动力供给

1.With the assumption of possible limitation existed on capital flow,in this article,we establish an optimizing inter-temporal agent model withendogenous labor supply incorporated.文章在个体跨期最优模型中引入内生劳动力供给,并同时假定对资本流动存在限制,以此来分析实际汇率变动对就业的影响。


女性1.人类两种性别之一,与男性相对。常用为妇女的通称。 2.女子的性格﹑性情。
