900字范文 > 社会流动 social mobility英语短句 例句大全

社会流动 social mobility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-24 14:16:15


社会流动 social mobility英语短句 例句大全

社会流动,social mobility

1)social mobility社会流动

1.Research of the farmers′ continuing education from the perspective ofsocial mobility;社会流动视角下的农民继续教育研究

2.The view ofsocial mobility on Imperial civil service examinalion system;科举制度的社会流动视角

3.Research intosocial mobility from the perspectives of cultural studies;文化研究视野下的社会流动研究


1.horizontal social mobility横向社会流动 横向社会流动

2.Social Mobility and Change of Social Status of Migrant Workers;农民工的社会流动和社会地位的变化

3.Social Class Structure, Social Mobility and Social Harmony: Observation from Chongqing社会阶层结构、社会流动与社会和谐:自重庆观察

4.The Study on Social Mobility of Hunan Province Female Retired Athletes;湖南省女性退役运动员社会流动研究

5.Study on Current Social Mobility of Chinese Classes;现阶段中国人口社会阶层的社会流动研究

6.Social Mobility of Farmers and Option for Social Policies in the South of Jiangsu--Taking Kunshan as an example;农民社会流动与苏南社会政策选择——以昆山为例

7.Survey the Higher Education Disharmonies from Social Fluxion and Social Stratification;从社会流动和社会分层看高等教育中的不和谐

8.On the Social Integrative Function of the Chinese Imperial Examination System in Ming-Ch’ing Period:From the Perspective of Social Mobility;明清科举制的社会整合功能 以社会流动为视角

9.Discussion and Analysis on the Phenomenon of Restructuring of Stratum for Construction Peasant-Worker in A Modern Society;现代社会中建筑农民工社会流动现象之探讨

10.How the Social Stratum and its Flow Affect Preschool Education in Chinese Country;社会分层、社会流动与农村幼儿教育小学化

11.Study on the Influence of Higher Education to Social Stratification and Flowage论高等教育对社会分层与社会流动的影响

12.Features of Social Stratification and Movement in the Rural Area of Zhili Province in Late Qing Dynasty晚清直隶农村社会分层和社会流动之表征

13.Social Mobility of Rural Migrant Workers in Current China--A theoretical explanation based on the principles of social mobility;中国农民工现阶段的社会流动——一个基于社会流动渠道的理论解释

14.Education,social class and social flow;教育、社会分层与社会流动——以外来流动人口及其子女为例

15.They move in high [the best] society.他们出入上流社会 [在上流社会活动] 。

16.upward social mobility社会地位的上向流动

17.external logistics社会物流(企业外部的物流活动的总称)

18.Research on People Flow Management Model for Large Scale Social Activities;大型社会活动人员流动管理模型研究


social flow社会流动

1.Education,social class andsocial flow;教育、社会分层与社会流动——以外来流动人口及其子女为例

2.After its first appearance in human society, money has gradually become the catalyst of human socialization, the accelerator ofsocial flow, the engine of social interaction as well as one of the bases of social classification.自从人类社会出现货币以后,货币逐渐成了人的社会化的催化剂,社会流动的加速器,社会互动的引擎,同时,也是社会分层的依据之一。

3.The changes of social roles, the breakup of social status, the weakening of social integration and the quickening ofsocial flow, all these factors constitute the main causes for the increase and spread of female crimes.当前我国处于急剧的社会变迁时期,社会变迁带来的社会角色的变迁、社会地位的分化、社会整合力的减弱以及社会流动的加速,是当代女性犯罪不断上升和蔓延的重要原因。

3)social circulation社会流动

1.Through the investigation of different level track and field administrators or coaches in nine provinces and interview with other people,this article analyzed some problems ofsocial circulation of track and field athletes in China.采用问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等方法,针对我国田径运动员社会流动的相关问题,对我国9个省、直辖市田径项目不同层次管理人员、教练员进行问卷调查及对相关人士访问。

2.Presently, China s social structure is "Pyramid" of social strata rather than a mode of reasonable, fair, and opensocial circulation and there is not yet an effective mechanism for .我国当前的社会结构为金字塔型的社会阶层结构,还没有形成一个合理、公平、开放的社会流动模式,社会整合缺乏有效机制。

4)social liquidity社会流动性

5)social mobility in the imperial society科举社会流动

6)Social Fund Circulation社会资金流动

1.The Systems Evolution of Merchants Banks:an Analytical Framework based on the Visual Angle ofSocial Fund Circulation;商业银行制度演进的逻辑——一个基于社会资金流动视点的分析框架


