900字范文 > 借用程序 borrowing procedures英语短句 例句大全

借用程序 borrowing procedures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 05:15:59


借用程序 borrowing procedures英语短句 例句大全

借用程序,borrowing procedures

1)borrowing procedures借用程序

2)borrowing with channel ordering有序的信道借用


4)on loan借用;借调

5)application program应用程序

1.The Standardization of Raw Milk and Application Program Design;原料奶的标准化及其应用程序的设计

parison study on PKPM and Guangshaapplication program;对PKPM和广厦应用程序的比较研究

3.Discussion on Application of VB Technology in the Development of CAI Teaching Software-- the optimization of VBapplication programs;VB在CAI教学软件开发中的技术探讨——VB应用程序的优化


1.Host &Application主机应用程序(&A)

2.To Switchover an APs Applications切换 AP应用程序

3.Local AppWizard-Generated Applications应用程序向导生成的本地应用程序

4.Application Servers, Applications and Content应用程序服务器、应用程序和内容

5.Reusing Existing Web Applications重用现有Web应用程序

6.Developing application system based on Web service with C#;用C#构建Web service应用程序

7.To Consfruct Internet Appticafion with Visual Baslc;用VB构建Internet的应用程序

8.Developing Internet Application Using PowerBuilder;用PowerBuilder开发Internet应用程序

9.Using Delphi to Develop ASP Program;利用DELPHI开发ASP应用程序

10.application programming interface应用编程接口,应用编程界面,[台]应用程序接口,[港]应用程序编写接口

11.Starting applications from Program Manager is easy.在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。

12.You must type the name of the setup program for this application.必须输入应用程序的安装程序名。

13.Applications (program specific and all other sounds)应用程序(程序专有的和所有其他声音)

14.Setup will next install your server applications.安装程序将接着安装服务器应用程序。

15.Client Application setup failed to launch“客户端应用程序”安装程序启动失败

16.Internal application error.内部应用程序错误。

17.description of applet format小应用程序格式描述

18.applications found on hard disk硬盘上找到的应用程序


borrowing with channel ordering有序的信道借用


4)on loan借用;借调

5)application program应用程序

1.The Standardization of Raw Milk and Application Program Design;原料奶的标准化及其应用程序的设计

parison study on PKPM and Guangshaapplication program;对PKPM和广厦应用程序的比较研究

3.Discussion on Application of VB Technology in the Development of CAI Teaching Software-- the optimization of VBapplication programs;VB在CAI教学软件开发中的技术探讨——VB应用程序的优化

6)General program通用程序

1.Through introduction to application practice of coordinate setting in concrete engineering, this paper makes a summary of general idea of curved bridge measurement in the area with complicated landform and works out the general program used for coordinate setting of rail-road curved bridge.通过具体工程应用实践 ,总结出坐标定位法用于地形复杂地区曲线桥墩台测量的一般思路 ,并编制了公路铁路曲线桥梁坐标定位法计算通用程序。

2.Then, a general program is worked out.本文根据文[1]中关于串并联多体系统在多频多激励下的碰撞振动与稳定的统一理论,导出了任意串并联多体碰撞振动系统在多频多激励下的周期运动的计算公式和稳定条件;并利用Fortran77语言,得到确定系统周期运动及其稳定条件的通用程序;最后举出了利用该程序的算例。

3.In this thesis, a conception of building a general program of earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation information system has been proposed from the angle of standardization and generalization, based on the summary of recent years researches on the information system and the analysis of commonness between several systems.本文在总结近年来城市防震减灾信息系统研究成果的基础上,归纳分析了各系统间存在的共性,从规范化、通用性的角度首次提出了构建防震减灾信息系统通用程序的设想,并以福建省龙岩市的实际调查数据为基础,在ArcView 9。


