900字范文 > 列车最优配对原则 train optimum partnership principle英语短句 例句大全

列车最优配对原则 train optimum partnership principle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 03:41:36


列车最优配对原则 train optimum partnership principle英语短句 例句大全

列车最优配对原则,train optimum partnership principle

1)train optimum partnership principle列车最优配对原则

1.The first problem is solved by tightening latency time gradually;based on it,the second problem is solved by giving more rigorous latency time restriction to the particular trains;thetrain optimum partnership principle is established,the third problem is solved by using of the principle;the forth problem is solved by the method of transforming data which based on the second problem.提出了列车匹配系数的概念并建立了列车最优配对原则,根据该原则对列车进行优化编组得到了问题三的调度方案。

2)optimal distribution principle最优分配原则

3)optimum principles最优原则


1.Research on the Rationality of QFII Portfolio Construction -Based on the General Principle and the Optimal Principle of Matching between Risk and Revenue;QFII投资组合构建的合理性研究——基于风险与收益匹配性的一般原则与最优原则

2.According to selected ground control points, an optimal trian-gular net is automatically constructed.本文介绍了在选好地面控制点后,按最优原则自动构成三角形网。

3.On the Differences and Coordinations between Optimum Principle and Satisfactory Principle;论最优化原则与满意原则的差异协同

4.Translators should abide by three principles: the principle of integrity, structure and optimization.译者在实际翻译时应遵 循三个原则:即整体原则,结构性原则和最优化原则。

5.Research on Placement Algorithm Based on Less Flexibility First Principles;基于最小自由度优先原则的布局算法研究

6.Application of the Optimization Principle of Diagnosis and Treatment in Clinical Practice Teaching;临床实习教学中诊疗最优化原则应用探讨

7.Optimization Medical Care for Low Birth Weight Infant and Its Revelation on Philosophy;关于低出生体重儿诊疗最优化原则的思考

8.The Purpose, Principles, and Best Practices of Director Compensation in America Corporation;美国公司董事薪酬管理原则与最优实践

9.On the Law, Principle and Excellence of Sports Teaching,Viewed frm the Theory of Modern Teaching;从现代教学论看体育教学的规律、原则和最优化

10.As the basic principle that local governments provide services, Best Value Principle also holds true to the fund management of primary and secondary schools.最优价值原则作为英国地方政府提供服务的基本原则,同样适用于中小学的资金管理。

11.If the investment is very big, we pay the biggest preference according to the actual circs.投资规模较大的,按一事一议的原则给予最大优惠。

12.The various functional groups are ranked in priority as to which receives the suffix name and the lowest position number1.各种官能团按优先原则排列,以便确定其后缀名和最小位置编号。

13.Decision-making Model of Loan′s Portfolio Optimization Based on Principle of Maximum Earnings Per Risk基于单位风险收益最大原则的贷款组合优化决策模型

14.Remember, as a general rule of thumb, that you want to capture husks primarily because of the advantage they give.记住,首要原则,你想要占领外壳最基本的是由于它们带给你的优势。

15.Dynamic Equivalence--the Most Effective Principle to Direct Translation;指导翻译的最佳原则——动态对等原则

16.The Principle of Appropriateness Is Not the Supreme Principle of Rhetoric;试论“得体原则”不是修辞的最高原则

17.Principle of Special and Differential Treatment特别和优惠待遇原则

18.China has adopted the priority-of-registration principle.中国采用注册优先原则。


optimal distribution principle最优分配原则

3)optimum principles最优原则

4)matching selection配对原则

5)Principle of optimization最优化原则

1.In this article,we recall the development of principle of treatment of fracture and present method of femoral neck fracture to discuss the optimal method of it in elderly patient by using the principle of optimization.本文回顾了骨折治疗原则的发展历程和股骨颈骨折现有的治疗方法,旨在从系统论的最优化原则角度,初步讨论治疗老年股骨颈骨折的最优方案,认为应结合患者的生理年龄、预期寿命、骨的质量、骨折情况和经济条件等因素来选择治疗方案。

2.To discuss the ethical meaning of the principle of optimization, which embodies medical aim, reflects the ideal of professional morals, and shows loving care for the patients.讨论了诊疗最优化原则的伦理学意义:它充分体现了医学的宗旨、医学职业道德理想和对患者的无私关爱,有利于纠正医疗卫生行业的时弊,昭示着医疗卫生改革发展的方向。

6)optimization principle最优化原则

1.It is essential to strengthen the application of theoptimization principle of diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice teaching,which can improve the quality of medical treatment and build a harmonious and mutual-trust relationship between doctors and patients so as to better serve patients and promote the development of medical science.临床实习教学是培养医学生的重要组成部分,加强医学生临床教学中诊疗最优化原则的贯彻实施至关重要,有利于提高医疗质量和构建和谐、互信的医患关系,更好的服务患者和促进医学事业的发展。


