900字范文 > 群体激励 mass stimulation英语短句 例句大全

群体激励 mass stimulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-07 02:35:37


群体激励 mass stimulation英语短句 例句大全

群体激励,mass stimulation

1)mass stimulation群体激励

1.From perspective ofmass stimulation theory in conjunction with Value-chain theory,this paper raises the conception that each sector contributes differently to corporation s value-chain according to its function,and puts forward "Sector Discrepant Management Model".从群体激励的角度考虑,结合企业价值链理论,充分应用部门在企业价值增值过程中的地位与作用的不同,提出了部门差异化管理模式,并将其应用于薪酬体系中,较好地解决了激励不足、薪酬与绩效难以挂钩的问题。

2)elasticity of group motivation群体激励许可弹性

3)incentive system激励体系

1.On the Consummation of the Joint-stock Enterprise s Incentive System in China;完善我国股份制企业激励体系研究

2.Study on the Incentive System for Solar Building Based on Its Comprehensive Values Analysis基于综合价值分析的太阳能建筑激励体系研究

3.This paper will explore how to buildincentive system of R&D project team in igh-tech enterprises through analyzing high-tech enterprises and its characteristics,combined with analysis of team motivation theory and features.阐述了高技术企业及其研发项目团队的特点,并结合团队激励的理论基础和特点进行分析,探讨如何构建高技术企业研发项目团队的激励体系。


1.Research on Establish Staff Motivation Systems of JY Pharmaceuticals Co.Ltd;JY药业有限公司员工激励体系建立

2.Research on Motivation System of Mid-and-small Soft-developing Enterprises;中小型软件开发企业激励体系的研究

3.Delonghi Core Talent Retention & Motivation System Study;德龙公司核心人才留用激励体系研究

4.The Design of Middle and High Administrator s Motivation Mechanism of JW Corporation;JW公司中高层管理人员激励体系设计

5.Establishing a Motivating System for Management of State-owned Enterprises;构建国企经营者新的激励体系的设想

6.Study on Sales Incentive System of XSJD Co., Ltd.西安XSJD公司销售人员激励体系研究

7.The Research of Sales Staff Incentive System of JNCT CompanyJNCT公司销售人员激励体系构建研究

8.Study on EVA Prompting Mechanism of Branch Manager of Commercial Bank;商业银行分支机构高级管理人员的薪酬激励——引入EVA激励体系

9.Unscrambling the Incitement Model of "Porter-Lawler",Consummating Incitement System in the University S&T Park;解读“波特—劳勒激励”模式完善大学科技园激励体系

10.The Incentive Salary System Article of Yi Bang New Style Building Material Co. Ltd;意邦新型建材有限公司薪酬激励体系设计

11.This strategy breaks the limitations of traditional compensation system that emphasizes the material factor and ignores the mental factor.它包括奖酬激励、利激励、就激励和组织激励四大部分,共同构成完整的薪酬战略体系。

12.Excited Source System and Temperature-control System of Laser Diode半导体激光器的激励源系统和温控系统

13.Found a System of Responsibility Accounting and Perfect the Prompting Mechanism in Foreign Trade Industry建立责任会计体系,完善外贸激励机制

14.The Study on the Payment System Improvement-A Hotel in Inspirit-orientation Aspect;激励导向的A酒店薪酬体系改进研究

15.A Research on Design of Internal Incentive Index in Enterprise;企业内部激励机制指标体系设计研究

16.Study on incentive correlations among innovative subjects of firms;企业技术创新主体间的激励关系研究

17.Thinking about enterprise incentive compensation system design关于企业激励型薪酬体系设计的思考

18.The stimulating methods of sports should modulate the dialectical relation between the material and mental awards, and the promptness and stability of awardsshould be laid stress on.竞技体育的激励方法应把握好物质奖励与精神奖励的辨证关系,并注意激励的及时性和稳定性。


elasticity of group motivation群体激励许可弹性

3)incentive system激励体系

1.On the Consummation of the Joint-stock Enterprise s Incentive System in China;完善我国股份制企业激励体系研究

2.Study on the Incentive System for Solar Building Based on Its Comprehensive Values Analysis基于综合价值分析的太阳能建筑激励体系研究

3.This paper will explore how to buildincentive system of R&D project team in igh-tech enterprises through analyzing high-tech enterprises and its characteristics,combined with analysis of team motivation theory and features.阐述了高技术企业及其研发项目团队的特点,并结合团队激励的理论基础和特点进行分析,探讨如何构建高技术企业研发项目团队的激励体系。

4)association drive团体激励

5)integration incentive整体激励

1.This paper surveys the enterprise sintegration incentive.本文就企业整体激励进行了全面的阐述,首先分析了企业激励机制的范畴,其次阐明了制度安排与激励途径,随后分析和概括了构建企业整体激励制度层面的三个方面。

6)motivation object激励客体

1.By in China Contrast and analysis between motivation mechanisms of state enterprises operators and those of foreign enterprises operators, the author putsforward proposals for the remoulding of motivation subject,motivation object, motivation form in the motivation mechanisms for state enterprises operators in China.本文通过对国企经营者激励机制与国外企业经营者激励机制的比较分析 ,对我国国企经营者激励机制中的激励主体、激励客体、激励形式的重塑提出了建


