900字范文 > 工资不平等 Wage inequality英语短句 例句大全

工资不平等 Wage inequality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-25 12:40:33


工资不平等 Wage inequality英语短句 例句大全

工资不平等,Wage inequality

1)Wage inequality工资不平等

1.The author provides an empirical analysis on the impact of education on wage inequality in urban China.本文在国家统计局全国1%人口抽样调查数据的基础上生成326个地级行政区的数据,以此分析教育对我国城镇职工月工资不平等和小时工资不平等的影响。

2.Based on provincial-level data generated from the national 1% sample survey on population in ,this paper presents an empirical analysis on the impact of education on wage inequality in urban China.本文在国家统计局全国1%人口抽样调查数据的基础上生成省级层面的数据,以此分析教育与我国城镇职工工资不平等的关系。


1.Returns to Skills, Economic Transition and the Rising Wage Inequality-Studies on Urban China: 1988-;技能回报、经济转型与工资不平等的上升

2.Rising Wage Inequality:Composition Effect and Price Effect;工资不平等的上升:结构效应与价格效应

3.Impact of Education on Wage Inequality in Urban China:Composition Effect and Price Effect教育对工资不平等的影响:结构效应和价格效应

4.Education and Wage Inequality in Urban China教育与工资不平等:中国城镇地区的经验研究

5.Trade Liberalization and Provincial Wage Gap贸易自由化与中国各省内部工资不平等

6.Increasing Residual Wage Inequality: Composition Effects, Noisy Data, or Rising Demand for Skill?残差工资不平等:结构效应、嘈杂数据,还是上升的技术需求?

7.Wage inequality in Europe and Japan has also increased, but not by as much.工资不平等在欧洲和日本也有所上升,但并没有美国这么显著。

8.Marketization,Globalization and Unequal Growth of Wage: An Empirical Analysis Based on Secondary Industry市场化、全球化与劳动力工资不平等增长——基于第二产业的实证研究

9.unequal pay and conditions, eg for women不平等的工资和劳动条件(如对妇女的).

10.parity of status, pay, treatment地位、 工资、 待遇的平等

11.Monopoly Power in Labor Market,Minimum Wage and Income Inequality;垄断劳动力市场、最低工资限制和不平等

12.Human Capital Investment and Income Inequality--The Effect of the inequality of Education;人力资本投资与收入不平等——教育质量不平等的影响

13.Human Capital Inequality and Economic Growth of Several Regions in China;人力资本不平等与中国区域经济增长

14.The Inequality of Health Care Utilization in China;我国居民医疗资源利用状况的不平等

15.Human Capital and Intergenerational Transfer of Income Inequality;人力资本与收入不平等的代际间传递

16.For wage scales have a way of being paralleled by workers in different kinds of businesses.因为在各个不同的企业部门中工人的工资幅度和等级通常是平行的。

17.Regional Inequalities in Medicaid Financing and Benefit Levels in Urban China;城市医疗救助筹资与给付水平的地区不平等性

18.Discussion on the Unequality in Construction Project Bidding;建设工程招投标中不平等问题的探讨


the inequality of assets资产不平等

3)Wage Inequality工资不平衡

1.Skill-biased Technical Progress,North-south Trade andWage Inequality;技能型技术进步、南北贸易与工资不平衡

4)human capital inequality人力资本不平等

1.Introducinghuman capital inequality as a factor of effect on economic growth,this paper theoretically explained the mechanisms of effect on economic growth ofhuman capital inequality.本文引入人力资本不平等作为经济增长的影响因素,首先从理论方面分析人力资本不平等影响经济增长的途径和作用。

2.However, few people studied the effect ofhuman capital inequality working on economic gr.第二,给出一种测算我国人力资本不平等的新方法,并以此进行计算,得到一组反映我国各省市人力资本分布情况的新数据—人力资本基尼系数和人均受教育年限。

3.This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the effect on TFP growth ofhuman capital inequality.本文通过理论和实证分析研究了人力资本不平等对全要素生产力增长的影响。

5)Gender inequality on developing resources发展资源的性别不平等

6)Unfair Education Resource Distribution教育资源分配不平等

1.Studying Accompanying Migration: Representation ofUnfair Education Resource Distribution between City and Country;陪读性迁移:城乡教育资源分配不平等的表现


