900字范文 > 环境规划 environmental planning英语短句 例句大全

环境规划 environmental planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-24 05:06:37


环境规划 environmental planning英语短句 例句大全

环境规划,environmental planning

1)environmental planning环境规划

1.An optimization approach and its application forenvironmental planning of tourism city(Ⅱ) Environmental planning in Kunming tourism ring;旅游城市环境规划优化方法与应用研究(Ⅱ)昆明旅游圈环境规划优化

2.Definition, function and characteristic analysis of modernenvironmental planning.;当代环境规划的定义、作用与特征分析

3.Innovation of urbanenvironmental planning based on circular economy principle;基于循环经济理念的城市环境规划创新思路


1.Fund of the United Nations Environment Programme联合国环境规划署基金

2.ESCWA/UNEP Environment Coordination Unit西亚经社会/环境规划署环境协调股

3.DHA/UNEP Environment Unit人道部/环境规划署环境股

4.Programme Activity Centre for Oceans and Coastal Areas of the UNEP环境规划署海洋和沿海地区规划活动中心

5.On Campus Environmental Planning in Colleges and Universities:A Case of Practice at Zhejiang Normal University;高校校园环境规划论析——以浙江师范大学校园环境规划实践为例

6.Landscape-Oriented Campus Planning: A Case Study ofHefei University Concept Planning;景观环境规划为导向的大学校园规划——以合肥大学城概念规划为例

7.Joint ECLAC/UNEP Development and Environment Unit拉加经委会/环境规划署发展与环境联合股

8.UNEP Goals and Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment环境规划署关于环境影响评估的目标和原则

9.An Aquatic Environment Programming Research Base on Aquatic Environmental Capacity;基于水环境容量计算的高明河水环境规划研究

10.The Planning and Design of Hospital Courtyard Base on Environment-behavior Theory;基于环境行为学的医院庭院环境规划设计

11.The Meihua Village of Countryside Construction Were Studied from the Ecological Sciences of Human Settlements;从生态人居环境理论看袂花乡村环境规划

12.Housing, Construction and Physical Planning Section住房、建筑和物质环境规划科

13.Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands规划环境地政局局长

14.Sub-plan for Environmental Protection生态环境保护专项规划

15.Minor Environment Improvement Project小规模环境改善计划

16.Development of the Cultural Environment文化环境建设专项规划

17."Lands and Planning Division [Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau]"地政及规划部〔规划环境地政局〕

18.Methodology of Plan-based Environm ental Impact Assessment in Land Use Planning;规划导向的土地利用规划环境影响评价方法


environment planning环境规划

1.Upgraded conceptions and principles were needed as guidance forenvironment planning towards urban sustainable development.面向城市可持续发展的环境规划需要新的理念和原则作指导。

2.The relations between the urban traffic andenvironment planning is discussed from traffic building,traffic implement and traffic management.从交通建设、交通工具以及交通管理等多方面论述了城市交通与环境规划的关系 ,提出了从环境规划的角度 ,发展城市交通所应该考虑的几个问题 ,最后针对这些问题提出了一些建议。

3.Unfortunately,environment planning, an important part of urban planning, has not been brought on to right course.再加上建设活动无意的破坏,集镇的环境质量正在以一个不容忽视的速度下降,但是作为集镇规划重要组成部分的环境规划至今未能纳入正常轨道。

3)environmental plan环境规划

1.The establishment of the index system forenvironmental plan in natural protection zones for aquatic wild animal;水生野生动物自然保护区环境规划指标体系的建立

2.Analyzing basis of existing problems inenvironmental plan in regional development,the article expounds the main content,goal of plan and programme of regionalenvironmental plan and puts forward proposal of making out regional environment plan.在分析区域开发中的环境规划所存在问题的基础上,阐述了区域环境规划的主要内容、规划目标和程序,提出了编制区域环境规划的建议。

bining the need ofenvironmental plan, this paper explains the basic concept, characteristics and measuring application model of EBC, and applies the model to analyzing EBA in Zhaoqing.结合环境规划的需要,从理论上阐述了环境承载力的基本概念、特点及计量应用模式,并且将这一理论运用在广东肇庆综合环境承载力研究。

4)environmental program环境规划

1.An application of Jiangsu Jingjiangenvironmental program in the 11th five plan is given.讨论了环境规划中区域社会-经济-环境模型建立的原则,提出了适合非定态城市发展过程中规划因子的预测方法,并给出了江苏靖江"十一五"期间环境规划中的具体应用。

2.:In practicalenvironmental program, very little consideration has been given to the influence of non-linear characteristics on the benefit of environmental input.在实际环境规划中,很少考虑到非线性特征对环境投入的效益影响。

3.This paper raised a new research field ofenvironmental program, country environmen-tal program.本文提出了环境规划的一个新领域一乡域环境规划,论述了乡域环境规划在保护生态环境、合理利用资源、指导乡镇企业生产和农村城镇化过程中的重要意义,提出了乡域环境规划的理论和研究内容。

5)planning environment规划环境

6)water environment planning水环境规划

1.Allocated impact zone and its application inwater environment planning;分配影响区过程及在水环境规划中的应用


