900字范文 > 减肥类化学药物 Slimming drugs英语短句 例句大全

减肥类化学药物 Slimming drugs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-10 04:54:15


减肥类化学药物 Slimming drugs英语短句 例句大全

减肥类化学药物,Slimming drugs

1)Slimming drugs减肥类化学药物


1.Detection of 10 slimming drugs added illegally into functional foods by high performance liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry液相色谱-离子阱质谱联用同时检测保健食品中非法添加的10种减肥类化学药物

2.Various kinds of drug, tea and food with the effect of reducing weight are enjoying high favour among the people now.各类减肥药、减肥茶、减肥食品,眼下正备受青睐。

3.They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.那些减肥药片里含有某种有害的化学物质,导致了我肝功能衰竭。

4.HPLC-MS/MS identification of antiobesities in traditional Chinese medicine and health foods液质联用检查中药制剂及保健食品中减肥类药物

5.Screening the Natural Antiobesity Herbs Based on Its Effect upon the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma;以过氧化物酶体增殖物受体γ为靶点的天然减肥药物的初步筛选

6.The Seientific Analysis of the Medicine Reducing Weight and Reducing Weight with Sport;医药减肥与运动健身减肥的科学性分析

7.The Preclinical Toxicology and Toxicity Mechanisms of MJ15, a New Cannabinoid Receptor Antagonist Weight-Reducing Drug;新型大麻素受体拮抗剂类减肥药MJ15临床前毒理学及相关机制研究

8.Biological Analysis on Reducing Weight by Aerobics;非运动减肥与有氧运动减肥的生物学分析

9.Be on the alert for the drug of reducing weight减肥药再次拉响红色警报 科学减肥应该成为肥胖者减肥的最重要手段

10.The Pharmacological Study of Two Iridoids;两种环烯醚萜类化合物的药效学研究

11.The Overview of Studies on Pharmacokinetics of Polyphenols多酚类化合物的药代动力学研究概况

12.Progress in Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products in Antiobesity Field;中药及天然产物在减肥领域的研究进展

13.Biological Analysis of Obesity and Weight Loss by Aerobic Exercises (A Summary);肥胖与有氧运动减肥的生物学分析(综述)

14.pharmaceutical chemistry制药化学, 药物化学

15.Synthesis and anti-obesity effect of 2-naphthyl ethylamine derivatives2-萘基乙胺类衍生物的合成及减肥作用研究

16.The world"s first weight-loss drug for dogs has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration( FDA).全球第一种狗狗专用减肥药业经美国食品药物管理局核准。

17.Identification of Six Anti-obesity Chemical Drugs Added into Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Foods by Liquid Chromatography-Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry MethodHPLC-MS/MS检测中药制剂及保健食品中添加6种减肥药物的研究

18.Since exercise hasn"t helped you toolset weight, have you tied to cut down on starches既然锻炼未能使你减肥,那么你试过减少淀粉类食物这一方法吗?


Anti-obesity drugs减肥药物

1.Anti-obesity drugs may be categorized into 3 types according to their mechanism of actions: appetite-suppressing drugs, digestion and absorption-repressing drugs and energy expenditure-enhancing drugs.减肥药物按作用机制可分为3类:抑制食欲药物和抑制肠道消化吸收药物与增加能量消耗药物。

3)the medicine reducing weight药物减肥

1.Sport builds up body and reduces weight,the diet is controlled,the medicine reducing weight,several kinds of daily weight-reducing methods at present.运动健身减肥、饮食节制、药物减肥、是目前常用的几种减肥方法,其减肥作用各有优劣。

4)Slimming Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Products减肥类药品及保健品

1.Detection of Fenfluramine Hydrochloride Illegally Mixed intoSlimming Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Products by Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry;串联四极杆质谱法测定减肥类药品及保健品中非法掺入盐酸芬氟拉明的研究

5)antiobesity agent减肥药

6)antiobesity drug减肥药

1.Therefore, To find an effectiveantiobesity drug which can aim at potential pathogenies and improve cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors are urgently needed.肥胖是全世界最大的成年人慢性疾病,其发病类和流行率在逐年上升,由它引起的高脂血症、动脉粥样硬化、冠心病、糖尿病等一系列代谢综合症直接威胁着患者的生命健康,因此寻找一种能针对各种潜在病因、改善多种心脏代谢性危险因素的减肥药显得十分迫切。


