900字范文 > 部分相干涡旋光束 Partially coherent vortex beams英语短句 例句大全

部分相干涡旋光束 Partially coherent vortex beams英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-02 21:38:05


部分相干涡旋光束 Partially coherent vortex beams英语短句 例句大全

部分相干涡旋光束,Partially coherent vortex beams

1)Partially coherent vortex beams部分相干涡旋光束


1.Transmission and Spatial Correlation Properties of Focused Partially Coherent Vortex Beams聚焦部分相干涡旋光束的传输和相干特性

2.Propagation of Partially Coherent Vortex Beams in the Turbulent Atmosphere部分相干涡旋光束在大气湍流中的远场传输特性

3.Detection of the orbital angular momentum of fractional optical vortex beams分数阶涡旋光束的轨道角动量的测量

4.Spectral anomalies of Young"s double-slit interference experiment with vortex beam涡旋光束经杨氏双缝干涉后的光谱变化

5.Beam Combination Characteristics of Partially Coherent Beams部分相干光光束并合的光束传输变换特性

6.The Spectral Degree of Cross-polarization of Stochastic Electromagnetic Beams部分相干电磁光束的光谱交叉偏振度

7.Intensity Distribution of Focused Hollow Vortex Beams with a Gaussian Background in Turbulent Atmosphere大气湍流中高斯空心涡旋光束的焦面光强分布

8.Influence of Turbulence on Spatial Correlation Properties of Partially Coherent Annular Beams湍流对部分相干环状光束空间相干性的影响

9.The Researches on the Characters and the Applications of the Partially Coherent and Partially Polarized Light;部分相干部分偏振光束的特性和应用研究

10.Propergation of Partially Polarized,Partially Coherent Gaussian-Schell Model Electromagnetic Beams Through an Aperture Lens部分相干部分偏振电磁束通过光阑透镜的传输

11.The Propagation of Partially Coherent Beams Passing Through the Complex Optical System;部分相干光束通过复杂光学系统的传输

12.Partial Coherent Pulse of The Gaussian Beam in the Far Field of Abnormal Behavior Spectrum部分相干脉冲高斯光束在远场的光谱异常行为

13.Study on the Focusing Properties of Beams and the Spreading of Partially Coherent Beams Propagating Through Turbulent Atmosphere;光束的聚焦特性和部分相干光通过湍流大气传输光束扩展的研究

14.Coherent and incoherent additions of nonparaxial partially coherent Hermite-Gaussian beams非傍轴部分相干厄米-高斯光束的相干和非相干合成

15.The intensity distributions of focused partially coherent dark hollow beams in turbulent atmosphere湍流大气中部分相干空心聚焦束的光强分布

16.Measuring the Topological Charge of Vortex Beams with Young"s Double-Slit Interference Experiment利用杨氏双缝干涉实验检测涡旋光束的拓扑荷数

17.Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence on the Propagation of Partially Coherent Electromagnetic Flat-topped Beams大气湍流对部分相干电磁平顶光束传输的影响

18.Propagation properties for partially coherent flattened-Gaussian nonparaxial beams非傍轴部分相干平顶高斯光束的传输性质


partially coherent beam部分相干光光束

1.Characteristics of self-trapping ofpartially coherent beam;部分相干光光束的振荡自陷特性

3)partially coherent light beam部分相干光束

1.Spectral changes ofpartially coherent light beam diffracted by a knife-edge;部分相干光束经刀边衍射产生的光谱变化

2.Study on orbital angular momentum and its spectrum ofpartially coherent light beam;采用Mercer展开法得到了轨道角动量谱,计算了给定部分相干光束的轨道角动量谱,讨论了部分相干性对轨道角动量谱的影响。

4)partially coherent beams部分相干光束

1.Recently,the modal decomposition、characterization and propagation ofpartially coherent beams are topics of considerable interest.近年来,部分相干光束引起了人们极大的研究兴趣,部分相干光源也可产生与激光一样的远场光强分布,而其光强均匀度优于完全相干的激光光束。

2.Recently, the characterization and propagation ofpartially coherent beams are topics of considerable interest.近年来,部分相干光束引起了人们极大的研究兴趣,部分相干光源也可产生与激光一样的远场光强分布,而其光强均匀度优于完全相干的激光光束。

5)partially coherent beam部分相干光束

6)fractional vortex beams分数阶涡旋光束


