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考核方式 testing method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-11 16:11:49


考核方式 testing method英语短句 例句大全

考核方式,testing method

1)testing method考核方式

1.In view of the problem in the course "The Principle of Microcomputer and Its Interface",this paper discusses how to conduct teaching reform from the aspects of theory teaching methods,experiment teaching methods andtesting methods based on teaching practice.针对目前"微机原理与接口技术"课程学习中存在的学习内容枯燥、学生基础薄弱等问题,结合作者的教学实践,从理论教学、实验教学和考核方式3个方面对如何改进教学方法进行了探讨。


1.Examine the Thinking of the Wayin Reforming "Two Courses" Examination;对改革“两课”考试考核方式的思考

2.Fasten the Reformation of Examination Model, Construct Different Kinds of Examination Models Emphasis on Capability Assessment;加快考核模式改革,构建以实践能力考核为主线的多种考核方式

3.Reformation of the exam pattern of general gymnastics course --“Replacing exam with competition”;体操普修课考核方式的改革——“以赛代考”

4.Study of the Evaluation Mode for Bilingual Education of Science and Technology Majors;理工科专业课双语教学考核方式探讨

5.The Optimization of the Method for Evaluating the Specialty Optional Courses of Higher-grade Students of University;高校高年级专业选修课考核方式优化

6.Exploration on the Evaluation Mode of "Two Courses" in Higher Vocational Schools;高职院校“两课”考核方式改革探讨

7.Reform on Automobile Electric Appliance Testing;汽车电器实训考核方式的改革与实践

8.The Study of the Assessment System of Analytical Chemistry Experiments;分析化学实验教学考核方式改革初探

9.Exploring the Examination Ways of Reforming《MathematicsTeaching Textbook and Method in Middle School》;改革《中学数学教材教法》考核方式探索

10.A Brif Discussion on Exaination of Building post Training Class;浅议建筑工程类岗位培训班考核方式

11.Analysis on the Reformation of Chinese Geography Assessment刍议高校《中国地理》课程考核方式改革

12.Thinking on the Course Assessment Towards the Pilot Project;改革“试点”项目研究课程考核方式的几点思考

13.Thinking and Practice of the Way to Improve the Assessment of Vocational College Students改进高职学生学习成绩考核方式的思考与实践

14.The application of scenario simulation in the examination of clinical practice情景模拟考核方式在临床实习出科考核中的应用

15.Solutions to Testing Methods in the Department of Preparatory Training Courses of the Central University of Nationalities;中央民族大学预科部考核方式解决方案

16.The Atlempts of the Course Examining Reform ation of the Advanced Vocational Education--Take then Cattle Propagation as an Example;高职教育课程考核方式改革的尝试——以家畜繁殖学课程考核方式改革为例

17.Analysis of Effect on the Examining Mode of PE Abilities for Traditional PE Classes of Health Protection传统保健体育课体育能力考核方式的效果分析

18.The Research of Innovation of Inspcetion Way of Teaching Procedure of Higher Vocational Technology College;高职院校实践教学环节考核方式创新研究


examination ways考核方式

1.The flexible teaching soft-environment can be built by taking kinds ofexamination ways.改变教学方法 ,转变教学态度 ,注重培养学生在实验中的情感体验 ,采取多种考核方式 ,为学生创建宽松的实验教学软环境 ,以促进学生个性的发展 。

3)Assessment Methods考核方式

1.In order to achieve a better result,we teachers have to make a deep study on students\" mathematical idea,with the purpose of nurturing students\" habit on investigative study,on students\" ability of applied mathematics,on students\" logical system and receiving ability,and on assessment methods which back up this kind of teaching method.为了更好地进行"研究性教学",教师应研究数学史培养学生数学思想,应研究数学教学的认知规律培养学生"研究性学习"习惯,以及进行应用数学知识能力的研究,完美的逻辑体系与学生接受能力的研究,支持这种教学方式的考核方式的研究。

4)examination methods考核方式

1.Based on the present situation of our university,some opinions on the reform of teaching modes andexamination methods are put forward.“计算机文化基础”课程改革,是各高校面临的重大课题,本文结合我校的实际情况,在教学模式和考核方式改革方面谈一些自己的看法。

2.This paper probes into the methods of improving the teaching quality of exercise physiology by means of teaching methods andexamination methods.从教学方法及考核方式等方面探讨了提高运动生理学教学质量的途径和方

5)evaluation mode考核方式

1.Theevaluation mode of "two courses" in higher vocational schools should persist in principles of integration of process evaluation and outcome evaluation,of cognition evaluation and thinking evaluation,of exact evaluation and blur evaluation,actively boost the reform ofevaluation mode.高职院校“两课”考核方式应坚持过程评价和结果评价相结合,认知考核和思想行为考核相结合、精确评价和模糊评价相结合等原则,积极推动考核方式的改革。


1.This paper explores the selection of teaching material, using of chinese and engligh in class, and method ofexamination in the practice of bilingual teaching in the subject of "Database System".本文从教材的选择、课堂上双语的使用以及考核方式等多个角度介绍了我院对"数据库系统"课程的双语教学的具体实践。

2.It is advocated that the teaching practice,creative teaching model,optimization of knowledge,multimedia technology,and theexaminations are all combined to improve the effect of teaching,motivate the learning interest of students,and develop their abilities of working.结合实践教学经验,在汽车构造课中打破传统的教学模式,优化知识结构;充分运用多媒体技术,采用"理实一体化"教学模式;理论与技能相结合的考核方式,提高汽车构造课程的教学效果,调动和激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的职业能力。


