900字范文 > 露头砂岩 outcrop sandstone英语短句 例句大全

露头砂岩 outcrop sandstone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-03 00:43:39


露头砂岩 outcrop sandstone英语短句 例句大全

露头砂岩,outcrop sandstone

1)outcrop sandstone露头砂岩

1.Spontaneous imbibition behavior of brine,nonionic surfactant solution,anionic surfactant solution,and cationic surfactant solution and its effects on recovery efficiency were studied in water-wet Chineseoutcrop sandstones.利用国产露头砂岩岩心,研究水湿条件下盐水、非离子表面活性剂、阴离子表面活性剂和阳离子表面活性剂溶液的自发渗吸规律及其对采收率的影响,对比盐水渗吸、表面活性剂溶液渗吸和先盐水渗吸后表面活性剂溶液的渗吸情况。

2.The effect of inorganic salt on spontaneous imbibition and recovery factor of surfactant flooding has been studied under water-wet condition withoutcrop sandstone cores.利用国产露头砂岩岩心,研究了亲水条件下,无机盐对岩心采用表面活性剂溶液进行自发渗吸驱油的规律和采收率的影响。


1.The Comparative Analysis of Diagenesis of Outcrop Sandstones and Core Sandstones in Chengzihe Formation、Muling Formation, Jixi Basin鸡西盆地城子河组、穆棱组露头砂岩与岩芯砂岩成岩作用比较分析

2.The control of the sequence boundary over the sandstone reservoir and diagenesis:a case study of Yanchang Formation outcrop along the Ruishui River profile基准面旋回对砂岩成岩作用的控制——以鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘汭水河延长组露头为例

3.A series of sandstone beds may crop out in one area.一组砂岩层可在某地区露出。

4.lithic arkosic wacke岩屑长石砂岩质杂砂岩

5.Drag bits are used most commonly in soft formations.在松软岩层中最常用的是钢砂钻头。

6.A stone similar to this kind of sandstone.蓝矾一种与蓝砂岩相似的石头

7.At a surface exposure the host rock dips steeply to the east.在一个露头处,含矿主岩向东陡倾。

8.Artistic Mantle of Rock Performing Resplendence--Intonating With Stone And Enjoying the Pleasurue艺术砂岩 再现辉煌——与石头一起吟唱欢歌

9.The sandy and muddy Permian rocks of Tolo Harbour are of marine and continental origins.分布于吐露港的二叠纪砂和泥质岩,均属于海陆沉积形成的产物。

10.Research and Application of Bits for Drilling in Elastic-plastic Dense Mudstone of In-situ Leaching Sandstone Uranium Deposit地浸砂岩型铀矿弹塑性致密泥岩钻头的研究与应用

11.Distribution of single sand body deposited by river channel in Quantou Formation of Jijialing Outcrop,Southern Margin of Songliao Basin松辽盆地南缘籍家岭泉头组露头河道单砂体分布特征

12.granit is S-type and its evolution sequence might begranomonzonite → muscovite-granite(outcrop) → feldspar-granit →muscovite-granite(core);花岗岩演化顺序可能为二长花岗岩→露头白云母花岗岩→钾长花岗岩→白云母花岗岩芯。

13.Sands lithify into sandstones.砂经过石化而成砂岩。

14.lithic subarkosic wacke岩屑亚长石砂岩质杂砂岩

15.Practically every rock outcrop shows numberless joints.实际上所有岩石的露头都显示许许多多的节理。

16.Rock outcrops form almost continuous low cliffs.岩石露头形成几乎连绵不绝的低矮峭壁。

17.Detection of the Limestone Karst Cracks in Coal Outcrop Area by GPR利用探地雷达技术探测煤层露头区灰岩岩溶裂隙

18.A typical terrigenous lacustrine deltaic distributary channel sandbody is investigated in the outcrop of Pliocene series at Youshashan, west Chaidamu basin, Qinghai province.柴达木盆地西部油砂山上新统底部是一个典型的陆源湖成三角洲分流河道露头砂体。



3)rock outcrop岩石露头


5)Qiaotou sandstone桥头砂岩

1.Some different viewpoints on the origins of theQiaotou sandstone in the Baode city of Shanxi Province.对于山西保德地区桥头砂岩的成因,一直存在不同认识。

2.This paper shows that it is possible that the sediment of low stand system tract can exist in the basin as the case ofQiaotou sandstone of the upper Taiyuan Formation interprets.以太原组上部灰岩段中桥头砂岩为例 ,通过对露头、岩心、测井曲线的分析和层序对比以及海平面升降变化对研究区沉积影响的分析 ,认为桥头砂岩形成于不同的三级层序内 ,由 3套低位域下切河谷充填沉积叠置而成 ,说明在盆地内古大陆架上也可以发育低位体系域沉积。

3.Tectonic disturbance,sea level change and differential compaction provided enough accommodation space for the distribution of K1 sandstone andQiaotou sandstone.本溪组—太原组形成于陆表海背景之下,陆表海基底平缓,层序结构大多为二元体系域结构,在构造变动、区域海平面下降及差异性压实作用等因素的控制下形成了以K1砂岩和桥头砂岩为代表的低位体系域河道下切充填。

6)rock outcrop soil岩石露头土


