900字范文 > 青枯病抗性 Resistance to bacterial wilt英语短句 例句大全

青枯病抗性 Resistance to bacterial wilt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-06 11:11:41


青枯病抗性 Resistance to bacterial wilt英语短句 例句大全

青枯病抗性,Resistance to bacterial wilt

1)Resistance to bacterial wilt青枯病抗性


1.Evaluation of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt of Potato Somatic Hybrids;马铃薯体细胞杂种的青枯病抗性鉴定

2.The Induced Resistance of AR99 for Tomato Bacterial Wilt;AR99菌剂诱导的番茄青枯病抗性研究

3.Studies on Resistance Test and RAPD Marker of Resistance Gene to Bacterial Wilt in Eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.);茄子青枯病抗性鉴定和抗性基因的RAPD标记研究

4.Research on the Relationship between the Resistance to Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Enzyme Activities;番茄对青枯病抗性与酶活性关系的研究

5.Flue-cured Tobacco Varieties Resistant to Bacterial Wilt K326 Effects of Genetic Improvement (Ralstania Solanacearum)烤烟品种K326青枯病抗性遗传改良效应研究

6.Genetic Analysis and Molecular Marking of Resistance of Bacterial Wilt of Eggplant;茄子青枯病抗性的遗传规律分析及抗性基因的AFLP分子标记

7.Studies on the Genomic Diversity of Germplasm Resources and Molecular Marker Linked to Ralstonia Solanacearum Resistance Gene in Tobacco;烟草种质资源遗传多样性及青枯病抗性基因的分子标记研究

8.Isolation of Resistance Related Genes to Ralstonia Solanacearum and Their Function Analysis in Diploid Potato;马铃薯青枯病抗性相关基因的分离及其功能分析

9.Segregation of Resistance and Identification of Linked Markers to Bacterial Wilt (Rolstonia Solanacearum) in Diploid Potato;二倍体马铃薯青枯病抗性的分离及分子标记鉴定

10.PCR Detectation and Ralstonia Solanacearum and Resistant Reation on Pepper to R. Solanacearum;青枯病菌的PCR检测及辣椒对青枯病菌的抗性研究

11.Induced Resistance of Tomato to Ralstonia Solanacearum by Avirulent Strains;青枯无致病力菌株诱导番茄抗青枯病的研究

12.Afforestation trial of bacterial wilt-resistant Casuarina equisetifolia clone "Long 7-18"木麻黄抗青枯病无性系龙7-18造林试验

13.Genetic Diversity among Genotypes with Bacterial Wilt Resistance and Molecular Markers Related to Resistance in Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L);花生抗青枯病种质的遗传多样性及抗性分子标记

14.Study on the Culture Character of Ralstonia Solanacearum and in Vitro Identification of Pogostemon Cabin (Blanco) Benth Resistant to Bacterial Wilt青枯菌培养特性及广藿香抗病性鉴定方法的研究

15.Study on the Relationship between Peroxidase Activity and the Resistance of Mulberry Against Bacterial Wilt过氧化物酶活性变化与桑树抗青枯病性的关系研究

16.Induced resistance to bacterial wilt of tomato by Bacillus pumilus strain EN16短小芽孢杆菌EN16诱导番茄对细菌性青枯病的抗性

17.Effect of Nitrogen-fixation Bacteria on Resistance of Eucalyptus urophylla to Bacteria Wilt Disease and Changes of Defense Enzymes Activity接种固氮菌对尾叶桉抗青枯病的作用及相关酶活性变化

18.Screening and identification for biocontrol agent against Ralstonia solanacearum;辣椒青枯病拮抗细菌的筛选及其鉴定


resistance to bacterial wilt抗青枯病

1.In many year s experiment, demonstration and extension, it gave many desirable characteristics including high yield, yield stability, wide adaptation, mediumresistance to bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum, good quality, etc.经多年试验、示范和推广 ,表现出高产、稳产、优质、适应性广 ,中抗青枯病等特点。

3)high resistance to bacterial wilt高抗青枯病

1.Breeding of tomato hybrid F1 ‘Zheza 204 withhigh resistance to bacterial wilt and large size fruit;高抗青枯病大果型番茄杂交一代新品种‘浙杂204 的选育

4)resistant or sensitive to Pseudomonas solanacearum抗感青枯病

5)Genotypes with bacterial wilt resistance抗青枯病种质

6)bacterial wilt-resistance breeding抗青枯病育种


桑青枯病(bacterial wilt)桑青枯病(bacterial wilt)又名细菌性青枯病、细菌性枯萎病、瘟桑、疽桑,为害桑树全株的一种细菌性病害。在中国的广东发生,其中佛山地区发病最普遍。病原为茄青枯假单胞杆菌假单孢杆菌属,学名为Pseudomonas solanacearum Smith。菌体短杆状,无芽孢,无荚膜,长度约0.8-1.9μM。极生鞭毛,多数一根,偶有3根。菌落圆形,平滑有光泽,湿润而呈粘液状,初期灰白色,以后分泌水溶性色素而使成褐色。在10-40℃范围内均可生长,以28-36℃生长最好,致死温度为53℃ 10分钟,适于生长的pH范围为5-9,以7-8生长最好。病原细菌能在土壤和遗落在土中的病株残体上越冬,由根部(或茎部)伤口侵入,引起初次侵染。发病后病菌从病株组织散落土壤中,带病苗木、接穗、插条等也是传病来源,并通过调运而作远距离传布。本病在4-11月间都可发生,而以8-10月间发病最多。高温多湿,尤以低洼积水地发病较重;桑树摘顶或剪伐可促进发病。病树地上部的症状主要表现为青枯,其中有些是全株叶片尚保持青绿而失水凋萎,有些则是从桑株的上、中部叶片的叶尖、叶缘先失水,然后变黄,褐而干枯,逐步扩展至全叶、全株。严重时病根的木质部变黑,根部腐烂、脱落。实行检疫,封锁病区,严格控制病害向无病区扩展和从有病区传入,培育实生苗时,要选用无病地作苗圃,用无病的桑苗和桑枝作嫁接材料,将病株挖起,集中烧毁,并进行病迹地土壤消毒,发病严重的地块,实行与甘蔗、玉米、高粱、水稻等非寄主范围作物轮作。
