900字范文 > 化学多样性 chemical diversity英语短句 例句大全

化学多样性 chemical diversity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-14 02:57:38


化学多样性 chemical diversity英语短句 例句大全

化学多样性,chemical diversity

1)chemical diversity化学多样性

1.Chemical diversity of 7 funges of tricholoma giganteum,obtained from different areas of our country,cultured and inspected under the same condition,was studied by HPLC and using the SAS soft ware.0软件对大白口蘑7个菌株的化学多样性分析方法进行研究。


1.Association between Chemical and Genetic Variation of the Medicinal Plant Vitex Rotundifolia and the Mechanism of Fructus Viticis for Anti-PMS Effect;单叶蔓荆化学多样性与遗传多样性的关系及蔓荆子抗PMS作用机制

2.produce variety or variegate.产生多样性或多样化。

3.On the Unity and Diversity of Pedagogy from the Cultural Perspective;文化视界下教育学的统一性与多样性

4.Creature Diversity, Cultural Pluralism and System of World History Subject;生物多样性、文化多元性与世界史学科体系

5.The properties, Constructions and Diversification of the University System;大学制度的性质、结构及其形态多样化

6.Cultural Diversity--An Overview of International Conference on Cultural Diversity and the Contemporary World;文化多样,美美与共——“文化多样性与当代世界”国际学术研讨会综述

7.Genetic Diversity and Phytochemical Diversity of Rhodiola Crenulata in China Revealed by ISSR Markers and Essential Oils;大花红景天的ISSR遗传多样性与精油化学成分多样性研究

8.Multi-level、Diversification、Colorful--Design of Xing Xiang Institute Comprehensive Teaching Building in Xiangtan University;多层次、多样化、多彩性——湘潭大学兴湘学院综合教学楼方案

9.Dialectic between Multiplicity and Unity from the Perspective of Evolution of Chemistry;从化学发展看多样性与统一性的辩证关系

10.Science,Subconsciousness and Diversity of Culture--Probe into Nonrational Problems科学、潜意识与文化多样性——非理性问题探讨

11.Recessive Influence of Cultural Diversity on Moral Education of College Students文化多样性对大学生思想政治教育的隐性影响

12.The quality or condition of being various or varied;diversity.多样化多种多样或变化多端的性质或状况;多样性

13.Culture diversity is a preceding issue studied by current academic circle.文化多样性是当前学术界研究的前沿问题。

14.Studies on Genetic Diversity of Several Chemistries Types of the Cinnamomum Caphora and Related Species;樟树几种化学类型及近缘种遗传多样性研究

15.Study on Variations of Chemical Components in Malus Sieverii;新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii)化学成分的遗传多样性研究

16.A Contrastive Study of Cultural Diversity of Classroom Learning Styles between China and the U. S.;文化多样性下的中美课堂学习方式差异

17.Sociology Analysis on Variousness of Modern Basketball Culture;关于现代篮球文化多样性的社会学分析

18.A Probe into Diversified Talent-Training Model of Regional Universities;地方综合性大学多样化人才培养模式探析



3)character of openness and xariety in teaching开放性与多样化教学

4)diversified teaching多样化教学

1.In the basic teaching of computer,it is necessary for teachers to improve their teaching method,adopt multimedia teaching to improve the teaching effect,carry outdiversified teaching,train students logic thinking ability,attach great importance to the development and utilization of course resources and foster students practical innovative ability.应根据不同教学内容,开展多样化教学,训练学生的逻辑思维能力。

5)School Diversity学校多样化

6)diversity of running school办学多样化


