900字范文 > 行车安全检查 Train operation safety inspection英语短句 例句大全

行车安全检查 Train operation safety inspection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-05 21:51:35


行车安全检查 Train operation safety inspection英语短句 例句大全

行车安全检查,Train operation safety inspection

1)Train operation safety inspection行车安全检查


1.TDCS Station System With Train Operation Safety Inspection具有行车安全检查的TDCS车站系统研究

2.to give sb.security clearance对某人进行安全检查

3.Analysis of electric bicycle safety and its accident countermeasures based on SCL基于安全检查表法的电动车安全分析和对策

4.Stop. Check-out wlth security""停车. 保安检查""

5.Vehicles are examined to ensure that they are roadworthy and properly maintained.车辆检验旨在确保车辆检查维修妥善,以提高车辆的安全程度。

6.Research on Measurement Standard of Safety for Motor Vehicles Operating on Roads;机动车运行安全检测计量标准的研究

7.Analysis of vehicle driving safety measurement modes and development机动车运行安全检测模式及发展分析

8.make unannounced safety checks on equipment对设备进行突然的安全检查

9.A safety check can be carried out on all electrical appliances within the home.所有电器在家中就可进行安全检查。

10.The flyers are finding long long lines at security check points and canceled flights.飞行员在安全检查点的航线,航班取消。

11.Inspection and Rehabilitation of Safety and Quality for Passenger Bridges in Nanjing City南京市人行天桥安全质量检查与整改

12.Establishment of Inspection Standard of Gas Safety and Implementation of Scientific Supervision建立燃气安全检查标准实行科学监管

13.Safety Analysis of Electric Bicycle and Accident Countermeasures Based on Safety Check List(SCL)基于安全检查表法的电动车安全分析和事故对策

14.sound the wheels of a train,ie by striking them敲击火车车轮进行检查.

15.Workers should always check the safety device before operating the machines in the workshop. This applies to all industries and machine types.工人应该在操作机器之前经常检查车间的安全设备。这个要求适用所有行业和所有机器类型。

16.the activity of going around or through an area at regular intervals for security purposes.为了安全而每隔一段时间检查一个地区的行为。

17.Safety of 3.0T MR Examination in Patients with Metal Implants金属置入物患者行3.0T MR检查的安全性探讨

18.Static Checking of Security Related Behavior Model for Multithreaded Java Programs多线程Java程序安全行为模型的静态检查方法


safety inspection (auto)(汽车)安全检查

3)security inspection安全检查

1.Discussion onsecurity inspection of construction project;工程项目安全检查的探讨

2.However, there exist the phenomena of inadequatesecurity inspection.安全检查是安全保卫工作中及时发现、消除安全隐患的一项重要措施 ,但是在实际工作中却存在检查内容不完善 ,操作性不强 ,流于形式的现象。

3.The results show that terahertz radiation has strong penetrability to most of wrappers,and the technology can become an effective means in the field ofsecurity inspection.实验结果表明太赫兹辐射对大多数包装材料有很高的透射特性,可以作为在安全检查领域中的一项有效手段。

4)security examination安全检查

1.The speech of General Manager Li Yizhong on concluding meeting concerning 2001 Sinopecsecurity examination (abstract).;同时也再次证明了,坚持开展每年一次全系统安全大检查,坚持加强日常以岗位责任制为中心的各级检查,形成一个安全检查监督网,是我们搞好安全生产的好传统、好经验。

5)safety check安全检查

1.On how to increase the validity ofsafety check;浅谈如何提高安全检查有效性

2.This paper introduces technical request of ship construction criterions for the steering gear of ships, analyzes its usual faults and emphatically relates itssafety check.介绍了船舶建造规范对舵机技术要求对船舶舵机经常出现的故障进行了分析,并重点论述了船舶舵机的进行安全检查,这对轮机员在进行舵机维护保养工作时将有所帮助。

6)safety inspection安全检查

1.A report on thesafety inspection of the boilerrooms in Mudanjiang forests;牡丹江林区锅炉房安全检查报告

2.Discussion on evidence collection in shipsafety inspection;浅析船舶安全检查中的证据采集

3.Quantitative assessment of decision-makingfor ship ssafety inspection;船舶安全检查处理决策的定量评价


行车〈方〉见〖天车〗。 另见xíngchē。
