900字范文 > 产权契约 property rights contract英语短句 例句大全

产权契约 property rights contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-06 02:42:21


产权契约 property rights contract英语短句 例句大全

产权契约,property rights contract

1)property rights contract产权契约

1.Patenting technology standards is the mainstream of newproperty rights contract for technology standards consortia in software industry.技术标准专利化是软件业技术标准联盟新产权契约关系发展的基本趋势,技术专利的认定、获取与许可是技术标准联盟的三大基本职能。


1.On the Regulational Structure of Trade andthe Evolution of the Property Right Contract;论交易规制结构与企业产权契约演进

2.Analysis on New Property Rights Contract of Technology Standards Consortia in Software Industry;软件业技术标准联盟的新产权契约关系解析

3.On the Model Transition of Our SOE Governance from the Government Governance to the Contract Governance of Property Rights;论我国国有企业从行政型治理到产权契约治理的模式变迁

4.Research into the objectives of enterprises financial manag ement --a new explanation based on the evolutionary en terprises contract of property rights;企业财务管理目标研究——基于企业产权契约演进的视角

5.Rent-seeking Contract, Property Rights Constraints and Financial Development in China;寻租型契约、产权约束与中国金融发展

6.marriage articles(规定财产权等的)结婚契约

7.On Property Transaction: Contract Issue of Eastern Zhejiang in the Qing Dynasty;产权交易下的清代浙东契约文书述论

8.Property Right, Agreement and Auditing--The Recognition of Nature of Audit;产权、契约与审计——对审计本质的再认识

9.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

10.Finance leases represent those leases under which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased assets are transferred to the Group.财务契约指租出资产持有权之大部份风险及回报皆根据该等契约拨归本集团之契约。

11.Research on Option Contract Value in the Coordination of Agricultural Product SC;农产品供应链协调中的期权契约价值研究

12.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理

13.Research on Correlation between Property Right Structure,Enterprise Contracts and Governance Structure;产权结构、企业契约和治理结构相互关系研究

14.Property Rights and Contractual Relation:A Reading Note about Hegel s Philosophy of Right;财产权与契约关系——黑格尔《法哲学原理》读书札记

15.Evaluating the Development of the Theory of Corporation Based on the Theory of Property Right and Bargain;从产权和契约理论评价企业理论的发展

16.The Incomplete Contract, Asset Specificity and the First-best Arrangement of the Firm Ownership;不完全契约、资产专用性与最优企业所有权安排

17.Supply Chain Option Contracts Research Based on Two Production Modes基于两种生产方式的供应链期权契约的研究

18.A collection of deeds or charters, especially a register of titles to all the property of an estate or a monastery.契据登记簿契约或契据集,尤指一处地产或一所修道院所有财产的所有权登记簿


land property rights contract农地产权契约

3)the contract governance of property rights产权契约治理

4)the property right of business contract企业产权契约

1.Their differences and evolution are the root causes ofthe property right of business contract.非人力资本与人力资本交易机制的差异及其演进是企业产权契约演进的根本原因。

5)transfer deeds of property right产权转户契约

6)quitclaim deed产权转让契约


