900字范文 > 巷道围岩稳定性分类 the stability classification of roadway surrounding rock英语短句 例句大全

巷道围岩稳定性分类 the stability classification of roadway surrounding rock英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 12:13:09


巷道围岩稳定性分类 the stability classification of roadway surrounding rock英语短句 例句大全

巷道围岩稳定性分类,the stability classification of roadway surrounding rock

1)the stability classification of roadway surrounding rock巷道围岩稳定性分类

1.The artificial neural network provides us a new theoretical method onthe stability classification of roadway surrounding rock.人工神经网络理论的出现为人们研究巷道围岩稳定性分类提供了一种新的理论方法。


1.A New Model of Drift Surroundings Stability Classification and its Application一种新的巷道围岩稳定性分类模型及其应用

2.The Stability Classification Research of Roadway Surrounding Rock Based on Neural Network基于神经网络的巷道围岩稳定性分类研究

3.Study on the Classification and Control of the Surrounding Rocks at Stope and Roadway in Xiadian Gold Mine;夏甸金矿采场及巷道围岩稳定性分类与控制研究

4.The Development and Application of the System to Classify the Stability of Gateway Surrounding Rocks and Deside the Design of Bolt Support;回采巷道围岩稳定性分类及锚杆支护设计决策系统研制与应用

5.Classification on the Stability of Rock around Deep Gateway under Dynamic Pressure and Its Supporting Design in Pansan Mining Area;潘三矿深井动压回采巷道围岩稳定性分类及其支护设计

6.The Stability Classification for the Wall Rock in Mining Roadway Based on Artifical Neural Network and the Bolt Supporting Research;基于人工神经网络的回采巷道围岩稳定性分类及锚杆支护研究

7.Study on the Stability of Rock Surrounding Gateway with Different Coal-pillar Widths煤柱宽度对巷道围岩稳定性影响分析

8.The ANSYS application in soft rock roadway surrounding rock stability analysisANSYS在软岩巷道围岩稳定性分析中的应用

9."Three bolting-anchor" Support Technologies Process Influence on Stability of Soft Rock Roadway Surrounding Rock软岩巷道“三锚”支护过程对巷道围岩稳定性影响

10.The Stability Classification System for the Surrounding Rocks in Mining Roadway Based on Ann Method;基于人工神经网络的煤巷围岩稳定性分类系统

11.Study on the Stability Classification and Support Methods of Roadways in Huaibei Coal Mine;淮北矿区煤巷围岩稳定性分类与支护对策研究

12.A Research on the Present Condition and Existing Problems in the Study of the Stability of Tunnel Wall Rock;巷道围岩稳定性分析研究的现状与存在问题

13.Analytical model and stability of surrounding block rock mass around deep tunnels深部巷道块系围岩分析模型及稳定性探讨

14.The surrounding rocks of arched roadways are much more stable than that of rectangular roadways.圆弧拱巷道围岩稳定性要远大于矩形巷道。

15."Three Bolting-anchor" Support Technics Process Influence on Stability of Soft Rock Roadway Surrounding Rock;软岩巷道“三锚”支护过程对巷道围岩稳定性的影响

16.The Study of Stability Classification of Mining Roadway Based on Ann Method;基于BP人工神经网络的煤巷围岩稳定性分类研究

17.Research on Ground Stress Distribution Charcteristics and Its Effect on Roadway Surrounding Rock Stablity地应力分布规律及其对巷道围岩稳定性影响研究

18.Study of the Stability of Surounding Rock Deep Roadway;深部高应力巷道围岩稳定性数值模拟研究


surrounding rock stability classification围岩稳定性分类

1.A neural network model for predictingsurrounding rock stability classification is built based on the modified MBP neural network.研究BP神经网络的工作原理和改进技术,分析巷道围岩稳定性的影响因素,基于改进的MBP神经网络建立了围岩稳定性分类的神经网络识别模型。

3)surrounding rock stability of coal tunnel煤巷围岩稳定性

1.The results showed that the method of weighted average evaluation forsurrounding rock stability of coal tunnel can reflect the stability characteristic of surrounding rock scientifically and provide a reliable basis for rock control and support design.煤巷围岩稳定性评价是判断巷道支护难易程度和进行支护设计的依据。

4)classification of wall rock of roadways巷道围岩分类

1.According to theclassification of wall rock of roadways,the multi factor of rock classification was analysed,the project analogism was used,associated with theclassification of wall rock of roadways,the reasonable supporting programme of roadways cut through main shaft and air shaft was gained,the supporting effect was monitored,the consequence was analysed.该文从巷道围岩的主要分类着手,分析多因素围岩分类的利弊,利用工程类比法,结合巷道围岩分类,对钱营孜煤矿主风井贯通巷道提出优化的支护设计方案,并监测支护效果,分析监测结果。

5)classification of rock masses in the workings采场巷道围岩分类

6)surrounding rock masses stability classification围岩稳定分类

1.Research on methods ofsurrounding rock masses stability classification based on extension theory;基于可拓理论的围岩稳定分类方法的研究

2.It is particularly important that how to solve the question of the advanced geological prediction and thesurrounding rock masses stability classification based on advanced geological information during TBM construction, to the reduction of the construction risk and the assurance of fast and safe construction.如何解决TBM施工中的超前地质预报及其基于超前地质预报信息的围岩稳定分类问题对于减少施工风险、保证其快速、安全施工显得尤为重要。


地下洞室围岩(土)稳定性(dixia dongshi weiyan地下洞室周围岩、土体的稳定程度。地下洞室的开挖,会引起初始应力的释放,洞室周围岩、土体中产生应力集中和新的变形。应力低、变形小的洞室可以在不支护条件下长期使用。应力高、变形较大的,往往引起岩、土体破坏,因而必须利用支护或加固岩、土体的措施,才能保持使用洞室所必需的断面尺寸。在应力大、变形严重的情况下,不仅会造成洞室周围岩、土体的破坏,而且还可能导致地表沉陷,危及地面建筑物的安全。根据洞室所在地层的性质,地下洞室分为土洞和岩洞两大类。土体和岩体的工程性质差别较大,两类洞室的变形破坏型式、影响因素,以及稳定性评价方法等,均有所不同。与大部分岩洞相比较,土洞的稳定性要低得多。一般来说,土洞如果不给予支护,通常都不能保持长期稳定。影响土洞稳定性的因素,主要是土层类型、地下水的状态、洞室断面尺寸、形态以及埋深等。在坚硬和较坚硬的土层中,洞室稳定性较好;在淤泥层、沙层、粘性土层及遇水软化的粘土岩、膨胀土层中,洞室稳定性很差,常常给施工带来巨大困难。土洞的稳定性和土压力的评价,通常采用土力学的分析方法进行。岩洞的稳定性主要取决于岩体中的初始应力状态、岩体质量(主要是岩体结构和岩块质量)、地下水状况、洞室的断面尺寸、形状及其埋深等。初始应力不高,水平初始应力与铅直初始应力的数值越接近,岩体质量越好。地下水越不发育,洞室断面尺寸越小,洞室围岩的稳定性就越好。反之,当初始应力很高时,岩洞稳定性很差,常使围岩发生板裂、剥落和岩爆,甚至导致洞室完全封闭。岩体结构不良时,围岩可能发生块体崩塌、滑移和弯折破坏;洞室通过含水的泥质岩体、云母质岩体、含有断层泥的破碎带,以及膨胀岩体时,围岩可能发生挤入和膨胀破坏;洞室通过位于地下水位以下的断层破碎带时,饱水的岩屑将可能象浆液一样流入洞室,充填洞室;当地下水非常丰富、水压力非常大时,甚至在坚硬岩体中,也可能使洞室顶板、底板、洞壁或掌子面围岩发生水压突破破坏。岩洞稳定性的评价,一般采用以下3类方法:①围岩分类评价法。这是普遍采用的一种方法,它是以岩体质量评价为基础,结合已建工程的实践经验进行的。②连续介质力学分析法。利用弹性理论、弹塑性理论以及各种数值分析方法,评价围岩的稳定性。③块体极限平衡分析法。应用极限平衡理论,分析围岩脆性开裂、块体滑移以及层状岩体弯折等问题。
