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他汀类 statins英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-04 10:07:04


他汀类 statins英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical investigation and analysis of myopathy induced bystatins;他汀类药物致肌病的临床调查与分析

2.Study about Statins in Treatment of Osteoporosis;他汀类药物治疗骨质疏松症研究

3.Advances in research on pleiotropic effects ofstatins;他汀类药物多效性的研究进展


1.The Study of Usage of Statins in CHD Patients Post PCI Fellow-up;冠心病PCI术者他汀类药物随访研究

2.Statin for Preventing Stroke Recurrence: A Systematic Review他汀类药物预防卒中再发的系统评价

3.Analysis of Factors Affecting Adverse Reactions of Statins他汀类药物不良反应及相关因素分析

4.Literature analysis on 87 cases of adverse drug reactions caused by statins他汀类药物不良反应87例文献分析

5.Study progress of statins in treatment of osteoporosis他汀类药物治疗骨质疏松的研究进展

6.Effects of statins on bone metabolism:a research progress他汀类药物对骨代谢影响的研究进展

7.Cardiovascular protective effects of statins beyond lowing the lipid他汀类药物的降脂外心血管保护作用

8.The randomized control trials of statins for the prevention of atrial fibrillation:a meta-analysis他汀类药物预防心房颤动的Meta分析

9.Therapeutic Mechanism of Statins in Treating Chronic Heart Failure他汀类药物治疗慢性心力衰竭的机制

10.Statins:Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacokinetic Interactions with Other Drugs他汀类药物的药动学及与其他药物的相互作用

11.LC-MS/MS Method Determine the Concentration of Statins and Effect of Rifampicin on the Pharmacokinetics of Statins他汀类药物血浆浓度的LC-MS/MS检测和利福平对他汀类药物药代动力学的影响

12.Reno-protection and Mechanism of Statins on Experimental Diabetic Rats;他汀类药物保护糖尿病肾损害及其机制的研究

13.Study on the Anti-inflammatory Effect of Three Statins in Anmimal Model;三种他汀类药物对动物模型抗炎作用的研究

14.The Effect of Early,Intensive Statin Therapy On Acute Coronary Syndrome;急性冠脉综合征(ACS)使用他汀类药物越早越好

15.Discussion on the Model of Statins Reducing Cardiovascular Risk他汀类降低心血管危险作用模式的探讨

16.Advances in Statins in Treatment for Chronic Heart Failure他汀类药物对慢性心力衰竭治疗作用的新认识

17.Recent Studies on the Effect of Statin Therapy on Atrial Fibrillation他汀类药物对心房颤动影响的研究进展

18.Application progress of Statins in acute coronary syndromes他汀类药物在急性冠脉综合征中的应用进展



1.Clinical Evidences and Possible Mechanisms ofStatins in Treatment of Heart Failure due to Dilated Cardiomyopathy:Progress in Research;他汀类药物治疗扩张型心肌病心力衰竭的临床依据和可能机制的研究进展

2.Observation of Clinical Therapeutic Effect ofStatin and Heparin Calcium of Low Molecular for Acute Coronary Syndrome;他汀类与低分子肝素钙治疗急性冠脉综合征临床疗效观察

3.Statin monotherapy may not be sufficient to reach serum lipid goals in many patients,especially in those with combined lipid abnormalities.单独使用他汀类降脂药治疗时,许多患者的血浆脂蛋白达不到治疗目标,尤其是在多项血脂不正常的患者中,他汀类只能轻度的增高高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C):一种独立预测冠心病的因素和轻度的降低甘油三酯(TG)的作用。


1.Studies have suggested thatstatins decrease the incidence of ischemic stroke,statins may exert some neuroprotection.多项研究已经提示他汀类药可以降低缺血性脑卒中发生率,具有神经保护作用。

2.To introduce the mechanism and studying development of medication and prevention on Alzheimer disease,Cholinesterase inhibitor, calcium antagon, antioxident, anti-inflammatory agent,statins and natural drugs all had better curative effect.目前 ,胆碱酯酶抑制剂、钙离子拮抗剂、抗氧化性药物、抗炎药、他汀类药、天然药物等对AD的治疗有较好的疗效。


1.Direct proinflammatory effect of C-reactive protein on human monocytes isolated from patients with acute coronary syndrome and statins intervention;他汀类药物对C反应蛋白直接诱导人外周血单个核细胞IL-6表达的影响

2.Effect of pitavastatin on expression of intercellular VEGF, bFGF in human umbilical vein endothelial cells;他汀类药物对培养的血管内皮细胞VEGF和bFGF等因子表达的影响(英文)

3.Recent results indicate that statins have immunomodulatory properties.近来研究发现他汀类药具有免疫调节功能。


1.Exploration on Effect of Low DoseSimvastatin on Blood Lipid and C-reactive Protein in Elderly Coronary Heart Disease;小剂量他汀类药对老年冠心病患者血脂及C-反应蛋白的影响

2.Objective:To study the influence of the different doses of simvastatin on blood lipid and C-reactive protein in elderly coronary heart disease.目的:不同剂量他汀类药对老年冠心病患者血脂及血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)浓度的影响。


1.Statins for Adult Osteoporosis:A Systematic Review;他汀类药物治疗成人骨质疏松的系统评价

2.A Meta-analysis for evaluating the effect of statins on albuminuria in the diabetes-induced renal diseases(2000-);2000-他汀类药物对糖尿病肾病尿蛋白影响的国内文献Meta分析

3.Statins and Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease;他汀类药物与缺血性脑血管病


阿托伐他汀钙 ,阿伐他汀药物名称:阿伐他汀英文名:别名: 阿托伐他汀钙 ,阿伐他汀性状: 白色薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣片后,显白色。 作用: 本品为3-羟基-3-甲基-戊二酰辅酶A(HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂,主要通过抑制HMG-CoA还原酶合成,从而抑制体内胆固醇合成,由于细胞内总胆固醇含量减少,刺激细胞合成低密度脂蛋白(LDL)受体加速,使肝脏表面LDL受体数目增多及活性增强,从而促进LDL、极低密度脂蛋白(VLDL)和VLDL残粒通过受体降解途径代谢,降低血清LDL含量。此外,由于抑制了细胞合成胆固醇,干扰了脂蛋白的生成,使血清总胆固醇水平下降,血清甘油三酯水平也有一定程度降低。 适应症: ⒈ 原发性高胆固醇血症和混合性高脂血症,降低升高的TC、LDL-C 、ApoB 和TG水平。⒉ 高胆固醇血症并有动脉粥样硬化危险的病人。 用法用量: 口服,每日一次,每次1片或遵医嘱。病人在接受阿托伐他汀钙治疗前及治疗过程中都要进行标准的低胆固醇饮食。推荐起始剂量为10mg/日,剂量范围10-60mg/日,应用2-4周内监测血脂水平, 剂量根据治疗目标和疗效反应作相应调整。 注意事项: 本品有如下禁忌症: ⒈ 对本品过敏者。⒉ 活动期肝病或不明原因的血清转氨酶持续升高。⒊ 孕妇及围产期妇女。 规格:片剂,10mg/片 类别:降血脂药
